1,000 research outputs found

    Expanding Semiflows on Branched Surfaces and One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators

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    We consider expanding semiflows on branched surfaces. The family of transfer operators associated to the semiflow is a one-parameter semigroup of operators. The transfer operators may also be viewed as an operator-valued function of time and so, in the appropriate norm, we may consider the vector-valued Laplace transform of this function. We obtain a spectral result on these operators and relate this to the spectrum of the generator of this semigroup. Issues of strong continuity of the semigroup are avoided. The main result is the improvement to the machinery associated with studying semiflows as one-parameter semigroups of operators and the study of the smoothness properties of semiflows defined on branched manifolds, without encoding as a suspension semiflow

    Zeta functions and Dynamical Systems

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    In this brief note we present a very simple strategy to investigate dynamical determinants for uniformly hyperbolic systems. The construction builds on the recent introduction of suitable functional spaces which allow to transform simple heuristic arguments in rigorous ones. Although the results so obtained are not exactly optimal the straightforwardness of the argument makes it noticeable.Comment: 7 pages, no figuer

    Single crystal MgB2 with anisotropic superconducting properties

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    The discovery of superconductor in magnesium diboride MgB2 with high Tc (39 K) has raised some challenging issues; whether this new superconductor resembles a high temperature cuprate superconductor(HTS) or a low temperature metallic superconductor; which superconducting mechanism, a phonon- mediated BCS or a hole superconducting mechanism or other new exotic mechanism may account for this superconductivity; and how about its future for applications. In order to clarify the above questions, experiments using the single crystal sample are urgently required. Here we have first succeeded in obtaining the single crystal of this new MgB2 superconductivity, and performed its electrical resistance and magnetization measurements. Their experiments show that the electronic and magnetic properties depend on the crystallographic direction. Our results indicate that the single crystal MgB2 superconductor shows anisotropic superconducting properties and thus can provide scientific basis for the research of its superconducting mechanism and its applications.Comment: 7 pages pdf fil

    Rentoutumisen vaikutuksia uneen ja koettuun elÀmÀnlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllÀ.

