428 research outputs found

    La metamorfosis del reportaje en el ciberperiodismo: concepto y caracterización de un nuevo modelo narrativo

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    El artículo examina los rasgos y elementos definitorios del reportaje en el contexto del ciberperiodismo a partir de las especificidades narrativo-funcionales del hipermedia. Esta aproximación descubre posibilidades estructurales y estilísticas desconocidas que señalan para esta modalidad tradicional otro concepto, una función enriquecida y, lo que es quizá más significativo, una clasificación diferente. El trabajo sigue así un planteamiento teórico gene¬ral que busca progresar en el estudio de aquellos prototipos cuya praxis estaría demostrando en nuestros días una mayor habilidad para el desarrollo de nuevos modos narrativos, en virtud de la creciente explotación de los recursos exclusivos de la Web, especialmente, de la hipertextualidad

    Price, Yield and Net Income Variability for Selected Field Crops and Counties in Nebraska

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    The primary objective of this study was to establish an empirical estimate of the riskiness of various crops in different regions of Nebraska. For this purpose the variate difference method was used to estimate random variability indexes of prices, yields, and net returns for six Nebraska crops (wheat, soybeans, alfalfa, oats, grain sorghum, corn). The period of analysis included 1957-1976 and one county in each of the eight crop reporting districts was analyzed. Where relevant, both dryland and irrigated alternatives were examined. Most business decision-makers accept more risk only under the conditions that the probability of higher returns accompany risky choices. The authors believe that information in this report can be used by Nebraska farmers when deciding what crops to grow. Variability indexes can provide information regarding the riskiness of the various enterprises. The authors recognize that diversification can also be a useful approach to decrease net return variability along with insurance, commodity programs, and more sophisticated risk reducing strategies

    DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 2.1, is to describe the sources of data required by the H2020 coordination and support action DATASET2050. Data requirements have been categorised into seven broad groups to support WP3 and WP4: demographic; passenger demand; passenger type; door-to-kerb; kerb-to-gate; airside capacity and competing services. The current scenario is well supported by existing datasets, however the two future scenarios require modelled data

    El avance de las televisiones públicas autonómicas en el escenario convergente: análisis de experiencias periodísticas transmedia en EITB y CCMA

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    Como ocurriera en su día con los términos comodines 'interactivo' o 'digital', en los últimos tiempos han surgido nuevas interpretaciones que cotizan al alza, según ocurre con los neologismos terminados en '-media' (hipermedia, multimedia, cross-media, transmedia ─el vocablo de moda por excelencia─) y con otras expresiones como multipantalla, multiplataforma, integración o prosumidor. Todas ellas sirven para reflejar la actual efervescencia del ámbito de lo audiovisual y delimitar una nueva etapa, asociada al fenómeno de la convergencia multimedia y de las audiencias activas. En este escenario dominado por el ‘mantra’ de la innovación, las televisiones públicas autonómicas en España se esfuerzan por mantener su liderazgo o sobrevivir, según los casos. Además de implementar procesos de digitalización y ajuste de infraestructuras, estas corporaciones han revalorizado sus activos online, poniendo en marcha estrategias multiplataforma que tratan de extender su servicio público más allá del televisor. Más recientemente, se aprecia también el interés de algunas de éstas por dar un paso más hacia estrategias de corte transmedia. A partir de una metodología cualitativa sustentada en el análisis de contenido y entrevistas en profundidad, se examinan las producciones audiovisuales transmedia de dos de las televisiones públicas autonómicas más señeras, Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) y Euskal Irrati Telebista (EITB). Este tipo de producciones audiovisuales ofrecen múltiples posibilidades de abordaje y son sintomáticas del avance hacia una nueva etapa en la que la calidad se mide con otros criterios

    DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 2.2, is to build the structure and specifications of the DATASET2050 data driven model. The door-to-door process is complex and therefore direct performance measurement of the process cannot be done due to availability of data and the high number of involved stakeholders. There are additional phenomena that cannot be measured, so the approach to assess performance is by collecting sample data and/or model the different elements of the mobility processes. This modelling exercise, documented in D2.2, is a powerful tool that assesses how the process performs in the current scenario, and beyond that, identify bottlenecks how modelling paradigms can be improved to take Europe to the 4-hour door-to-door target. The model utilises data that has been sourced, analysed and documented thus far (D2.1), as well as the numerous inputs from the demand and supply profiles (WP3 and WP4, namely: D3.1 and D4.1). This deliverable documents how the model is to be built, along with its scope and the development strategy

