596 research outputs found

    A method for microwave characterization of LiNbO3 modulators

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    10-GHz fully differential Sallen–Key lowpass biquad filters in 55nm SiGe BICMOS technology

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    Multi-GHz lowpass filters are key components for many RF applications and are required for the implementation of integrated high-speed analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters and optical communication systems. In the last two decades, integrated filters in the Multi-GHz range have been implemented using III-V or SiGe technologies. In all cases in which the size of passive components is a concern, inductorless designs are preferred. Furthermore, due to the recent development of high-speed and high-resolution data converters, highly linear multi-GHz filters are required more and more. Classical open loop topologies are not able to achieve high linearity, and closed loop filters are preferred in all applications where linearity is a key requirement. In this work, we present a fully differential BiCMOS implementation of the classical Sallen Key filter, which is able to operate up to about 10 GHz by exploiting both the bipolar and MOS transistors of a commercial 55-nm BiCMOS technology. The layout of the biquad filter has been implemented, and the results of post-layout simulations are reported. The biquad stage exhibits excellent SFDR (64 dB) and dynamic range (about 50 dB) due to the closed loop operation, and good power efficiency (0.94 pW/Hz/pole) with respect to comparable active inductorless lowpass filters reported in the literature. Moreover, unlike other filters, it exploits the different active devices offered by commercial SiGe BiCMOS technologies. Parametric and Monte Carlo simulations are also included to assess the robustness of the proposed biquad filter against PVT and mismatch variations

    Analysis and modelling of broad-band ferrite-based coaxial transmission-line transformers

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    The work presented in the paper focuses on accuracy of models for broad-band ferrite based coaxial transmission-line transformers. Soft-ferrites are largely used in VHF/UHF components allowing band enlargement on the low-edge side. Degradation of frequency performance on the high-edge side are produced both by ferrite losses, and by parasitic capacitance due to connection to the thermal and electrical ground in high power applications. Both a circuital model for low-power applications and a scalable e.m. model for high-power applications are presented and discussed. © 2010 EuMA

    An improved reversed miller compensation technique for three-stage CMOS OTAs with double pole-zero cancellation and almost single-pole frequency response

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    This paper presents an improved reversed nested Miller compensation technique exploiting a single additional feed-forward stage to obtain double pole-zero cancellation and ideally single-pole behavior, in a three-stage Miller amplifier. The approach allows designing a three-stage operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with one dominant pole and two (ideally) mutually cancelling pole-zero doublets. We demonstrate the robustness of the proposed cancellation technique, showing that it is not significantly influenced by process and temperature variations. The proposed design equations allow setting the unity-gain frequency of the amplifier and the complex poles' resonance frequency and quality factor. We introduce the notion of bandwidth efficiency to quantify the OTA performance with respect to a telescopic cascode OTA for given load capacitance and power consumption constraints and demonstrate analytically that the proposed approach allows a bandwidth efficiency that can ideally approach 100%. A CMOS implementation of the proposed compensation technique is provided, in which a current reuse scheme is used to reduce the total current consumption. The OTA has been designed using a 130-nm CMOS process by STMicroelectronics and achieves a DC gain larger than 120 dB, with almost single-pole frequency response. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to show the robustness of the proposed approach to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations and mismatches

    An ultra-low-voltage class-AB OTA exploiting local CMFB and body-to-gate interface

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    In this work a novel bulk-driven (BD) ultra-low-voltage (ULV) class-AB operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) which exploits local common mode feedback (LCMFB) strategies to enhance performance and robustness against process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations has been proposed. The amplifier exploits body-to-gate (B2G) interface to increase the slew rate and attain class-AB behaviour, whereas two pseudo-resistors have been employed to increase the common mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The architecture has been extensively tested through Monte Carlo and PVT simulations, results show that the amplifier is very robust in terms of gain-bandwidth-product (GBW), power consumption and slew rate. A wide comparison against state-of-the-art has pointed out that best small-signal figures of merit are attained and good large-signal performance is guaranteed, also when worst-case slew rate is considered

    Neutron spectrometry at various altitudes in atmosphere by passive detector technique

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    A new experimental system, constituted by passive detectors, has been developed to measure neutron spectra at various altitudes in the atmosphere. The knowledge of the neutron spectrum is required to evaluate with a good accuracy the neutron contribution to the total dose, due to the cosmic ray exposure, in fact the flux-to-dose conversion factors strongly depend on neutron energy. Moreover, in many dosimetric applications, as the dose evaluation to the aircrew in service on intercontinental flights, the passive system is not only the most convenient but it is often the unique technique. The experimental system is constituted by the passive bubble detector BD100R, polycarbonate foils, polycarbonate bottles, sensitive in low and intermediate neutron energy range, and the bismuth stack, sensitive in the high energy range. Experimental data were obtained in high mountain measurements at Matterhorn (3600 m altitude, 46 N ) and Chacaltaya (5230 m altitude, 16 S), during flights at 12000 m and on board of stratospheric balloons at 38000 m. All the spectra obtained show, as expected, the evaporation peak around 1 MeV and the second direct bump around 100 MeV; the results, different in the neutron flux intensity, confirm the satisfactory sensitivity of this experimental technique

    Morphological evaluation of buffelgrass cultivar “Lucero INTA-PEMAN” in drought conditions

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    In searching for new cultivars that are better adapted to edapho-climatic constraints existing in northwestern Argentina, mainly drought and salinity stress, a hybrid of buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) named Lucero INTA PEMAN was obtained by controlled crosses at the Instituto de FitopatologĂ­a y FisiologĂ­a Vegetal, INTA. The objective was to morphologically evaluate and compare Cenchrus ciliaris cv Lucero with Texas-4464, Biloela and Molopo cultivars in Dean Funes (North of the Province of CĂłrdoba, Argentina) under drought field conditions using a randomized complete block design with three replications in two crop cycles (2006/2007 and 2007/2008) considering one-year plant and re-growth as ontogenic stages of the plant, respectively. Thirteen morphological characters were analyzed by ANOVA and DGC testing (p <0.05). Although most of the thirteen morphological characters evaluated showed decreased re-growth over one-year plants, Lucero was least affected by low water availability, showed highest values for seed production components in both ontogenic stages and was superior to Texas-4464 in biomass production characters and to Biloela and Molopo cultivars in most of them. Lucero showed a promising and considerable forage value for drought-affected regions, such as northwestern Argentina
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