4,344 research outputs found

    Mutual effect of thermochemical surface decomposition and viscous interaction during hypersonic flow past a sharp cone

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    Numerical results on the hypersonic gas flow in viscous interaction regime past sharp circular cones with thermally destructible Teflon surface are presented. Characteristics of the mutual influence between the thermochemical decomposition of the surface and the viscous interaction are revealed

    The partition function versus boundary conditions and confinement in the Yang-Mills theory

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    We analyse dependence of the partition function on the boundary condition for the longitudinal component of the electric field strength in gauge field theories. In a physical gauge the Gauss law constraint may be resolved explicitly expressing this component via an integral of the physical transversal variables. In particular, we study quantum electrodynamics with an external charge and SU(2) gluodynamics. We find that only a charge distribution slowly decreasing at spatial infinity can produce a nontrivial dependence in the Abelian theory. However, in gluodynamics for temperatures below some critical value the partition function acquires a delta-function like dependence on the boundary condition, which leads to colour confinement.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Structure and stability of chiral beta-tapes: a computational coarse-grained approach

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    We present two coarse-grained models of different levels of detail for the description of beta-sheet tapes obtained from equilibrium self-assembly of short rationally designed oligopeptides in solution. Here we only consider the case of the homopolymer oligopeptides with the identical sidegroups attached, in which the tapes have a helicoid surface with two equivalent sides. The influence of the chirality parameter on the geometrical characteristics, namely the diameter, inter-strand distance and pitch, of the tapes have been investigated. The two models are found to produceequivalent results suggesting a considerable degree of universality in conformations of the tapes.Comment: 24 pages, 5 PS figures. Accepted to J. Chem. Phy

    Багатовимірна структурна ідентифікація при регулярних сигналах

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    New structural identification algorithm at a regular signals for the multidimensional objects with unstable poles is discussed in this article. This algorithm is based on the use of transformation of Laplace for the decision of reverse control task. It allows to find the object transfer matrices from the control input and from the indignation input as a result of the quadratic functional minimization. Новий алгоритм структурної ідентифікації багатовимірних можливо нестійких об’єктів при регулярних сигналах розглянуто у статті. Зазначений алгоритм заснований на використанні перетворення Лапласу для розв’язання зворотної задачі керування. Він дозволяє знаходити матриці передатних функцій об’єкта від регульованого входу та від збурення в результаті мінімізації квадратичного функціоналу якості

    The Dynamic Characteristics of the Manipulator With Parallel Kinematic Structure Based on Experimental Data

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    The chapter presents two identification techniques which the authors found most useful in examining the dynamic characteristics of a manipulator with a parallel kinematic structure as an object of control. These techniques emphasize a frequency domain approach. If all input/output signals of an object can be measured, then the first one of such techniques may be used for identification. In the case when all disturbances can’t be measured, the second identification technique may be used

    Conformational transitions of heteropolymers in dilute solutions

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    In this paper we extend the Gaussian self-consistent method to permit study of the equilibrium and kinetics of conformational transitions for heteropolymers with any given primary sequence. The kinetic equations earlier derived by us are transformed to a form containing only the mean squared distances between pairs of monomers. These equations are further expressed in terms of instantaneous gradients of the variational free energy. The method allowed us to study exhaustively the stability and conformational structure of some periodic and random aperiodic sequences. A typical phase diagram of a fairly long amphiphilic heteropolymer chain is found to contain phases of the extended coil, the homogeneous globule, the micro-phase separated globule, and a large number of frustrated states, which result in conformational phases of the random coil and the frozen globule. We have also found that for a certain class of sequences the frustrated phases are suppressed. The kinetics of folding from the extended coil to the globule proceeds through non-equilibrium states possessing locally compacted, but partially misfolded and frustrated, structure. This results in a rather complicated multistep kinetic process typical of glassy systems.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, 20 ps figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Hydration of a B-DNA Fragment in the Method of Atom-atom Correlation Functions with the Reference Interaction Site Model Approximation

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    We propose an efficient numerical algorithm for solving integral equations of the theory of liquids in the Reference Interaction Site Model (RISM) approximation for infinitely dilute solution of macromolecules with a large number of atoms. The algorithm is based on applying the nonstationary iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations. We calculate the solvent-solute atom-atom correlation functions for a fragment of the B-DNA duplex d(GGGGG).d(CCCCC) in infinitely dilute aqueous solution. The obtained results are compared with available experimental data and results from computer simulations.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 9 pages of ps figures, accepted for publications in JC

    Is it possible to assign physical meaning to field theory with higher derivatives?

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    To overcome the difficulties with the energy indefiniteness in field theories with higher derivatives, it is supposed to use the mechanical analogy, the Timoshenko theory of the transverse flexural vibrations of beams or rods well known in mechanical engineering. It enables one to introduce the notion of a "mechanical" energy in such field models that is wittingly positive definite. This approach can be applied at least to the higher derivative models which effectively describe the extended localized solutions in usual first order field theories (vortex solutions in Higgs models and so on). Any problems with a negative norm ghost states and unitarity violation do not arise here.Comment: 16 pp, LaTeX, JINR E2-93-19