20 research outputs found

    Ocean color as a proxy to predict sea surface salinity in the Banda Sea

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    Salinity is an important ocean parameter that greatly influences physical, chemical, and biological ocean properties and processes. Salinity combines with sea temperature and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) that mostly sourced from remote sensing-based measurements can reveal ocean quality and supports fisheries. However, the satellite-derived Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) dataset (∼ 9 years) is not as temporally adequate as SST and Chl-a datasets (∼3 decades) and thus, preventing a comprehensively spatio-temporal analysis of this water quality aspect. Since (SSS) can be approximated using satellite-derived ocean color products having the similar temporal length of datasets to the available SST and Chl-a datasets, predicted SSS can be produced from these ocean color products to fill the gap of the existing SSS dataset. This study aims to estimate the SSS from ocean color products of Aqua-MODIS satellite with a spatial and temporal resolution of 4 km and 8-daily by developing an empirical model. The ocean color data used were remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) of blue, green and red wavelengths (412, 433, 469, 488, 531, 547, 555, 645, 667 and 678 nm). The absorption coefficients due to detritus material non-algae, Gelbstof and CDOM (ADG) at 443 nm and the absorption coefficient due to phytoplankton (APH) at 443 nm data were also used. The Banda Sea was chosen due to its large-scale upwelling system (∼300 km × 300 km) that providing an important ocean process related to fishery and the availability of in-situ salinity measurements (i.e. CTD casts from series of Research Vessel (R/V) Baruna Jaya III, VII and VIII cruises and Argo floats), which a part of these datasets will be used to validate predicted SSS. Results showed that of all ocean color parameters tested, ADG at 443 nm was strongly correlated with in-situ SSS through the polynomial order 5 regression equation with a high R2 of 0.94 and a low RMES value of 0.101 PSU. Although this empirical model has high accuracy, but based on RMSE analysis results from various locations within and outside the Banda Sea that influenced by the Pacific and the Indian ocean water masses indicates that this model actually good to predict in-situ SSS only for a narrow range SSS of 33.4-34.5 PSU. Nevertheless, this model has a limitation, it is still can be used for predicting and mapping the SSS for Banda Sea as well as for most of the Indonesian waters. The long-term meteorological SSS map (2003-2017) derived by this model together with the SST and Chl-a maps can show clearly the upwelling phenomena of the Banda Sea, which occurred during the southeast monsoon (June-July-August, JJA). This study proves that ocean color data from Aqua-MODIS satellite can be applied to estimate and to map the SSS for most of the Indonesian waters, but validations for this model is still neede

    Determinan Pemilihan Tempat Persalinan pada Ibu di Desa Sumur Batu Kecamatan Babakan Madang

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    Latar belakang: Cakupan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan di Kabupaten Bogor pada tahun 2017 berdasarkan laporan Puskesmas sebesar 112.477 (92,63%).  Akan tetapi jika dilihat persentase Ibu yang melahirkan ditolong oleh dukun/paraji dan tenaga lainnya sebesar 8.759 orang (7,21%). Hasil ini menunjukkan peran dukun bersalin/paraji di masyarakat masih begitu dominan di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor.Tujuan: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, pemahaman, motivasi, dan kerjasama masyarakat khususnya ibu hamil dan keluarga mengenai persiapan persalinan yang aman dengan menggunakan Tabungan Ibu Bersalin (Tabulin) di RT 12 RW 04 Kampung Selaeurih. Sehingga cakupan masyarakat yang memilih bersalin di fasilitas layanan kesehatan dapat meningkat.Metode: Metodenya yang digunakan adalah analisis situasi dan menentukan prioritas masalah. Kemudian melakukan pengembangan instrumen dengan menggunakan kuesionerdan melakukan survey determinan. Intervensi dilakukan dengan pemberian materi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat sasaran tentang program Tambulin.Hasil: Hasil dari kegiatan intervensi adalah peningkatan pengetahuan oleh masyarakat di wilayah Desa Sumur Batu tentang kehamilan dan terciptanya program TinabulinSimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil Pre & Post Test, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada 5 ibu hamil sebagai peserta setelah dilakukan intervensi berupa sosialisasi tentang kehamilan, persalinan, dan nifas serta pembuatan program Tabulin

