216 research outputs found

    Kinetic Study and Characterization of 1,4-β-Endoglucanase of Aspergillus niger ANL301

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    Submerged fermentation of Aspergillus niger ANL 301 in basal medium containing cellulose as sole carbon source, yielded crude extracellular proteins with 0.54 ± 0.02 units mg protein-1 of 1,4-β-endoglucanase activity. Partial purification by ammonium sulphate precipitation (80% saturation) and gel filtration on Sephadex 25-300 gave two active fractions of 1,4-β-endoglucanase, which exhibited close activity towards carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC). The pH profile of the pooled enzyme fractions showed three activity peaks at pH 3.5, 5.5 and 7.0. The enzyme was most active at pH 5.5 and showed optimal activity at 50°C. Vmax of 4.4 ± 0.4 µmol min-1 mg protein-1 and Km of 12.5 ± 0.4 gL-1 was obtained with CMC for the enzyme. Different divalent metal ions and EDTA affected the enzyme activity at 2.0 mM concentrations in different ways. Mn2+ and Fe2+ exhibited 253.4 and 24.0% stimulatory effects, respectively on the enzyme activity. Mg2+, Ca2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ inhibited the enzyme by between 22.3 and 29.4%, whereas 75.0 and 71.3% inhibition were obtained with Hg2+ and EDTA, respectively. Manganese ion showed an exceptional activation of the 1,4-β-endoglucanase. The organism produced two types of 1,4-β-endoglucanase with different molecular weights

    Vaginal Vault Prolapse

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    Introduction. Vaginal vault prolapse is a common complication following vaginal hysterectomy with negative impact on women's quality of life due to associated urinary, anorectal and sexual dysfunction. A clear understanding of the supporting mechanism for the uterus and vagina is important in making the right choice of corrective procedure. Management should be individualised, taking into consideration the surgeon's experience, patients age, comorbidities, previous surgery and sex life. Result. Preexisting pelvic floor defect prior to hysterectomy is the single most important risk factor for vault prolapse. Various surgical techniques have been advanced at hysterectomy to prevent vault prolapse. Studies have shown the McCall's culdoplasty under direct visualisation to be superior. Vault prolapse repair rely on either the use of patient's tissue or synthetic materials and can be carried out abdominally or vaginally. Sacrospinous fixation and abdominal sacrocolpopexy are the commonly performed procedures, with literature in favour of abdominal sacrocolpopexy over sacrospinous fixation due to its reported higher success rate of about 90%. Other less commonly performed procedures include uterosacral ligament suspension and illiococcygeal fixation, both of which are equally effective, with the former having a high risk of ureteric injury. Colpoclesis will play a greater role in the future as the aging population increases. Mesh procedures are gaining in popularity, and preliminary data from vaginal mesh procedures is encouraging. Laparoscopic techniques require a high level of skill and experience. There are many controversies on the mechanism of prolapse and management techniques, which we have tried to address in this article. Conclusion. As the aging population increases, the incidence of prolapse will also rise, older techniques using native tissue will continue, while new techniques using the mesh needs to be studied further. The later may well be the way forward in future

    Issues of Instructional supervisory Practices in primary Schools of Ebonyi State

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    The study examines the issue of instructional supervision in primary schools of Onueke educational zone of Ebonyi state. The purpose of the study was to find out the problems militating against effective instructional supervision in the zone. Four research questions guided the study and descriptive survey research design was employed. The population comprised of 1320 teachers in 21 primary schools in the area. Simply random sampling was used to select 100 teachers from ten selected schools. A 20 item research made questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument received face validation and was subjected to reliability test using t-test. This was analyzed using Pearson Moment Product Correlation Coefficient and it yielded coefficient of 0.75. Mean score were to analyze the data collected. The findings revealed that inadequate personnel, poor funding, poor transportation network and inadequate materials are the problems hindering the effective supervision of institutions. Finally the paper recommended among others that government should recruit more qualified personnel into the supervisory unit in different Education Board or ministry. KEY WORDS: Concept of Instructional Supervision, Supervisory Practices, Problems Of Supervision Of Instruction, Primary Schools, And Ebonyi State

