249 research outputs found

    Enhancing service requirements of technical product-service systems

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    Due to the integration of product and services as a new business model, product reliability and strategies for cost reduction at the early design stage have become important factors for many manufacturing firms. It is, therefore, critical at this phase to analyse the risk involved with Service Requirements noncompliance in order to help designers make informed decisions; as these decisions have a large impact on the Product Life Cycle (PLC). An investigation has been performed into how Service Requirements are analysed in a service orientated business to achieve reduced Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and improvements of existing Service Requirements. Weibull distribution and Monte Carlo principle have been proposed to do so; as they are considered as the most widely used in product reliability studies in the industry sector. A generic methodology for risk evaluation of failure to deliver a new product against Service Requirements is presented in this paper. This is part of the ongoing research project which aims to, apart from comparing current and targeted Service Requirements, it also facilitates an optimisation of them at the minimum risk of nonconformity

    An integrated aerospace requirement setting and risk analysis tool for life cycle cost reduction and system design improvement

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    In the early conceptual stage of the service orientated model, decisions regarding the design of a new technical product are largely influenced by Service Requirements. Those decisions, therefore, have to merge both technical and business aspects to obtain desired product reliability and reduced Whole Life Cost (WLC). It is, therefore, critical at that phase to define the risk of potential noncompliance of Service Requirements in order to ensure the right design choices; as these decisions have a large impact on the overall product and service development. This paper presents outcome of research project to investigate different approaches used by companies to analyse Service Requirements to achieve reduced Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Analysis using Weibull distribution and Monte Carlo principle have been proposed here; based on the conducted literature review these are considered as the most widely used techniques in product reliability studies. Based on those techniques, a methodology and its software tool for risk evaluation of failure to deliver a new product against Service Requirements are presented in this paper. This is part of the on-going research project which, apart from analysing the gap between the current Service Requirements achievements and the design targets for a new aircraft engine, it also facilitates an optimisation of those requirements at the minimum risk of nonconformity

    The method of road signs recognition based on the evaluation of the Hamming distance and structural complexity

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    Проаналізовано основні принципи роботи систем розпізнавання дорожніх знаків відомих виробників. Описано алгоритм роботи та основні компоненти пристрою визначення елементів, зображених на дорожньому знаку. Запропоновано метод розпізнавання дорожніх знаків на основі оцінки Хеммінгової віддалі. Проведено аналіз дорожніх знаків категорії наказові знаки. Здійснено розбиття цієї категорії на менші підкатегорії для інформативного аналізу зображень. Виділено основні елементи наказових знаків, на основі яких запропоновано принципи кодування кожного знаку цієї категорії. Розраховано структурну складність зображень дорожніх знаків категорії наказові знаки. Наведено таблицю значень оцінок Хеммінгової віддалі для різних пар знаків запропонованих підкатегорій, на основі яких побудовано діаграми розподілу значень оцінок Хеммінгової віддалі. Проведено аналіз дорожніх знаків категорії заборонні знаки. Для цієї категорії відділено підкатегорії, запропоновано принцип кодування знаків, який базується на інформативних ознаках зображених елементів, побудовано діаграми розподілу значень отриманих оцінок Хеммінгової віддалі. Для розглянутих категорій знаків обчислено максимальні та мінімальні значення Хеммінгової віддалі. Запропоновано оцінку інформативності дорожніх знаків, на основі відношення Хеммінгової віддалі до структурної складності. Побудовано графіки, які ілюструють інформативність розглянутих знаків кожної підкатегорії. Зроблено висновки та рекомендації щодо удосконалення дорожніх знаків на основі оцінки Хеммінгової віддалі.Due to the increase in the number and dynamics of traffic flows, the task of automatic recognition of road signs becomes urgent. This is necessary to reduce the number of road traffic accidents and environmental pollution. This task is especially relevant when there is a barrier to perception and correct recognition of signs in conditions of fog, rain, dust etc. The development of the proposed method is based on the analysis of road signs images, definition of Hamming distance, structural complexity and information coding of road signs. Tables and charts based on the obtained results were constructed. Estimates of informativeness of the considered road signs were calculated. The obtained results are illustrated on the charts. The components of road signs recognition systems were classified. The basic principles of the control element operation of road signs recognition systems of well-known manufacturers were described. Prohibitive and prescriptive road signs were investigated in the work. These categories were divided into smaller subcategories. The criterion of division was the analysis of road signs features. Code values for signs of each of subcategories were offered. The values of Hamming distance estimation and structural complexity were calculated. The maximum and minimum values of the Hamming distance estimates for the signs of each of the subcategories were calculated. The analytical expression for finding the evaluation of the informativity of the road sign was obtained. Such an analytical expression is obtained on the basis of the ratio of the Hamming distance to the structural complexity. Estimates of informativity for the categories of marks considered were calculated. Charts illustrating informativity estimates for pairs of signs of the subcategories under consideration were constructed. Recommendations for the improvement of road sign images, for better computerized recognition based on the received results were proposed

