2,286 research outputs found

    Why isolated streamer discharges hardly exist above the breakdown field in atmospheric air

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    We investigate streamer formation in the troposphere, in electric fields above the breakdown threshold. With fully three-dimensional particle simulations, we study the combined effect of natural background ionization and of photoionization on the discharge morphology. In previous investigations based on deterministic fluid models without background ionization, so-called double-headed streamers emerged. But in our improved model, many electron avalanches start to grow at different locations. Eventually the avalanches collectively screen the electric field in the interior of the discharge. This happens after what we call the `ionization screening time', for which we give an analytical estimate. As this time is comparable to the streamer formation time, we conclude that isolated streamers are unlikely to exist in fields well above breakdown in atmospheric air.Comment: Changed citation information. 6 pages, 4 figures, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 2417-2422, 201

    Review and principles of PPP-RTK methods

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    PPP-RTK is integer ambiguity resolution-enabled precise point positioning. In this contribution, we present the principles of PPP-RTK, together with a review of different mechanizations that have been proposed in the literature. By application of S-system theory, the estimable parameters of the different methods are identified and compared. Their interpretation is essential for gaining a proper insight into PPP-RTK in general, and into the role of the PPP-RTK corrections in particular. We show that PPP-RTK is a relative technique for which the ‘single-receiver user’ integer ambiguities are in fact double-differenced ambiguities. We determine the transformational links between the different methods and their PPP-RTK corrections, thereby showing how different PPP-RTK methods can be mixed between network and users. We also present and discuss four different estimators of the PPP-RTK corrections. It is shown how they apply to the different PPP-RTK models, as well as why some of the proposed estimation methods cannot be accepted as PPP-RTK proper. We determine analytical expressions for the variance matrices of the ambiguity-fixed and ambiguity-float PPP-RTK corrections. This gives important insight into their precision, as well as allows us to discuss which parts of the PPP-RTK correction variance matrix are essential for the user and which are not

    Array-Aided Multifrequency GNSS Ionospheric Sensing: Estimability and Precision Analysis

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    The dual-frequency Global Positioning System has proven to be an effective means of measuring the Earth's ionosphere and its total electron content (TEC). With the advent of multifrequency signals from more Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), the opportunity arises to construct many more ionosphere-sensing combinations of GNSS data. With such diversity, various estimable ionospheric delays with differing interpretations (and of different precision) can be formed. How such estimable ionospheric delays should be interpreted, and the extent to which they contribute to the precision with which the unbiased TEC can be estimated, are the topics of this paper. Based on multifrequency GNSS code-only, phase-only, and phase-and-code data, we derive the closed-form solutions of different types of ionospheric observables that each can serve as input of an externally provided ionospheric model for TEC determination. Within such a general least-squares framework, we generalize the widely used phase-to-code levelling technique to its multifrequency version. We also show that only certain specific linear combinations of the observables contribute to the TEC solutions. As a further improvement of the multifrequency GNSS-derived TEC solution, we propose and study the usage of an array of GNSS antennas. Analytical solutions, supported by numerical examples, of this array-based concept are presented, together with a discussion on its relevance for TEC determination. This concerns the roles of time averaging and time differencing, of integer ambiguity resolution, and of the number of frequencies and number of array antennas in determining TEC

    Testing of a new single-frequency GNSS carrier phase attitude determination method: land, ship and aircraft experiments

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) ambiguity resolution is the process of resolving the unknown cycle ambiguities of the carrier phase data as integers. The sole purpose of ambiguity resolution is to use the integer ambiguity constraints as a means of improving significantly on the precision of the remaining GNSS model parameters. In this contribution, we consider the problem of ambiguity resolution for GNSS attitude determination. We analyse the performance of a new ambiguity resolution method for GNSS attitude determination. As it will be shown, this method provides a numerically efficient, highly reliable and robust solution of the nonlinearly constrained integer least-squares GNSS compass estimators. The analyses have been done by means of a unique set of extensive experimental tests, using simulated as well as actual GNSS data and using receivers of different manufacturers and type as well as different platforms. The executed field tests cover two static land experiments, one in the Netherlands and one in Australia, and two dynamic experiments, a low-dynamics vessel experiment and high-dynamics aircraft experiment. In our analyses, we focus on stand-alone, unaided, single-frequency, single epoch attitude determination, as this is the most challenging case of GNSS compass processing

    GLONASS CDMA L3 ambiguity resolution and positioning

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    A first assessment of GLONASS CDMA L3 ambiguity resolution and positioning performance is provided. Our analyses are based on GLONASS L3 data from the satellite pair SVNs 755-801, received by two JAVAD receivers at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. In our analyses, four different versions of the two-satellite model are applied: the geometry-free model, the geometry-based model , the height-constrained geometry-based model, and the geometry-fixed model. We study the noise characteristics (carrier-to-noise density, measurement precision), the integer ambiguity resolution performance (success rates and distribution of the ambiguity residuals), and the positioning performance (ambiguity float and ambiguity fixed). The results show that our empirical outcomes are consistent with their formal counterparts and that the GLONASS data have a lower noise level than that of GPS, particularly in case of the code data. This difference is not only seen in the noise levels but also in their onward propagation to the ambiguity time series and ambiguity residuals distribution

