7 research outputs found

    Energy Saving And Energy Efficiency in Railway Transport

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    В статье рассмотрены основные вопросы программы по повышению эффективности использования энергоресурсов на железнодорожном транспорте, инновационные решения в области энергоснабжения на железнодорожном транспорте, реализованные проекты в области энергоэффективности.The article discusses the main issues of the program to improve the efficiency of energy resources use in railway transport, innovative solutions in the field of energy supply in railway transport, implemented projects in the field of energy efficiency

    A new model of the organization of medical care on the example of the polyclinic №5 children’s hospital №11

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    The new model of the organization of primary care is one of the priority projects of the Ministry of Health aimed at improving the quality of polyclinics, which was approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects on July 26,2017. Since August 2017, Polyclinic No. 5 of the Main Educational Institution “DGKB No. 11" has entered the “Lean Polyclinic” project in order to increase the availability and quality of medical care to the population. Repair work was carried out, and then optimization of the work of medical personnel by eliminating obvious losses. Work was carried out on 5 projects: 'Open Registry, 'Improving the quality of patient care in the district doctor's office', 'Optimizing the work of the vaccination room', 'Organizing routine check-ups for minors in organized teams on the principles of a continuous flow of patients', 'Optimizing preventive examinations of unorganized patients \ All projects were effective, showed a decrease in the time of the process (in some projects by 2-3 times). As a result, the satisfaction of the population increased to 85%, the waiting time in queues decreased from 1 hour to 10 minutes, the quality of patient care improved.Новая модель организации первичной медицинской помощи [5] - один из приоритетных проектов Министерства здравоохранения. направленный на качественное улучшение работы поликлиник, который был утвержден президиумом Совета при Президенте Российской Федерации по стратегическому развитию и приоритетным проектам 26 июля 2017 года. С августа 2017 года в проект «Бережливая поликлиника» вступила поликлиника №5 МАУ «ДГКБ №11» с целью повышения доступности и качества медицинской помощи населению. Были проведены ремонтные работы, а затем оптимизация работы медицинского персонала за счет устранения явных потерь. Проведена работа по 5 проектам: «Открытая регистратура», «Улучшение качества обслуживания пациентов в кабинете участкового врача», «Оптимизация работы прививочного кабинета», «Организация профилактических осмотров несовершеннолетних в организованных коллективах на принципах непрерывного потока пациентов», «Оптимизация профилактических осмотров неорганизованных пациентов». Все проекты оказались результативными, показали снижение времени протекания процесса (в некоторых проектах в 2-3 раза). В итоге выросла удовлетворенность населения до 85%. уменьшилось время ожидания в очередях с 1 часа до 10 минут, улучшилось качество обслуживания пациентов

    Мочевина құрамындағы биологиялық белсенді қосылыстарды анықтауға арналған 1D және 2D NMR спектроскопиясы

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    Urea (carbamide) is the main end product of amino acids' metabolism in mammals. Extensive research in the field of urea chemistry has contributed to the creation of many biologically active and other compounds based on the carbamide fragment NH–CO–NH. The substituting groups of urea directly affect its properties and characteristics which are reflected in the NMR spectral data and this circumstance can be the basis for the identification of urea derivatives. In this work, chemical shifts in the NMR spectra of urea and its acyclic structure, barbituric series, imidazolidinone series and bicyclic structure derivatives were studied and identified. A system analysis was carried out to determine the effect of the type of substituents on the positions of signals of the NH-CO-NH fragment in the NMR spectra. The possibility of 2D NMR spectroscopy using to simplify the identification procedure for complex mixtures was shown in the paper. The combined use of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy is convenient and informative to establish the structure of biologically active compounds. These methods make it possible to determine the presence and type of impurities, as well as to establish the destruction processes leading to the corresponding impurities

    Urea salts with 1-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid

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    The reaction of urea with 1-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid in the ratios of 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 3 wasfirst studied. As a result of the reactions, the corresponding 1 : 2 or 2 : 1 salts were formed, which can exhibitbiological activity. The synthesized compounds were characterized by atomic emission spectroscopy, IR and NMR spectroscopy. According to atomic emission analysis, an increase in the amount of urea from 3 moles or more per 1 mole of 1-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid does not cause an increase in the urea content in the final products. According to NMR spectroscopy data, compounds in the formation of which phosphoryl groups of 1-hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid are involved are in dynamic equilibrium salt–free acid

    A study of products of tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)glycoluril dehydroxymethylation in aqueous solutions

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    It was found that tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)glycoluril is unstable in aqueous solutions and undergoes stepwise dehydroxymethylation. The products of this process were identified by HPLC, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. The main product of hydrolytic degradation at room temperature is tris(hydroxymethyl)glycoluril, which may be conditioned by the thermo dynamic characteristics of the reaction. Further dehydroxymethylation to give di- and monohydroxymethyl glycoluril derivatives occurs under more severe conditions