    An aerospace requirements setting model to improve system design

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    Decisions at an early conceptual stage of the product lifecycle, are made with relatively low confidence, but such decisions greatly influence the overall product and service development. It is, therefore, critical to define the risks involved in order to help designers to make informed decisions. This research project investigates the risk and uncertainties in delivering products to meet top-level business requirements. The aim is to improve the existing process of setting business requirements and the current design approaches to achieve an optimised system design. This project also examines different approaches in assessing the risk of product and service delivery. To achieve that, a dedicated software tool, based on Weibull distribution function reliability model, has been created. An example of Rolls-Royce Civil Large Engine (CLE) gas turbine design process is used in this research as the case study. An analysis of the gap between the current design achievements and the targeted business requirements of a new product is performed at whole engine, module and component level. Further comparison of the new product business requirements, the novelty in the design and the historical reliability data is used to define and assess the risk of new product delivery

    The Issue of Restricting Freedom of Movement in the Face of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The conflict between anthropocentric and sociocentric activities of the State is vividly reflected in the situation that has arisen against the backdrop of the global problem – the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. The spread of epidemics and pandemics, both local and global, has been a challenge to humanity for millennia, and only the decisive steps of the authorities and the cooperation of international organizations have been able to fight against epidemics and pandemics. The socio-economic challenges of global development (imbalances in the economic development of different countries, poverty and hunger, low incomes in many countries, make it impossible to pay for medical services, buy essential medicines, provide healthy and nutritious food and provide an adequate level of immunity; ethnic movements of people; world economic crises; participation of the State in international trade and inability of the domestic economy to meet its needs, particularly public health needs; low financial provision of health care

    A baseline evaluation of oceanographic and sea ice conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex during 2016-2018

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    In this paper, we examine sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex as a baseline evaluation for the BaySys 2016–2018 field program time frame. Investigated in particular are spatiotemporal patterns in SST and sea ice state and dynamics, with rankings of the latter to highlight extreme conditions relative to the examined 1981–2010 climatology. Results from this study show that SSTs in northwestern Hudson Bay from May to July, 2016–2018, are high relative to the climatology for SST (1982–2010). SSTs are also warmer in 2016 and 2017 than in 2018 relative to their climatology. Similarly, unusually low sea ice cover existed from August to December of 2016 and July to September of 2017, while unusually high sea ice cover existed in January, February, and October of 2018. The ice-free season was approximately 20 days longer in 2016 than in 2018. Unusually high ice-drift speeds occurred in April of 2016 and 2017 and in May of 2018, coinciding with strong winds in 2016 and 2018 and following strong winds in March 2017. Strong meridional circulation was observed in spring of 2016 and winter of 2017, while weak meridional circulation existed in 2018. In a case study of an extreme event, a blizzard from 7 to 9 March 2017, evaluated using Lagrangian dispersion statistics, is shown to have suppressed sea ice deformation off the coast of Churchill. These results are relevant to describing and planning for possible future pathways and scenarios under continued climate change and river regulation

    A baseline evaluation of atmospheric and river discharge conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex during 2016-2018

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    In this article, we examine atmospheric and river discharge conditions within the Hudson Bay Complex for the BaySys 2016–2018 field program time frame. Investigated in particular is a subset of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis - Interim (ERA-Interim) atmospheric forcing variables, namely 2-m surface temperature, 10-m surface winds, precipitation, and sea-level pressure, in addition to river discharge. Results from this assessment show that 2016 was characterized by unusually warm conditions (terrestrial and marine) throughout the annual cycle; 2017 by strong cyclone activity in March and high precipitation in January, October, and November; and 2018 by cold and windy conditions throughout the annual cycle. Evaluation of terrestrial conditions showed higher than normal land surface temperatures (the Hudson Bay physical watershed) for all of the 2016–2018 period (excluding a colder than normal spell August–November 2018), particularly in January (2016 and 2017), higher than normal precipitation in October (2016 and 2017), and higher than normal terrestrial discharge to the Hudson Bay Complex in March (2016 and 2017), with drier than average June through October (2016–2018)