22 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Two Esl/efl Websites: Englishclub and Activities for Esl Students

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    This study reviewed two well known ESL/EFL websites namely EnglishClub and Activities for ESL Students using the website evaluation framework proposed by Hasan and Abuelrub (2011). The writers found that Activities for ESL Students met 79.92% of the website evaluation criteria with 211 of the total score; while EnglishClub met 79.54% of the website evaluation criteria with 210 of the total score. Thus there was no significant difference between these two websites. Both EnglishClub and Activities for ESL Students are good for ESL/EFL learner

    Potential use of aquatic plants in constructed wetlands for simultaneous removal of Phosphate and COD from laundry wastewater

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    One component of household wastewater that has a bad impact on the environment is waste that comes from washing which uses detergent, due to a fairly high phosphate and chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of using aquatic plants to reduce phosphate and COD levels from laundry waste. This research was carried out using constructed wetlands model of laboratory scale using the combination of flow types of subsurface flow systems (SFS) and the type of vertical flow system (VFS) with a waste residence time of 5 days and 10 days. Based on the results, for model I, the average percentage of COD levels reduction is 67.62% and phosphate is 13.89%, while in model II, the average percentage of COD reduction is 59.93% and phosphate is 14.36%, after 10 days of waste residence time. Aquatic plants used in the modeling of constructed wetland can grow and reproduce well, this can be indicated by the growth of newshoots and flowers of these plants


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    The study was carried out at UD. Mari Ternak in Desa Noelbaki, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah for eight weeks devided into two periods, namely : two weeks (July 11st – July 23th 2016) for adaptation and 6 weeks (July 24th – September 3rd 2016) for data collection period. The study aimed at evaluating effect of substituting complete feed with pollard on growth of grower Landrace crossbred gilt. Twelve Landrace croosbred gilts with initial body weight 34 – 49.5 kgs (CV = 13.35%) were used in the study. Randomized Block Designs 4 treatments with 3 blocks was applied. The 4 treatment diets offered were: R0 : 100% CP 552; R1 : 95% CP 552 + 5% pollard; R2 : 90% CP 552 + 10% pollard and R3 : 85% CP 552 + 15% pollard. Statistical analysis showed that effect of substituting 10 – 15% CP552 with pollard is significant (P<0.05) on decreasing body height but not significant on (P>0.05) on body weight gain, body length, girth circle and feed intake of the gilts. The conclusion is that using pollard to substitute complete feed “CP 552” performed the similarly effect on growth but dcreased body height of Landrace crossbred gilt. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di UD. Mari ternak Desa Noelbaki Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang selama 8 (delapan) minggu yang terdiri dari 2 (dua) minggu (11 Juli – 23 Juli 2016) masa penyesuaian dan 6 (enam) minggu (24 Juli – 3 September 2016) masa pelaksanaan/pengambilan data. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pollard sebagai pengganti pakan komplit terhadap pertumbuhan babi peranakan Landrace fase pertumbuhan. Materi yang digunakan adalah 12 (duabelas) ekor babi betina muda peranakan Landrace dengan kisaran berat badan awal 34-49,5 kg (koefisien keragaman 13,35%), pollard dan pakan komplit “CP 552”. Metode yang digunakan adalah percobaan (eksperimen) dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kelompok sebagai ulangan masing-masing ; R0 : 100% CP 552; R1 : 95% CP 552 + 5% pollard;  R2 : 90% CP 552 + 10% pollard; dan R3 : 85% CP 552 + 15% pollard. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa substitusi 5%–15% pollard terhadap CP 552 berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap pertambahan berat badan, panjang badan, lingkar dada dan konsumsi ransum, namun pada level subtitusi 10% dan 15% nyata mengurangi pertambahan tinggi badan. Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa substitusi pakan komplit “CP 552” dengan pollard memberi pengaruh yang relatif sama terhadap pertumbuhan babi betina peranakan Landrace fase pertumbuhan kecuali pertambahan tinggi badan yang nyata semakin rendah

    Preliminary laboratory multi-scale investigation on performance of pervious concrete pavements and vegetated elements as storm water bio-filters and retention systems