    Productividad total de los factores en la agricultura chilena: 1961-1996

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    Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es medir el cambio de la productividad en la agricultura chilena durante el período 1961-96. La Productividad Total de los Factores (PTF) fue calculada mediante índices Törnqvist. Los datos utilizados para estimar estos índices incluyen precios y cantidades de 51 cultivos, de la mano de obra, de la tierra, del capital y de factores intermedios. El análisis revela que mientras los productos crecieron un 2,69% anual, el uso de factores de producción bajó un 0,09%; por lo tanto, la PTF creció a una tasa promedio anual del 2,78% entre 1961 y 1996. Se realizó además un análisis para siete períodos correspondientes a diferentes regímenes políticos. La PTF creció a un promedio anual de 1,83% con Alessandri (1961-64), 3,12% bajo el período de Frei Montalva (1965-70), 1,52% durante Allende (1971-73), 6,11% en la primera parte del régimen de Pinochet y -0,28% en el segundo período de Pinochet (1981-89), 3,12% bajo Aylwin (1990-93) y 5,28% bajo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (1994-96). Los resultados sugieren que el programa de reforma agraria implementado en los sesenta no tuvo un efecto negativo en el crecimiento de la PTF. Palabras Claves: Productividad Total de los Factores; Indice Törnqvist; Agricultura; Chile Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to determine the productivity growth in the Chilean Agricultural sector during the 1961-1996 period. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) was calculated using the Törnqvist index, which is a discrete approximation to the Divisia index. The data used to estimate these indexes are prices and quantities for 51 crops, and for four inputs - labor, land, capital and intermediate factors. The rate of annual growth for the period 1961-96 was 2,69% and 0,09%, for products and inputs, respectively. Therefore, the TFP grew at an average annual rate of 2,78%. Given a significant annual variability in TFP growth, an analysis was carried out for seven sub-periods corresponding to different political regimes. TFP grew at an annual average of 1,83% with Alessandri (1961-64), 3,12% under the period of Frei Montalva (1965-70), 1,52% during the Allende years (1971-73), 6,11% during the first part of the Pinochet regime and 0,28% in the second period of Pinochet (1981-89), 3,12% during Aylwin (1990-93) and 5,28% under Frei Ruiz-Tagle (1994-96). The results suggest that the land reform program implemented in the 1960s did not have a negative effect on TFP growth, as has been previously argued by some authors.Total Factor Productivity, Törnqvist Index, Agriculture, Chile, Productivity Analysis, D24, O33,

    DATASET2050 D3.2 - Future Passenger Demand Profile

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    The FlightPath 2050 goal of enabling 90 per cent of European passengers to complete their door-to-door journey within four hours is a very challenging task. A major objective of the DATASET2050 project is to deliver insight into both current and future processes relating to the European transport system in this context. The deliverable D3.2 "Future Passenger Demand Profile" focuses on the future demand side of European (air) transport. Namely, the first goal is to develop a range of passenger profiles for the year 2035 and to provide implications for passenger profiles for 2050. For this purpose, the development of passenger characteristics - including demographic, geographic, socio-economic and behavioural aspects as well as particular mobility patterns - is analysed using available European data and forecasts. Based on this analysis, on specific mobility behaviour of the different member states (EU28 and EFTA countries) as well as on a high-level-factor identification, six different passenger profiles for 2035 are developed. These six profiles differ by main travel purpose (private, business and leisure, which is the combination of business and leisure trips), predominant age group, income level (low, medium, high) and several other characteristics. Furthermore, a demand model is applied showing the high relevance of gross domestic product (GDP) and education for a steady growth of passenger traffic volume in the EU28 and EFTA countries until 2050. The outcomes of the current deliverable will be put in contrast with those coming from D4.2 (Future supply profile), enabling thus a comprehensive assessment on the European door-to-door mobility in the future. Specifically, the deliverable results will be used in D5.1 (Mobility assessment), D5.2 (Assessment execution) and D5.3 (Novel concept foundations for European mobility)

    DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 4.1, is to describe the Current Supply Profile for its further use in different threads by the DATASET2050 Horizon 2020 coordination and support action. This deliverable comprises the work conducted in order to define and list the door-to-door mobility supply components, as described in task 4.1. It presents the baseline supply situation with respect to current door-to-door trips within Europe, including an assessment, identification and mode of the mobility services currently available in Europe (airport access/egress times, airport processes times etc.) All the above will allow the DATASET2050 project partners to determine the time required to undertake the current processes involved from leaving the place of origin (the "Door") to the point of arrival at the airport (the "Kerb"), from the Kerb to the moment the passenger has had their boarding card scanned immediately prior to embarkation (the "Gate"). The same approach is used for the Gate-to-Gate processes (including connecting flights and the transfer process), and finally Gate-to-Kerb and Kerb-to-Door. The inherent asymmetries of what are, in principle, symmetric processes have been assessed (e.g.: Door-to-Kerb vs. Kerb-to-Door). D4.1 directly feeds the supply side of the mobility model that will be run in WP5 of DATASET2050