23 research outputs found

    Forgetfulness without memory: Reconstruction, Landscape and the Politics of Everyday in Post-Earthquake Gujarat, India

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    For many good reasons, after natural disasters it is common to work with ‘memory’ as part of a collective catharsis and a globalized humanitarian logic. Long‐term anthropological research on the aftermath of the 2001 earthquake in Gujarat, however, also demonstrates the significance of forgetting in local practice. Immediately after the disaster, people vowed to abandon the sites of their loss, leave the ruins as monuments, and rebuild anew on safer ground. In time, though, life returned to the ruins as the terrible proximity of death receded, as memories and new salience were shaped by acts of reconstruction. The article explores some of the political and social factors that make this form of forgetting possible – or even necessary. Evidence of earlier earthquakes in the same region indicates that such ‘forgetting’ has an established history. Together, ethnographic and archival materials combine to cast doubt over the emphasis on ‘remembering’ as the only ‘memory solution’ to suffering

    Elasmobranch conservation, challenges and management strategy in India: recommendations from a national consultative meeting

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    Historically, India has been projected as one of the major elasmobranch fishing nations in the world. However, management and conservation efforts are not commensurate with this trend. Along with the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, several generic conservation measures are in place at the regional/local level. But India is still a long way from meeting global conservation commitments. We present here the status of elasmobranch management and conservation in India, with the specific objec-tive of identifying the gaps in the existing set-up. We also present recommendations based on a national consultative workshop held at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, in February 2020. We recommend the implementation of a National Plan of Action (NPOA-Sharks) and more in-clusive governance and policymaking for elasmobranch conservation in India

    Social security in the Asian-Pacific region

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    Asian-Pacific Economic Literature7153-7


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    Tasse religiose e filantropia nell’islam del Sud-est Asiatico

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    Il precetto islamico della carità, il divieto del prestito a interesse e altri precetti islamici di natura finanziaria e solidaristica sono l’oggetto di questo volume di grande interesse per comprendere l'organizzazione della società islamica.- Indice #5- Introduzione. Zakdt, filantropia islamica e modernità nelle società del Sud-est Asiatico: un panorama articolato, Andrea Patini #9- Il ruolo del volontariato nell’islam: inquadramento concettuale, Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi #18- La raccolta delle risorse attraverso il volontariato islamico nel Sud-est Asiatico, Mohamed Ariff #40- La raccolta e la distribuzione della zak?t in Indonesia, Taufik Abdullah #58- L’amministrazione della zak?t in Malaysia, Aidit bin Ghazali #88- La gestione del waqf in Malaysia, Syed Othman Alhabshi #110- Il Pilgrims Management and Fund Board malese e la raccolta delle risorse, Radiah Abdul Kader #126- La pratica della zakāt e della şadaqa tra i moro delle Filippine, Carmen A. Abubakar #150- La gestione dei fondi di risparmio musulmani a Singapore, Amina Tyabji #172- La raccolta delle risorse attraverso il waqf in Thailandia, Preeda Prapertchob #20