    Approach to Two-Phase Flow in Gas Transmission Pipeline Network System

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    Flow of natural gas in a gas pipeline is not entirely single phase flow situation. Even from the well or treatment plant the gas stream might carry along with it appreciable amount of dirts, debris, water or corrosion products from the walls of the pipes, resulting in two or three phase flow situation [1]. Oftentimes the gas might be transported above or below the earth surface or below the sea bed through places of diverse temperature gradients, giving rise to certain undesirable problems. Condensates and hydrates formation are such problems.  The condensates so formed accumulate at low points in the pipes, thereby obstructing flow of gas. Hydrates do form around valves resulting in total blockage or freeze up of the valves. A worst case situation is total obstruction of flow. The end result is increased pressure drop along the pipeline. The approach in the two-phase flow analysis in gas transmission line is to separate the liquid phase from the dry gas phase and develop or deduce the governing expressions for friction factor. The friction factor for two phases so deduced can be injected into any appropriate flow equations to determine the various pressure drop components, overall pressure drop, line throughput or any other flow variables of interest. Two-phase flow analysis approach in this work has enabled the deduction of mathematical models that would be more precise and accurate in predicting flow situations. Keywords: Mean Flow Velocity; Compressibility Factor; Friction Factor; Liquid Holdup; Gas Holdup; Liquid Velocity Gradient; Gas Velocity Gradient; Liquid and Gas Acceleration Gradient; No Slip; Equivalent length;  Two Phase; Pipeline Efficiency; Equilibrium Constant


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    This study was an assessment on the extent of integrative funding for the effective implantation of universal basic education (UBE) programme in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. In carrying out the study, a descriptive survey design was adopted by the researchers. Three research questions and two hypotheses were posed to guide the study. The population of the study was comprised of 228 principals and 1036 primary school head teachers in Ebonyi state. A 30 0/0 sample size of 59 principals and 311 primary school head teachers were randomly drawn making the sample to be 370 research respondents. The instruments for data collection were self structured questionnaire which was based on face and content values. The reliability of the instrument was established through test re-test method and the statistical tools used to analyze the results was Pearson product moment and it yielded a reliability co-efficient of 0.75. Mean and standard deviation were employed in the analysis of the data based on the research questions. While t-test of difference was used to analyze the two hypotheses at 0.05 significant level. The study revealed that government contributed to a great extent but not enough for effective implementation of UBE programme. The study also showed that local donor agencies contributed insignificantly to the effective implementation of UBE programme in Ebonyi state. Also, that international donor agencies contribute to a low extent in the provision of instructional material, sports and health equipment, furniture and classroom blocks for the implementation of UBE programme. Based on the findings, it was recommended that government should maintain the policy of allotting at least 26 percent of the entire budget to education hence, adequate fund for UBE implementation, and ensure there are committed body to see to the prudent management of such fund. Government should devise a way of holding a regular or routine meetings with the various stake holders, parents and other voluntary agencies for them to be committed towards UBE funding in Ebonyi State etc

    Model Formulation for the Exact Position of Dew Point along a Gas Pipeline

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    Natural gas piping network are often laid under the sea bed, under or above earth surface through places of diverse temperature gradients. In such environments, if the temperature of the flowing stream of gas is below the water or hydrocarbons dew points temperatures condensation occurs. The condensates so formed accumulate at low points in the pipes thereby obstructing flow of gas. Flow obstruction leads to pressure drop along the line. Hydrates can also be formed if there is excessive cooling of the gas due to pressure drop. The end result of this is obstruction of flow or freeze up of the valves, a worst case situation leading to total obstruction of flow. This necessitates the need to find at what point along a pipeline at which condensation will commence after attainment of dew point for natural gas gaseous mixtures. The mathematical models so generated help to determine the dew point of such hydrocarbons mixtures and the extent of the length from the upstream end of the pipeline at which dew point will be attained. To prolong the pipe length or stop attainment of dew point temperature, the pipe is covered with a layer of insulating materials of low thermal conductivity. Keywords: Mass Flowrate; Specific Heat Capacity; Burial Depth; Convective Heat Transfer; Thermal Conductivity; Residual Heat; Dew Point Temperature; Flow Resident Time

    Sustainable Funding of Higher Education in Nigerian Universities in the Austere Period: Institutional Analysis

