473 research outputs found

    Jamming and percolation of parallel squares in single-cluster growth model

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    This work studies the jamming and percolation of parallel squares in a single-cluster growth model. The Leath-Alexandrowicz method was used to grow a cluster from an active seed site. The sites of a square lattice were occupied by addition of the equal size k×kk \times k squares (E-problem) or a mixture of k×kk \times k and m×mm \times m (mkm \leqslant k) squares (M-problem). The larger k×kk \times k squares were assumed to be active (conductive) and the smaller m×mm \times m squares were assumed to be blocked (non-conductive). For equal size k×kk \times k squares (E-problem) the value of pj=0.638±0.001p_j = 0.638 \pm 0.001 was obtained for the jamming concentration in the limit of kk\rightarrow\infty. This value was noticeably larger than that previously reported for a random sequential adsorption model, pj=0.564±0.002p_j = 0.564 \pm 0.002. It was observed that the value of percolation threshold pcp_{\mathrm{c}} (i.e., the ratio of the area of active k×kk \times k squares and the total area of k×kk \times k squares in the percolation point) increased with an increase of kk. For mixture of k×kk \times k and m×mm \times m squares (M-problem), the value of pcp_{\mathrm{c}} noticeably increased with an increase of kk at a fixed value of mm and approached 1 at k10mk\geqslant 10m. This reflects that percolation of larger active squares in M-problem can be effectively suppressed in the presence of smaller blocked squares.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Percolation of the aligned dimers on a square lattice

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    Percolation and jamming phenomena are investigated for anisotropic sequential deposition of dimers (particles occupying two adjacent adsorption sites) on a square lattice. The influence of dimer alignment on the electrical conductivity was examined. The percolation threshold for deposition of dimers was lower than for deposition of monomers. Nevertheless, the problem belongs to the universality class of random percolation. The lowest percolation threshold (pc = 0.562) was observed for isotropic orientation of dimers. It was higher (pc = 0.586) in the case of dimers aligned strictly along one direction. The state of dimer orientation influenced the concentration dependence of electrical conductivity. The proposed model seems to be useful for description of the percolating properties of anisotropic conductors.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Spacial and temporal dynamics of the volume fraction of the colloidal particles inside a drying sessile drop

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    Using lubrication theory, drying processes of sessile colloidal droplets on a solid substrate are studied. A simple model is proposed to describe temporal dynamics both the shape of the drop and the volume fraction of the colloidal particles inside the drop. The concentration dependence of the viscosity is taken into account. It is shown that the final shapes of the drops depend on both the initial volume fraction of the colloidal particles and the capillary number. The results of our simulations are in a reasonable agreement with the published experimental data. The computations for the drops of aqueous solution of human serum albumin (HSA) are presented.Comment: Submitted to EPJE, 7 pages, 8 figure

    Dimer percolation and jamming on simple cubic lattice

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    We consider site percolation of dimers (``neadles'') on simple cubic lattice. The percolation threshold is estimated as pcperc0.2555±0.0001p_c^\text{perc} \approx 0.2555 \pm 0.0001. The jamming threshold is estimated as pcjamm=0.799±0.002p_c^\text{jamm} = 0.799 \pm 0.002.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EPJ


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    A method for synthesis of quaternary ammonium salts containing an antioxidant (m-terphenol) fragment is developed.Разработан эффективный метод синтеза четвертичных аммониевых солей (ЧАС), содержащих в своем составе антиоксидантный (м-терфенильный) фрагмент. Установлена высокая антибактериальная активность ЧАС, содержащих алкильный радикал С12


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    Thermal protective compositions based on polyetherimide and inorganic fillers are proposed, and their thermal characteristics are investigated. The most effective inorganic filler in thermal protective composition was established to be silicon carbide at a content of 45–50 wt. %.Предложены составы теплозащитных композиций на основе полиэфиримида и неорганических наполнителей и исследованы их термические характеристики. Установлено, что из исследованных неорганических наполнителей в составе теплозащитных композиций наиболее эффективным является карбид кремния при его содержании 45–50 мас. %


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    The methods for synthesis of biocidal systems on the basis of the products formed by the reaction of polyphosphoric acids and polyhexamethyleneguanidine have been developed. The high antibacterial activity of these hybrid products is shown.Разработаны методы синтеза гибридных органо-минеральных систем взаимодействием полифосфорной кислоты и полигексаметиленгуанидина. Установлена высокая антибактериальная активность полученных соединений. Биоциды могут быть использованы для биозащиты полимерных композиционных материалов