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena on kerĂ€tĂ€ tietoa rentoutumisesta, unesta ja masennuksesta sekĂ€ selvittÀÀ rentoutumisen vaikutuksia uneen ja koettuun elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllĂ€. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus meille tekijöille on syventÀÀ tietĂ€mystĂ€ rentoutumisen vaikutuksista masentuneella henkilöllĂ€, hankkia kokemusta tulevaa työelĂ€mÀÀ varten sekĂ€ verkostoitua tekijöitĂ€ kiinnostavalle fysioterapian osa-alueelle. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus toimeksiantajalle ja fysioterapia-alalle on tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntÀÀ masentuneen henkilön fysioterapiassa. OpinnĂ€ytetyön toimeksiantaja on Lapin sairaanhoitopiirin psykiatrian klinikka. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ vastataan kysymyksiin, millaisia vaikutuksia hengitysrentoutusharjoituksella on masentuneen henkilön uneen sekĂ€ millaisia vaikutuksia rentoutumisella on masentuneen henkilön koettuun elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena viiden viikon rentoutuskurssina kevÀÀllĂ€ 2015. Tutkimuksessa haettiin vastauksia tutkimusongelmiin mÀÀrĂ€llisin menetelmin. Mittareina aineiston kokoamisessa toimivat Firstbeat-mittari sekĂ€ Sintosen 15D-elĂ€mĂ€nlaatukysely. Firstbeat-mittarilla mitattiin stressireaktioiden osuutta sekĂ€ palautumista unen aikana ja Sintosen 15D-elĂ€mĂ€nlaatukyselyllĂ€ koettua elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua. Firstbeat-mittaus suoritettiin hengitysrentoutusharjoitusta edeltĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ ja jĂ€lkeisenĂ€ yönĂ€ rentoutuskurssin toisella ja viimeisellĂ€ viikolla. ElĂ€mĂ€nlaatukysely toteutettiin rentoutuskurssin ensimmĂ€isellĂ€ ja viimeisellĂ€ kerralla. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus ja tutkimuksen kohteena on yksi masentunut henkilö. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin Firstbeat-mittarin tulosten osalta Microsoft Word-taulukoiden avulla. Sintosen 15D-elĂ€mĂ€nlaatukyselyn tulokset on analysoitu Sintosen kehittelemĂ€n valmiin Excel-pohjan, arvotusalgoritmin, avulla. Mittaustulosten perusteella rentoutumisella on positiivisia vaikutuksia stressireaktioiden osuuteen sekĂ€ palautumiseen unen aikana ja koettuun elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun masentuneella henkilöllĂ€. Tutkimushenkilön stressireaktioiden ja palautumisen osuus sekĂ€ palautumisen laatu paranivat hengitysrentoutusharjoituksen jĂ€lkeisenĂ€ yönĂ€ verrattuna edeltĂ€vÀÀn yöhön. ElĂ€mĂ€nlaatukyselyn mukaan tutkimushenkilön nĂ€kö, kuulo, nukkuminen, puhuminen, henkinen toiminta, vaivat ja oireet, ahdistuneisuus ja sukupuolielĂ€mĂ€ paranivat tai helpottivat rentoutuskurssin aikana. Tutkimuksessa saatuja tuloksia ei voi yleistÀÀ kaikilla masentuneilla, mutta tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ suunniteltaessa masentuneiden fysioterapiaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset houkuttelevat myös suorittamaan erilaisia jatkotutkimuksia.The aim of this thesis is to gather information on relaxation, sleep and depression and to assess how relaxation may affect sleep and quality of life of a person affected by depression. The purpose of this study is to enhance the researchers’ knowledge on the effects of relaxation of a person affected by depression and achieve experience for the future, also creating relations in physiotherapy sector. The purpose of this study, commissioned by The Lapland Hospital District and the Psychiatric clinic, is to produce knowledge useful for planning physiotherapy meant to a person affected by depression. This thesis responds to the research questions: “What are the effects of breathing relaxation for sleep?” and “What are the effects for quality of life of person with depression?" This is a case-study was developed during a five-week relaxation course in the spring of 2015. In this case-study quantitative research methods were used. The indicators are Firstbeat-meter and Sintonen 15D-quality of life-questionnaire. Stress reactions and recovery during sleep were measured by using Firstbeat-meter, and quality of life is measured by using Sintonen 15D-quality of life-Sintonen’s questionnaire. Firstbeat-measurement was administrated during sleep, before and after the breathing relaxation during the second and the last week of the relaxation course. Sintonen’s 15D-quality of life questionnaire was administrated during the first and the last session of the relaxation course. This case-study analyses one person affected by depression. The data was analyzed by using the Microsoft Word-sheet program and the Excel-sheet algorithm made by Sintonen. Based on the results, relaxation has positive effects on stress reactions and recovery during sleep, as well as on the quality of life of a person affected by depression. In comparison to the previous night, stress reactions, part of the recovery, and the quality of the recovery of the person improved after breathing relaxation. Sintonen 15D-life questionnaire shows that vision, hearing, sleeping, speaking, mental functions, discomfort and symptoms anxiety and sexual life improved during the relaxation course. The results of this study cannot be generalized; nevertheless, they can be useful for planning physiotherapy for people affected by depression. The results of the study may also suggest to perform further research on this specific topic

    Charged State of a Spherical Plasma in Vacuum

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    The stationary state of a spherically symmetric plasma configuration is investigated in the limit of immobile ions and weak collisions. Configurations with small radii are positively charged as a significant fraction of the electron population evaporates during the equilibration process, leaving behind an electron distribution function with an energy cutoff. Such charged plasma configurations are of interest for the study of Coulomb explosions and ion acceleration from small clusters irradiated by ultraintense laser pulses and for the investigation of ion bunches propagation in a plasma

    Spin-Reorientation Transition of Field-Induced Magnetic Ordering Phases in the Anisotropic Haldane System

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    A possible spin-reorientation transition in field-induced magnetic ordering phases of the S=1 Haldane system with large easy-plane anisotropy is proposed, using an effective Lagrangian formalism as well as the density matrix renormalization group method. Such a spin-reorientation transition is predicted in the case where the applied magnetic field is inclined from the easy axis of the anisotropy. We point out that this transition has a close connection with a variation of the order parameter even at zero temperature, although it is different from a quantum analog of the so-called spin-flop transition proposed for the system having a strong easy axis anisotropy. In connection with a novel phase observed recently in the Haldane system at high fields, we discuss possible implications for the field-induced magnetic ordering.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Universality in heavy-fermion systems with general degeneracy