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    The growing population in urban areas worldwide is having a severe impact on the environment and quality of life of inhabitants. To alleviate the impact on traditional transportation infrastructures, existing and future urban facilities must be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. One solution is to develop new “green transportation infrastructures” (GTI) as part of the urban storm water management system. Although technologies for GTI have been well-investigated, there is limited experience of their potential benefits globally and, specifically, in Italy. This work, funded by the Regione Piemonte in 2015 and supported by different areas of expertise, aimed at promoting new urban storm water systems through the retention, filtration, and restoration of natural soil water content. To this end, a laboratory investigation of porous road pavements (Figure 1), and vegetated boxes (Figure 2 and 3) that filter runoff pollutants from impervious pavements was conducted to examine ecological, hydraulic, and mechanical performance levels. Three different experimental scales (samples, columns, and boxes) for the two GTI technologies were considered. Samples were used to assess the permeability, void content, strength, and pollution reduction potential of different materials used to build full-scale bio-filter systems. The pollutant reduction was determined by the reduction in suspended solids and hydrocarbon concentration, with results confirming that it depends on filter type and permeability. The preliminary results are encouraging and show a high reduction in total suspended solids and hydrocarbon concentrations (from 65% to 99%). Concrete pervious pavements and vegetated bio-filter systems were reproduced in columns and boxes, combining materials and supports for biofilm bacteria (geotextile, plastic caps) to assess the abatement potential of pre-developed biofilm bacteria compared to systems where bacteria are present naturally. Hydraulic parameters (percolation time, void content, outflow rate) were estimated so as to provide basic design parameters for full-scale applications

    Effect of the Combination of Compost Tea and Kesambi Charcoal on the Growth of Green Spinach Plants

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    Bayam hijau merupakan salah satu sayuran daun terpenting di Asia dan Afrika. Pupuk yang sangat baik bagi pertumbuhan bayam adalah pupuk organik. Pupuk organik yang dikenal salah satunya adalah teh kompos yang dapat dikombinasikan dengan arang kusambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teh kompos dan arang kusambi terhadap pertumbuhan bayam hijau. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah arang kusambi yang terdiri dari tiga level, yaitu kontrol, 5 t/ha, 10 t/ha. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi teh   kompos yang terdiri dari tiga level, yaitu: kontrol, 1:5, 1:10. Teh kompos diberikan setiap minggu semenjak tanaman berumur 7 sampai 28 hari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari – Februari 2017 di lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Timor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian arang kusambi 5 t/ha dan teh kompos dengan konsentrasi perbandingan 1:5 secara nyata memberikan hasil tanaman terbaik yaitu pada bobot segar tanaman (122,30 g) dan bobot segar tajuk (106,24 g). ©2018 published by Savana Cendana

    Identification of Pathogenic Fungi in Several Varieties of Paddy Rice Based on Storage Model

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    Seeds are said to be healthy if the seeds used are free of disease-causing microorganisms one of them is fungi. The purpose of this study was to obtain the type of pathogenic fungi that infect rice seeds. The research was conducted in the laboratory of Agricultural Faculty and Biology laboratory of Timor University since March - May 2017. The research used Completely Randomized Design of factorial pattern with two factors. The first factor consists of three varieties namely Ciherang, IR, and Siputih. The second factor consists of storage model ie storage in plastic sacks, Sokal, and cans. The results showed that the use of three varieties and models of seed packing material did not show any significant difference to germination. Maximum Growth Potential percentage between Siputih variety (97.33) was significantly different from IR varieties (72.00) and in seed model stored in the plastic sack (94.22) was significantly different from the seeds stored in the Sokal (68.88). Identification results found five fungi of the genus Aspergillus sp.1 and sp.2, Altenaria, Curvularia, Fusarium and Rhizopus that infect the seeds thus decreasing the germination power. The degree of fungal attack varies on varieties and storage models. The five fungal pathogens found, two fungi such as Aspergillus and Fusarium infect seeds with different storage areas lower, to reduce the infection rate of Altenaria fungus, Curvularia and Rhizopus can be treated fungicide. Â©2018 published by Savana Cendana