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    In spite of the importance of higher education to national development, the problem of underfunding has constituted the bane to accessing quality education in Nigeria. Over the years there has been general outcry about poor quality of higher education despite government allocations to financing education. The trend has fallen short of UNESCO recommendations and as a result tertiary institutions have been encouraged to source for alternative funding mechanisms. The study aimed at investigating the funding of Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki in order to ascertain major sources of financial inflows. Three research questions guided the study. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The area of the study was Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. The population of this study made up of six thousand seven hundred and twenty one (6721) academic and non-academic staff of the university under investigation. The sample of the study comprised of two hundred (200) academic and non-academic staff purposively selected for the study based on qualification and experience. The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire entitled “Sources of Revenue Inflows into Funding of Ebonyi State University” (SRIFESU). The instrument was subjected to face-validation by three specialists-one from Measurement and Evaluation and two from the Educational Administration and Planning all in EBSU, Abakaliki. The reliability coefficient of 0.66, 0.69, 0.70 and the general reliability index of 0.68 were obtained. The questionnaire was administered and by the researcher. The data collected were answered using mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the state government is the major financier of EBSU, Abakaliki. It showed that university management complement through students’ school fees and levies. It also showed that the university funds the school through proceeds from consultancy services. It also showed that the extent the university explored external grants and international services are low among others. The study recommended among others that the university should explore other alternative funding mechanisms to improve on revenue generation to avoid over dependence on state allocation. Keywords: university sustainability, funding, higher education, Nigeria universities, austere time

    Computer Simulation of the Mathematical Models for the Determination of the Uplift Resistance of a Gas Pipeline

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    Mathematical models for the determination of the uplift resistance of gas pipelines network system have been developed. The computer simulation of the mathematical models is the bane of this work. The paramount parameters in view to be determined by computer simulated algorithms are optimal wall thickness, the restoring moment, pipe deflection and pipe support spacing for a laid pipeline to avoid buckling of the pipeline subject to the different loading conditions. At nominal pipe wall thickness of 11cm, the simulated optimal wall thickness is 17cn. The simulation results confirmed the deflection of the pipe as -2.698m,  the restoring force as -3.33x1017N. Subject to these findings, three pipe supports are required to bear restoring the load of 1.11x1017N at each support. Keywords: Uplift Resistance; Earth Mass Centroid; Pipe Thickness; Maximum Deflection; Internal Fluid Pressure; External Loads; Support Reaction; Buckling Load.

    The Socio-Economic Effects of Colonial Tin Mining on the Jos-Plateau: 1904 – 1960

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    The Study examines the Socio-Economic Impact of Colonial Tin Mining on the Jos – Plateau. Tin Mining is said to be one of the oldest industry known to mankind. It has been in existence long before the coming into contact with the European. Evidence from the Nok culture suggests that tin had been worked in the Jos area several centuries before the 19th Century. The tin ore was prospected mainly in local streams as in tins pans. Tin was put to different uses by smiths who worked on the metal as on brass and bronze. It was used for the production of luxury items of ornamentation for men and women. However, with the coming of the British rule, we saw the appropriation of the people’s land either by direct force or by, craftily influencing their leaders. Overall, mining industry became one good example in which Nigerian resources was exploited. Keywords: Socio-Economic, Colonial, Tin, Mining, Jos-Platea

    Environmental Scanning: An Imperative for Business Survival and Growth in Nigeria

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    There is no doubt that the business environment of the 21st Century has been more volatile and challenging than those of centuries before it. This volatility is largely the consequence of globalization that has turned the world into a global village where event in one region transmits to others almost immediately. In spite of this environmental turbulence, organizations must effectively depend on its environment for operations and survival. This paper sought to assess the place of environmental scanning as a means of business survival and competitiveness in Nigeria. This study used mainly secondary data which it analytically adapted to suit its unique objectives. Findings generally reveal that environmental scanning is critical to business survival not only in Nigeria, but in other parts of the world. Nigerian specific data reveal that educational level of managers significantly impact on their tendency to scan the business environment. It also found out that informal sources are more used to gather data from the environment than formal sources and that customers and competitors are the most unpredictable and yet, the most attended factors of the environment. Key Words: Environment Scanning, Business Growth, Competitiveness, Surviva