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    We discuss the relation between the T^{2}-coefficient of electrical resistivity AA and the T-linear specific-heat coefficient Îł\gamma for heavy-fermion systems with general NN, where NN is the degeneracy of quasi-particles. A set of experimental data reveals that the Kadowaki-Woods relation; A/Îł2=1∗10−5ΌΩ(Kmol/mJ)2A/\gamma^{2} = 1*10^{-5} {\mu\Omega}(K mol/mJ)^{2}, collapses remarkably for large-N systems, although this relation has been regarded to be commonly applicable to the Fermi-liquids. Instead, based on the Fermi-liquid theory we propose a new relation; A~/Îł~2=1×10−5\tilde{A}/\tilde{\gamma}^2=1\times10^{-5} with A~=A/(1/2)N(N−1)\tilde{A} = A/(1/2)N(N-1) and Îł~=Îł/(1/2)N(N−1)\tilde{\gamma} = \gamma/(1/2)N(N-1). This new relation exhibits an excellent agreement with the data for whole the range of degenerate heavy-fermions.Comment: 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Carbon Multicharged Ion Generation From Laser-Spark Ion Source

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    Multicharged carbon ions are generated by using a laser-assisted spark-discharge ion source. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser pulse (1064 nm, 7 ns, ≀ 4.5 × 109 W/cm2) focused onto the surface of a glassy carbon target results in its ablation. The spark-discharge (∌1.2 J energy, ∌1 ”s duration) is initiated along the direction of the plume propagation between the target surface and a grounded mesh that is parallel to the target surface. Ions emitted from the laser-spark plasma are detected by their time-of-flight using a Faraday cup. The ion energy-to-charge ratio is analyzed by a three-mesh retarding field analyzer. In one set of experiments, the laser plasma is generated by target ablation using a 50 mJ laser pulse. In another set of experiments, ∌1.2 J spark-discharge energy is coupled to the expanding plasma to increase the plasma density and temperature that results in the generation of carbon multicharged ions up to C6+. A delay-generator is used to control the time delay between the laser pulse and the thyratron trigger. Ion generation from a laser pulse when a high DC voltage is applied to the target is compared to that when a spark-discharge with an equivalent pulsed voltage is applied to the target. The laser-coupled spark-discharge (7 kV peak voltage, 810 A peak current) increases the maximum detected ion charge state from C4+ to C6+, accompanied by an increase in the ion yield by a factor of ∌6 compared to applying 7.0 kV DC voltage to the target

    In vitro characterization of cells derived from chordoma cell line U-CH1 following treatment with X-rays, heavy ions and chemotherapeutic drugs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chordoma, a rare cancer, is usually treated with surgery and/or radiation. However, very limited characterizations of chordoma cells are available due to a minimal availability (only two lines validated by now) and the extremely long doubling time. In order to overcome this situation, we successfully derived a cell line with a shorter doubling time from the first validated chordoma line U-CH1 and obtained invaluable cell biological data.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>After isolating a subpopulation of U-CH1 cells with a short doubling time (U-CH1-N), cell growth, cell cycle distribution, DNA content, chromosome number, p53 status, and cell survival were examined after exposure to X-rays, heavy ions, camptothecin, mitomycin C, cisplatin and bleocin. These data were compared with those of HeLa (cervical cancer) and U87-MG (glioblastoma) cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cell doubling times for HeLa, U87-MG and U-CH1-N were approximately 18 h, 24 h and 3 days respectively. Heavy ion irradiation resulted in more efficient cell killing than x-rays in all three cell lines. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) at 10% survival for U-CH1-N was about 2.45 for 70 keV/ÎŒm carbon and 3.86 for 200 keV/ÎŒm iron ions. Of the four chemicals, bleocin showed the most marked cytotoxic effect on U-CH1-N.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data provide the first comprehensive cellular characterization using cells of chordoma origin and furnish the biological basis for successful clinical results of chordoma treatment by heavy ions.</p
