679 research outputs found

    Numerical Calculation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects Using TraFiC4

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    Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) occurs when short bunches travel on strongly bent trajectories. Its effects on high-quality beams can be severe and are well understood qualitatively. For quantitative results, however, one has to rely on numerical methods. There exist several simulation codes utilizing different approaches. We describe in some detail the code TraFiC4 developed at DESY for design and analysis purposes, which approaches the problem from first principles and solves the equations of motion either perturbatively or self-consistently. We present some calculational results and comparison with experimental data. Also, we give examples of how the code can be used to design beamlines with minimal emittance growth due to CSR

    A Reply to the Question Why Math?

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    Two solution concepts for TU games with cycle-free directed cooperation structures

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    The Average Covering Tree Value for Directed Graph Games

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    We introduce a single-valued solution concept, the so-called average covering tree value, for the class of transferable utility games with limited communication structure represented by a directed graph. The solution is the average of the marginal contribution vectors corresponding to all covering trees of the directed graph. The covering trees of a directed graph are those (rooted) trees on the set of players that preserve the dominance relations between the players prescribed by the directed graph. The average covering tree value is component efficient and under a particular convexity-type condition is stable. For transferable utility games with complete communication structure the average covering tree value equals to the Shapley value of the game. If the graph is the directed analog of an undirected graph the average covering tree value coincides with the gravity center solution

    The Average Covering Tree Value for Directed Graph Games

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    A Geometrical Method of Decoupling

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    The computation of tunes and matched beam distributions are essential steps in the analysis of circular accelerators. If certain symmetries - like midplane symmetrie - are present, then it is possible to treat the betatron motion in the horizontal, the vertical plane and (under certain circumstances) the longitudinal motion separately using the well-known Courant-Snyder theory, or to apply transformations that have been described previously as for instance the method of Teng and Edwards. In a preceeding paper it has been shown that this method requires a modification for the treatment of isochronous cyclotrons with non-negligible space charge forces. Unfortunately the modification was numerically not as stable as desired and it was still unclear, if the extension would work for all thinkable cases. Hence a systematic derivation of a more general treatment seemed advisable. In a second paper the author suggested the use of real Dirac matrices as basic tools to coupled linear optics and gave a straightforward recipe to decouple positive definite Hamiltonians with imaginary eigenvalues. In this article this method is generalized and simplified in order to formulate a straightforward method to decouple Hamiltonian matrices with eigenvalues on the real and the imaginary axis. It is shown that this algebraic decoupling is closely related to a geometric "decoupling" by the orthogonalization of the vectors E⃗\vec E, B⃗\vec B and P⃗\vec P, that were introduced with the so-called "electromechanical equivalence". We present a structure-preserving block-diagonalization of symplectic or Hamiltonian matrices, respectively. When used iteratively, the decoupling algorithm can also be applied to n-dimensional systems and requires O(n2){\cal O}(n^2) iterations to converge to a given precision.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Parameterized optimized effective potential for the ground state of the atoms He through Xe

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    Parameterized orbitals expressed in Slater-type basis obtained within the optimized effective potential framework as well as the parameterization of the potential are reported for the ground state of the atoms He through Xe. The total, kinetic, exchange and single particle energies are given for each atom.Comment: 47 pages, 1 figur

    A General Existence Theorem of Zero Points

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    Let X be a non-empty, compact, convex set in R and an upper semi-continuous mapping from X to the collection of non-empty, compact, convex subsets in R. Its is well knwon that such a mapping has a stationary point in X, i.e. there exists a point in X satisfying that its image under has a non-empty intersection with the normal cone of X at the point. In case for every point in X it holds that the intersection of the image under with the normal cone of X at the point is either empty or contains the origin 0, then must have a zero point on X, i.e. there exists a point in X satisfying that 0 lies in the image of the point. Another well-known condition for the existence of a zero point follows from Ky Fan''s coincidence theorem, which says that if for every point in the intersection of the image with the tangent cone of X at the point is non-empty, the mapping must have a zero point. In this paper we extend all these existence results by giving a general zero point existence theorem, of which the two results are obtained as special cases. We also discuss what kind of solutions may exist when no further conditions are stated on the mapping . Finally, we show how our results can be used to establish several new intersection results on a compact, convex set.Economics ;
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