21 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Economics Pocket Book Berbasis Quantum Learning untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    The purpose of this study is to produce and know the quality of quantum learning based economics pocket book. In developing economics pocket book the research uses design based research. The result of study show that the matter experts, education and education practtioners provide ratings that economics is a very decent to be used without revision. Besides design experts provide decent ratings with the revition. The result of the field test showed positive responses from students with the acquistion of a persentage of 90% in addition to the field tes results II also earn a percentage of 87,4%. Based on the result above, economics pocket book is very decend for be used without revision. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan dan mengetahui kualitas economics pocket book berbasis quantum learning. Peneliti dalam mengembangkan economics pocket book menggunakan model pengembangan Design Based Research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ahli materi, pendidikan dan praktisi pendidikan memberikan penilaian bahwa economics pocket book sangat layak digunakan tanpa revisi, selain itu ahli desain memberikan penilaian bahwa layak digunakan dengan revisi. Hasil dari uji lapangan I menunjukkan tanggapan positif dari siswa dengan perolehan persentase 90%, selain itu hasil uji lapangan II juga memperoleh persentase sebesar 87,4%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka economics pocket book berbasis quantum learning termasuk kualifikasi sangat layak digunakan tanpa revisi

    IFRS Convergence in Accounting Curriculum: How It is Perceived

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the response of Intermediate Accounting lecturer to convergence of IFRS in accounting standards in Indonesia (PSAK). This response will affect the act of lecturers in adjusting the curriculum of Intermediate Accounting based on IFRS. The adjusted Intermediate Accounting curriculum will determine how the classroom teaching and learning will be carried out. Finally, students’ understanding will indicate how successful the process of learning has been held. This study examines the act of Intermediate Accounting lecturers at public universities in Malang that have vision and mission of accounting department in accordance with IFRS. The respondents are six intermediate accounting lecturers and students taking Intermediate Accounting subject. The result of this study is that currently Intermediate Accounting lecturers have a proper and sufficient knowledge of subject matter. Furthermore, they plan the lesson accordance with the needs and implement it in the classroom as well, so that the students get the right understanding as expected.   Keywords: IFRS convergence, curriculum of intermediate accounting, teacher knowledge, teaching and learning process, students understandin

    Student Views of Ethics Position in Business (Comparison Among Students of Accounting, Management, and Economic Development Department)

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    Generally, normative ethics has two main categories, namely teleology and deontology. Teleology covers all views expressing a care to the expected consequences of an action, while deontology focusing on the need to follow a certain rule. This study aimed in exploring the views of students toward the position of ethics in business using those two main categories. This study compared three groups of students from three departments: accounting, management and economic development. This study also focused on the effect of study period toward student’s views related with the position of ethics in business. By using one way ANOVA and independent t test, it can be implied that there was a significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business among students from accounting, management, and economic development. Moreover, the Tukey test showed that there was a significant difference of student views toward the position of ethics in business between accounting and management students (sig 0.018 < 0.05), while there was no significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business between accounting and economic development students (sig 0.992 > 0.05). Differently, there was a significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business between management and economic development students (sig 0,013 < 0.05). In details, the result of this study also implied that there was no significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business among students of year 2014 and 2016, from all three departments. It implied that the study period did not affect the student’s views toward the position of ethics in business.   Keywords: ethic, teleology, deontolog

    The present status of Penaeus vannamei and other exotic shrimp culture in Indonesia.

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    Shrimp culture is playing an important role in the contribution of foreign exchange earnings in Indonesia. However, for two decades, particularly in 1985 to 1994 the production of shrimp (P. monodon) had drastically decreased from 180,000 mt in 1984 to 35,058 mt in 1994, although total production of shrimp from both capture and aquaculture increased in the next 10 years, obtaining annual growth rate of 3.50%, from 170,563 mt in 1993 up to 477,332 mt in 2003. Production from aquaculture itself has merely grown to 2.80%. This was due to disease problem caused mainly by viral diseases called Monodon Baculovirus (MBV) and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), which started in 2000. The total shrimp export showed a significant increase in ten years for both volume and value, with growth rate of 4.91% for volume and 0.78% for value, gaining 98.569 mt worth US 867,703in1993to137,636metrictonnesworthUS 867,703 in 1993 to 137,636 metric tonnes worth US 850,222 in 2003. Taking into account that shrimp culture is one of the prime commodities, potential to increase foreign exchange earnings, the Government has made some efforts to cope with disease problems besetting the industry. In this regard, the Director General of Aquaculture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (DGA-MOMAF) is considering other shrimp culture species as alternative. In 2000, DGA made a business breakthrough by giving license to the private sectors to import broodstock and post larvae of P. vannamei into the country. Since then, the P. vannamei culture has been practiced in potential provinces in Indonesia. The success story of P. vannamei culture has encouraged many farmers who used to culture P. monodon, to try the new shrimp species. This increased shrimp aquaculture production, contributing 37.11 % to national production in 1999 and 41.2 % in 2003

    IFRS Convergence in Accounting Curriculum: How IT is Perceived

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the response of Intermediate Accounting lecturer to convergence of IFRS in accounting standards in Indonesia (PSAK). This response will affect the act of lecturers in adjusting the curriculum of Intermediate Accounting based on IFRS. The adjusted Intermediate Accounting curriculum will determine how the classroom teaching and learning will be carried out. Finally, students' understanding will indicate how successful the process of learning has been held. This study examines the act of Intermediate Accounting lecturers at public universities in Malang that have vision and mission of accounting department in accordance with IFRS. The respondents are six intermediate accounting lecturers and students taking Intermediate Accounting subject. The result of this study is that currently Intermediate Accounting lecturers have a proper and sufficient knowledge of subject matter. Furthermore, they plan the lesson accordance with the needs and implement it in the classroom as well, so that the students get the right understanding as expected.   Keywords: IFRS convergence, curriculum of intermediate accounting, teacher knowledge, teaching and learning process, students understandin

    Pengembangan Home Economics di SMA

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    The purpose of this study was to create and measure feasibility test of Home Economics in high school. This research method using the 4D model (Define, design, develop, and disseminate). The results of the content validation test showed 92% (very decent), media validation test results showed 73% (feasible with minimal revision), the test results of 93% of personal had a (very decent) and the limited test group had a 91% (very decent). Based on these results, the development of Home Economics in high school which packed into the teacher guide books and teaching materials are very decent student.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan menguji kelayakan Home Economics di SMA. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model 4D (Define, design, develop, and disseminate). Hasil uji validasi isi menunjukkan 92% (sangat layak), hasil uji validasi media menunjukkan 73% (layak dengan sedikit revisi), uji perorangan memiliki hasil 93% (sangat layak) dan pada uji kelompok terbatas memiliki 91% (sangat layak). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka pengembangan Home Economics di SMA yang dikemas kedalam buku panduan guru dan bahan ajar siswa sangat layak