    Galileo IOV RTK positioning: standalone and combined with GPS

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    Results are presented of real time kinematic (RTK) positioning based on carrier phase and code (pseudorange) observations of the four Galileo In-Orbit Validation (IOV) satellites, as they were in orbit and transmitting navigation data at the time of writing this article (2013). These Galileo data were collected by multi-GNSS receivers operated by Curtin University and as such this article is one of the first presenting results of short baseline ambiguity resolution and positioning based on Galileo IOV observations. The results demonstrate that integer ambiguity resolution based on the four IOV satellites needs fewer than three minutes when at least observables from three frequencies are used. Combined with data of four GPS satellites even instantaneous (single epoch) ambiguity resolution is demonstrated, using only two frequencies per constellation (i.e. E1+E5a & L1+L2). We also show that at locations with obstructed satellite visibility, such that positioning based on either GPS-only or Galileo-only becomes impossible or only in a very inaccurate way, combined Galileo&GPS positioning is feasible, within 10 min if one frequency of each constellation is used and only 2 min time-to-fix the ambiguities based on observations of two frequencies of each constellation. It is furthermore demonstrated that this results in positions with centimetre level accuracy in the horizontal plane and sub-decimetre accuracy in the vertical direction

    Noise Characteristics in High Precision GPS Positioning

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    GNSS multi-frequency receiver single-satellite measurement validation method

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    A method is presented for real-time validation of GNSS measurements of a single receiver, where data from each satellite are independently processed. A geometry- free observation model is used with a reparameterized form of the unknowns to overcome rank deficiency of the model. The ionosphere error and non-constant biases such as multipath are assumed changing relatively smoothly as a function of time. Data validation and detection of errors are based on statistical testing of the observation residuals using the detection–identification–adaptation approach. The method is applicable to any GNSS with any number of frequencies. The performance of validation method was evaluated using multi-frequency data from three GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo) that span 3 days in a test site at Curtin University, Australia. Performance of the method in detection and identification of outliers in code observations, and detection of cycle slips in phase data were examined. Results show that the success rates vary according to precision of observations and their number as well as size of the errors. The method capability is demonstrated when processing four IOV Galileo satellites in a single-point-positioning mode and in another test by comparing its performance with Bernese software in detection of cycle slips in precise point-positioning processing using GPS data

    Integer Least-squares Theory for the GNSS Compass

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    Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution is the key to high-precision positioning and attitude determination. In this contribution, we develop new integer least-squares (ILS) theory for the GNSS compass model, together with efficient integer search strategies. It extends current unconstrained ILS theory to the nonlinearly constrained case, an extension that is particularly suited for precise attitude determination. As opposed to current practice, our method does proper justice to the a priori given information. The nonlinear baseline constraint is fully integrated into the ambiguity objective function, thereby receiving a proper weighting in its minimization and providing guidance for the integer search. Different search strategies are developed to compute exact and approximate solutions of the nonlinear constrained ILS problem. Their applicability depends on the strength of the GNSS model and on the length of the baseline. Two of the presented search strategies, a global and a local one, are based on the use of an ellipsoidal search space. This has the advantage that standard methods can be applied. The global ellipsoidal search strategy is applicable to GNSS models of sufficient strength, while the local ellipsoidal search strategy is applicable to models for which the baseline lengths are not too small. We also develop search strategies for the most challenging case, namely when the curvature of the non-ellipsoidal ambiguity search space needs to be taken into account. Two such strategies are presented, an approximate one and a rigorous, somewhat more complex, one. The approximate one is applicable when the fixed baseline variance matrix is close to diagonal. Both methods make use of a search and shrink strategy. The rigorous solution is efficiently obtained by means of a search and shrink strategy that uses non-quadratic, but easy-to-evaluate, bounding functions of the ambiguity objective function. The theory presented is generally valid and it is not restricted to any particular GNSS or combination of GNSSs. Its general applicability also applies to the measurement scenarios (e.g. single-epoch vs. multi-epoch, or single-frequency vs. multi-frequency). In particular it is applicable to the most challenging case of unaided, single frequency, single epoch GNSS attitude determination. The success rate performance of the different methods is also illustrated

    IRNSS/NavIC and GPS: a single- and dual-system L5 analysis

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    The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) has recently (May 2016) become fully operational. In this contribution, for the fully operational IRNSS as a stand-alone system and also in combination with GPS, we provide a first assessment of L5 integer ambiguity resolution and positioning performance. While our empirical analyses are based on the data collected by two JAVAD receivers at Curtin University, Perth, Australia, our formal analyses are carried out for various onshore locations within the IRNSS service area. We study the noise characteristics (carrier-to-noise density, measurement precision, time correlation), the integer ambiguity resolution performance (success rates and ambiguity dilution of precision), and the positioning performance (ambiguity float and ambiguity fixed). The results show that our empirical outcomes are consistent with their formal counterparts and that the GPS L5-data have a lower noise level than that of IRNSS L5-data, particularly in case of the code data. The underlying model in our assessments varies from stand-alone IRNSS (L5) to IRNSS (Formula presented.) GPS (L5), from unconstrained to height-constrained and from kinematic to static. Significant improvements in ambiguity resolution and positioning performance are achievable upon integrating L5-data of IRNSS with GPS
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