148 research outputs found

    Flocking with discrete symmetry: the 2d Active Ising Model

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    We study in detail the active Ising model, a stochastic lattice gas where collective motion emerges from the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. On a 2d lattice, active particles undergo a diffusion biased in one of two possible directions (left and right) and align ferromagnetically their direction of motion, hence yielding a minimal flocking model with discrete rotational symmetry. We show that the transition to collective motion amounts in this model to a bona fide liquid-gas phase transition in the canonical ensemble. The phase diagram in the density/velocity parameter plane has a critical point at zero velocity which belongs to the Ising universality class. In the density/temperature "canonical" ensemble, the usual critical point of the equilibrium liquid-gas transition is sent to infinite density because the different symmetries between liquid and gas phases preclude a supercritical region. We build a continuum theory which reproduces qualitatively the behavior of the microscopic model. In particular we predict analytically the shapes of the phase diagrams in the vicinity of the critical points, the binodal and spinodal densities at coexistence, and the speeds and shapes of the phase-separated profiles.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figure

    Active Brownian Particles and Run-and-Tumble Particles: a Comparative Study

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs) and Run-and-Tumble particles (RTPs) both self-propel at fixed speed vv along a body-axis u{\bf u} that reorients either through slow angular diffusion (ABPs) or sudden complete randomisation (RTPs). We compare the physics of these two model systems both at microscopic and macroscopic scales. Using exact results for their steady-state distribution in the presence of external potentials, we show that they both admit the same effective equilibrium regime perturbatively that breaks down for stronger external potentials, in a model-dependent way. In the presence of collisional repulsions such particles slow down at high density: their propulsive effort is unchanged, but their average speed along u{\bf u} becomes v(ρ)<vv(\rho) < v. A fruitful avenue is then to construct a mean-field description in which particles are ghost-like and have no collisions, but swim at a variable speed vv that is an explicit function or functional of the density ρ\rho. We give numerical evidence that the recently shown equivalence of the fluctuating hydrodynamics of ABPs and RTPs in this case, which we detail here, extends to microscopic models of ABPs and RTPs interacting with repulsive forces.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure

    When are active Brownian particles and run-and-tumble particles equivalent? Consequences for motility-induced phase separation

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    Active Brownian particles (ABPs, such as self-phoretic colloids) swim at fixed speed vv along a body-axis u{\bf u} that rotates by slow angular diffusion. Run-and-tumble particles (RTPs, such as motile bacteria) swim with constant \u until a random tumble event suddenly decorrelates the orientation. We show that when the motility parameters depend on density ρ\rho but not on u{\bf u}, the coarse-grained fluctuating hydrodynamics of interacting ABPs and RTPs can be mapped onto each other and are thus strictly equivalent. In both cases, a steeply enough decreasing v(ρ)v(\rho) causes phase separation in dimensions d=2,3d=2,3, even when no attractive forces act between the particles. This points to a generic role for motility-induced phase separation in active matter. However, we show that the ABP/RTP equivalence does not automatically extend to the more general case of \u-dependent motilities

    A numerical approach to large deviations in continuous-time

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    We present an algorithm to evaluate the large deviation functions associated to history-dependent observables. Instead of relying on a time discretisation procedure to approximate the dynamics, we provide a direct continuous-time algorithm, valuable for systems with multiple time scales, thus extending the work of Giardin\`a, Kurchan and Peliti (PRL 96, 120603 (2006)). The procedure is supplemented with a thermodynamic-integration scheme, which improves its efficiency. We also show how the method can be used to probe large deviation functions in systems with a dynamical phase transition -- revealed in our context through the appearance of a non-analyticity in the large deviation functions.Comment: Submitted to J. Stat. Mec

    Duality and fluctuation relations for statistics of currents on cyclic graphs

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    We consider stochastic motion of a particle on a cyclic graph with arbitrarily periodic time dependent kinetic rates. We demonstrate duality relations for statistics of currents in this model and in its continuous version of a diffusion in one dimension. Our duality relations are valid beyond detailed balance constraints and lead to exact expressions that relate statistics of currents induced by dual driving protocols. We also show that previously known no-pumping theorems and some of the fluctuation relations, when they are applied to cyclic graphs or to one dimensional diffusion, are special consequences of our duality.Comment: 2 figure, 6 pages (In twocolumn). Accepted by JSTA

    Lattice Models of Nonequilibrium Bacterial Dynamics

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    We study a model of self propelled particles exhibiting run and tumble dynamics on lattice. This non-Brownian diffusion is characterised by a random walk with a finite persistence length between changes of direction, and is inspired by the motion of bacteria such as E. coli. By defining a class of models with multiple species of particle and transmutation between species we can recreate such dynamics. These models admit exact analytical results whilst also forming a counterpart to previous continuum models of run and tumble dynamics. We solve the externally driven non-interacting and zero-range versions of the model exactly and utilise a field theoretic approach to derive the continuum fluctuating hydrodynamics for more general interactions. We make contact with prior approaches to run and tumble dynamics off lattice and determine the steady state and linear stability for a class of crowding interactions, where the jump rate decreases as density increases. In addition to its interest from the perspective of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, this lattice model constitutes and efficient tool to simulate a class of interacting run and tumble models relevant to bacterial motion, so long as certain conditions (that we derive) are met.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figure

    Zero-range processes with saturated condensation: the steady state and dynamics

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    We study a class of zero-range processes in which the real-space condensation phenomenon does not occur and is replaced by a saturated condensation: that is, an extensive number of finite-size "condensates" in the steady state. We determine the conditions under which this occurs, and investigate the dynamics of relaxation to the steady state. We identify two stages: a rapid initial growth of condensates followed by a slow process of activated evaporation and condensation. We analyze these nonequilibrium dynamics with a combination of meanfield approximations, first-passage time calculations and a fluctuation-dissipation type approach.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Entropy production and fluctuation relations for a KPZ interface

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    We study entropy production and fluctuation relations in the restricted solid-on-solid growth model, which is a microscopic realization of the KPZ equation. Solving the one dimensional model exactly on a particular line of the phase diagram we demonstrate that entropy production quantifies the distance from equilibrium. Moreover, as an example of a physically relevant current different from the entropy, we study the symmetry of the large deviation function associated with the interface height. In a special case of a system of length L=4 we find that the probability distribution of the variation of height has a symmetric large deviation function, displaying a symmetry different from the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure