445 research outputs found

    Noise uncertainty effect on multi-channel cognitive radio networks

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    Achieving high throughput is the most important goal of cognitive radio networks. The main process in cognitive radio is spectrum sensing that targets getting vacant channels. There are many sensing methods like matched filter, feature detection, interference temperature and energy detection which is employed in the proposed system; however, energy detection suffers from noise uncertainty. In this paper a study of throughput under noise fluctuation effect is introduced. The work in this paper proposes multi-channel system; the overall multi-channel throughput is studied under noise fluctuation effect. In addition, the proficiency of the network has been examined under different number of channels and sensing time with noise uncertainty

    Feedlot performance of Sudanese desert lambs fed with mash or pelleted diet of varying energy levels

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    AbstractThis experiment was conducted using 18 Sudan desert ram lambs (22±5.7kg) to examine the effects of feeding with diets of different energy levels and physical forms on feedlot performance. These lambs were randomly divided into three feed groups of six animals each in a completely randomized design (CRD). Following an acclimatization period of three weeks, three experimental diets were offered, each for one group. High Energy Pellets (HEP) and High Energy Mash (HEM) diets (10.50MJME/kg DM) of a pelleted and mash form, respectively and Low Energy Diets (LEP) was a pelleted and low energy diet (8.5MJME/kg DM).The experiment continued for all diets to an average 40kg live weight lamb. Results revealed lower Dry Matter Intake (DMI) (P>0.001), improved Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) (P<0.01) and higher Average daily gain (ADG) (P<0.01) for the high energy groups compared to the low energy diet group. No significant (P>0.05) differences were observed due to pelleting between the two higher energy groups. No significant (P>0.05) differences were observed among treatment groups in the Metabolizable Energy (ME) required to put a unit of body weight gain


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    Objective: This study is aimed to encapsulation of permethrin in proniosomes and formulation and evaluation of dispersed permethrin in powder and micro emulsion-based hydrogel bases.Methods: Permethrin proniosomes were prepared by modified slurry method using Brij 97, cholesterol, aerosil 200 and drug in different weight ratios, and using two different solvents. The prepared proniosomes were characterized for particle size, shape, flow characteristics, entrapment efficiency.Results: The studies demonstrated successful preparation of permethrin proniosomes. The effect of using different weight ratios of Drug: Brij 97: Cholesterol and different solvents on entrapment efficiency were studied. The best proniosomes showed entrapment efficiency percent of 55.58%±1.451 for permethrin and zero residual solvents. Such formula was incorporated in a topical powder and micro emulsion-based hydrogel basis and evaluated through particle size, drug content, stability, and clinical trials for efficacy on sarcoptic mite infestation in sheep and rabbits.Conclusion: Permethrin 5 % micro emulsion-based hydrogel proved to be homogenous, stable, and clinically effective, compared with the topical powder that was unstable under accelerated stability conditions

    Establishment and parasitism efficiency of Trichogramma principium (Sugonyaev et Sorokina) on Helicoverpa armigera (Hb.) infesting cotton in Sudan

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    &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study was conducted at the Gezira Research Station (GRS) farm during 2010/11 season to verify establishment and parasitism efficiency of Trichogramma principium (Sugonyaev et Sorokina) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in eggs of Helicoverpa armigera (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) infesting the Sudanese cotton cultivars "Barac 67B", "Hamid", "Burhan" and "Abdin". Trichogramma was acquired from the Rearing Unit, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), at preimaginal (prepupal) stage, in eggs of the rice moth Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Depending on numbers of H. armigera eggs / 100 plants, one release was done on each of Barac and Hamid and two on each of Abdin and Burhan. The release rate was 24,000 parasitoids /fed, at 7x7m distance between release points and 14-day intervals. Evaluation was done between treated plots with Trichogramma versus untreated. Observations consisted of the percentage of emerged parasitoids, percentage of parasitism and the numbers of the African bollworm larvae /100 plants. At the first release, the percentage of emerged parasitoids ranged between 71% in Barac and 86.4% in Hamid; the cultivars` average ranged between 60.5% and 94.8% and the overall average was 79.2%. The percentage of parasitized H. armigera eggs ranged between 22.2% and 60%. At the second release, the percentage of emerged adults ranged between 73.2% in Burhan and 82.1% in Abdin; the cultivars average ranged between 46.6 and 96.7% and the overall average was 77.7%. The percentage of parasitized H. armigera eggs ranged between 22.2% and 77.7%. The high level of parasitoid emergence declared a good viability of the released material, tolerance of the parasitoid to the local weather conditions and acceptance of the crop. The levels of parasitism reported were quite acceptable for this introductory release and first occurrence of the parasitoid in this new cotton agroecosysytem. A positive signal of migration from treated to untreated plots was observed through parasitized H. armigera eggs detected in the latter plots. The numbers of H. armigera larvae were negligible in both treatments. Accordingly, for proving potential capacity of establishment and parasitism efficiency against H. armigera, T. principium is strongly recommended for use on Sudanese cotton cultivars. &nbsp; المقدرة على الاستيطان والكفاءة التطفلية ل &nbsp;Trichogramma principium (Sugonyaev et Sorokina) &nbsp;ضد Helicoverpa armigera (Hb.) &nbsp;&nbsp;على القطن في السودان &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;أجريت هذه الدراسة بمزرعة محطة بحوث الجزيرة في موسم 2010-2011 للتثبت من المقدرة على&nbsp; الاستيطان و الكفاءة التطفلية ل&nbsp; Trichogramma principium (Sugonyaev et Sorokina) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) على بيض دودة اللوز الأفريقية Helicoverpa armigera (Hb.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) على أصناف الأقطان السودانية "باراك B 67"، "حامد"، "برهان"، و"عابدين". تم الحصول على طفيل التريخوجراما من وحدة الإكثار بهيئة البحوث الزراعية في طور ماقبل التشرنق بداخل بيض فراشة الأرز&nbsp; Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) . اعتمادا على عدد بيض دودة اللوز / 100 نبات، فلقد أجريت إطلاقه واحدة على كل من الصنفين باراك و حامد و اطلاقتان على كل من الصنفين عابدين و برهان بمعدل 24000 طفيل للفدان و على مسافات 7x7م بين نقاط الإطلاق و بفاصل 14 يوما بين الإطلاقات. تمت المقارنة بين الحقل المعامل بالتريخوجراما و الغير معامل. اشتمل التقييم على تحديد النسبة المئوية لبزوغ الأطوار المكتملة من الطفيل، النسبة المئوية للتطفل و عدد اليرقات في ال 100 نبات. عند الإطلاقة الأولى،&nbsp; تراوحت النسبة المئوية لبزوغ الأطوار المكتملة بين 71% كما في باراك و 86.4% كما في حامد، و المتوسط&nbsp; للأصناف بين 60.5% و 94.8% و المتوسط العام لهم 79.2 % و تراوحت النسبة المئوية للتطفل بين 60% و 22.2%. عند الإطلاقة الثانية،&nbsp; تراوحت النسبة المئوية لبزوغ الأطوار المكتملة بين 73.2%% كما في برهان و 82.1% كما في عابدين، و المتوسط للأصناف بين 46.6%&nbsp; و 96.7% و المتوسط العام لهم 77.7% ، و تراوحت النسبة المئوية للتطفل بين 77.7% و 22.2%. يدل هذا المستوى العالي من بزوغ الأطوار المكتملة على الحيوية الجيدة للطفيل المطلق، تحمله للظروف الجويه وتقبله للمحصول العائل. &nbsp;تعتبر المستويات المتحصل عليها من التطفل مناسبة لهذا الإطلاق الإستهلالى و تواجد الطفيل لأول مرة على&nbsp; هذا الوسط البيئي الزراعي الجديد للقطن بالسودان. هنالك مؤشرات لبداية هجرة الطفيل من المساحات المعامله لغير المعاملة تمثل في تواجد بيض متطفل علية في الأخيرة. كان عدد يرقات ديدان اللوز قليلا في المعاملتين. و عليه، و لقابليته على الاستيطان و كفاءته التطفلية المقبولة على ديدان اللوز الأفريقية فان ال T. Principium موصى باستعماله بشدة على أصناف الأقطان السودانية.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Эвакуация населения при чрезвычайных ситуациях

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    В результате аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС (1986 г.) радиационное загрязнение затронуло все страны Северного полушария. На опасно загрязненных территориях оказалось более 1 млн. чел. В ряду поколений число смертельных онкологических заболеваний может составить десятки тысяч человек.As a result of the Chernobyl accident (1986), all countries of the Northern Hemisphere were affected by radiation pollution. In dangerously contaminated areas was more than 1 million people. In a number of generations, the number of deadly cancer can amount to tens of thousands of people

    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography versus conservative treatment for patients with symptomatic small common bile duct stones: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the recommended treatment for common bile duct stones (CBDS). However, CBDS, tiny ones, can spontaneously pass through the ampulla of Vater, reducing unnecessary ERCP and its related significant complications. Objectives: This study compared endoscopic stone extraction versus conservative treatment for managing symptomatic small CBDS. Patients and methods: This randomized controlled trial included 168 patients with symptomatic CBDS (≤ 7 mm) and gallbladder stones. Of these, 85 patients underwent endoscopic stone extraction, and 83 patients underwent conservative treatment for the CBDS, followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy and intraoperative cholangiography between June 2019 and March 2023. The primary outcome was the overall success rate, while useless procedures, morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, total cost, and recurrent biliary symptoms were considered secondary outcomes. Results: Our study showed that the ERCP group had a significantly higher overall success rate (96.5% vs. 22.9%, P < 0.001), fewer useless procedures (14.1% vs. 77.1%, P < 0.001), a shorter median hospital stay (5 vs. 8 days, P < 0.001), and reduced total costs (1810 vs. 2250 US$, P < 0.001). Both groups had no significant difference in morbidity or recurrent biliary symptoms (2.4% vs. 7.2%, P = 0.14). There was no mortality rate in both groups. Conclusion: Symptomatic small CBDS should be managed surgically as early as possible. Endoscopic stone extraction has a significantly high success rate, a shorter hospital stay, and a lower total cost. The conservative treatment for symptomatic small CBDS is useless and should not be practiced

    Blink as you Sync - Uncovering Eye and Nod Synchrony in Conversation using Wearable Sensing

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    We tend to synchronize our movements to the person we are talking to during face-to-face conversation. Higher interpersonal synchrony is linked to greater empathy and more effortless interactions. This paper presents a first method and a corresponding dataset to explore synchrony in natural conversation by capturing eye and head movement using commodity smart eyewear. We present a 17 hour dataset, using Electrooculography and inertial sensing, of 42 people in conversation (21 dyads: 10 in Japanese, 10 in English, 1 in Chinese). Initial results on 18 dyads show significant interpersonal synchrony of blink and head nod behaviour during conversation (at frequencies of 0.2 to 0.5 Hz). We also find that people are more likely to synchronise blinks at around 1 Hz when conversing back-to-back than when face-to-face


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    Pelatihan manajemen potensi berprestasi di aplikasikan dalam bentuk pelatihan manajemen penanggulangan bencana alam, karena bencana bukan sesuatu yang asing lagi bagi negeri ini, Indonesia, baik berupa tsunami, gempa bumi, tanah longsor, basnjir, dan sebagainya itu terjadi. Oleh karena itu, kondisi bencana alam perlu dicermati secara utuh dan keseluruhan, baik pra bencana maupun pasca bencana untuk mengantisipasi persoalan – persoalan dan kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi. Berangkat dari permasalahan yang ada dalam mengantispasi bencana alam, maka perlu adanya sebuah penyuluhan berupa penyajian informasi dan sekaligus teknik penanggulangan bencana alam, untuk itu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM). Metode yang digunakan adalah Pelatihan Manajemen Peanggulangan Bencana Adapun sebagai subyek sasaran pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM adalah para siswa dan guru SMP - SMA Muhammadiyah Pangandaran serta Pimpinan Daerah Aisiyah Pangandaran. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pelatihan manajemen berupa penyuluhan serta simulasi teknis penanggulangan bencana alam kepada para guru dan siswa SMP – SMA Muhammadiyah Pangandaran yang berbasis Teknologi Informasi, dengan harapan dapat memahami informasi untuk mengenali bencana alam sejak din