    Intervensi Tabulin sebagai Upaya Persiapan Persalinan Ibu Hamil di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Latar Belakang: Data dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bogor pada tahun 2019, AKI di Kabupaten Bogor masih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan target RPJMN tahun 2015–2019 sebesar 306 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Cara yang efektif guna menurunkan AKI adalah dengan mendapatkan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan yang terlatih dan juga penting diperhatikan terkait status gizi ibu, anemia pada kehamilan, serta keadaan tiga terlambat dan empat terlalu, yang merupakan beberapa determinan penting yang dapat mempengaruhi AKI.Tujuan: Meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat khususnya ibu hamil dan keluarga mengenai persiapan persalinan yang aman.Metode: Melakukan analisis situasi, prioritas masalah, pengembangan instrumen, dan survei determinan penyebab rendahnya persiapan persalinan ibu yang aman. Pelaksanaan intervensi dilakukan kepada masyarakat di Desa Sumur Batu dengan pemberian penyuluhan dengan media slide power point dan video edukasi. Kemudian dilakukan penilaian melalui post-test untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat setelah dilakukan intervensi.Hasil: Rendahnya persiapan persalinan yang aman di Desa Sumur Batu disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah minimnya pembiayaan persalinan dikarenakan kurangnya pendapatan dan akses fasilitas kesehatan. Setelah dilakukan kegiatan intervensi, diberikan penilaian melalui post-test untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat Desa Cipambuan.Simpulan: Berdasarkan penilaian melalui post-test kepada 5 ibu hamil setelah kegiatan intervensi, diperoleh peningkatan skor pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap pentingnya persiapan persalinan yang aman


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    Marine life of Indonesia is very well known as a high diversity according to Ekman's hyphothesis. However, from the larva fish perspectives, this hypothesis seems to be rejected according to the comparative results of larval fish studies during the Snellius Expedition (1984-1985) in Banda Sea and the larval fish observation related to the East Australian Current (1998-1999) off New South Wales coast in Australian waters. Larval fish diversity from some previous studies over the world is also included. Several suggestions are also recommended to enhance our knowledge in marine biodiversity including improvement in marine biodiversity observation such as, research programs, field and laboratory facilities and numbers of taxonomists, and also collaborative works among research institutes, universities, and non-governmental organizations

    The importance of the Banda Sea for tuna conservation area : A review of studies on the biology and the ecology of tuna

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    Tuna exploitation in the Banda Sea was started when the Indonesian government gave access to the Japanese fleet under the bilateral cooperation of the Banda Sea Agreement (BSA) in 1975-1980. Several studies were conducted afterward in revealing the magnitude of tuna resources in the Banda Sea. In this paper, we reviewed the tuna studies that were done in the Banda Sea over the periods of 1980-2017 to improve our understanding on the biology and ecology of tuna in the region as the basis for future studies. Overall, we reviewed 29 publications consisted of eight research themes; biodiversity (5), catch composition (8), fish aggregating device (FAD) (2), fishing ground (2), growth-population (3), harvest-effort strategy (4), reproduction (4), and tagging (1). The Snellius II expedition in 1984-1985 was a remarkable study covering almost whole area of the Banda Sea. The study of catch composition and biodiversity were dominant in recent decade indicating there was urgent need to manage the tuna fisheries in the Banda Sea to preserve the tuna stock. Since the Banda Sea is considered as a tuna conservation area, the future studies should be focussed on the scientific findings to support the regulation.</p

    Keragaman Jenis dan Distribusi Ukuran Panjang Ikan Terbang di Perairan Indonesia Timur

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    Research on flyingfishes in 2004 was aimed to know their species diversity and length distribution. Two locations were selected as sampling sites such as Flores Sea and Sulawesi Sea. Samples were collected in Takalar from May to July 2004 represented samples from Flores Sea, and in Manado and Tahuna in November 2004 represented samples from Sulawesi Sea. All samples were caught by local fishermen who operated a gillnet. There were 7 species identified from Flores Sea, i.e. Cheilopogon abei, Cheilopogon spilonopterus, Cheilopogon spilopterus, Cheilopogon suttoni, Cypselurus poecilopterus, Hirundichthys oxycephalus and Parexocoetus mento, whereas from Sulawesi Sea, Cheilopogon cyanopterus and Cheilopogon spilopterus were identified. The average total length of C. spilopterus collected in May-July 2004 was longer than 200 mm and were no variation amongst months, while Cheilopogon spp. sampled from Sulawesi Sea was longer than 250 mm. The flyingfish samples were mostly in adult stage and had spawned

    A database of marine larval fish assemblages in Australian temperate and subtropical waters

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    Larval fishes are a useful metric of marine ecosystem state and change, as well as species-specific patterns in phenology. The high level of taxonomic expertise required to identify larval fishes to species level, and the considerable effort required to collect samples, make these data very valuable. Here we collate 3178 samples of larval fish assemblages, from 12 research projects from 1983-present, from temperate and subtropical Australian pelagic waters. This forms a benchmark for the larval fish assemblage for the region, and includes recent monitoring of larval fishes at coastal oceanographic reference stations. Comparing larval fishes among projects can be problematic due to differences in taxonomic resolution, and identifying all taxa to species is challenging, so this study reports a standard taxonomic resolution (of 218 taxa) for this region to help guide future research. This larval fish database serves as a data repository for surveys of larval fish assemblages in the region, and can contribute to analysis of climate-driven changes in the location and timing of the spawning of marine fishes