57 research outputs found

    The Strategic Issues of Economic Development of Border Area of Indonesia - Malaysia

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    On the land, Indonesia is bordered by three countries: Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste.Whereas, in Indonesia sea area bordered by 10 countries: India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,Vietnam, Philippines, the Republic of Palau, Australia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. Most ofthe border region in Indonesia is still an underdeveloped area with less facilities and infrastructure ofsocial and economic. Formulation of the problem are: 1. How do the condition of the socio-economicand culture in the border of Indonesia - Malaysia? 2. What is the condition of infrastructure in theborder and what is the urgent infrastructure to be built? 3. What are policy and strategy of theIndonesian government of the border of society development between Indonesia (Entikong) andMalaysia (Sarawak)? The purpose of writing are: 1. Comparing the condition of the socio-economicand culture of border both Indonesia and Malaysia. 2. Comparing the condition of the infrastructureof border both Indonesia and Malaysia and determining the infrastructure to be built. 3. Describingthe Indonesian government policy and strategy in development acceleration of economic society in theborder between Indonesia, especially Entikong Sub-District of Sanggau Regency West Kalimantanand Malaysia (Sarawak). Although, the commitment and the governments policy have given a higherpriority in the reorientated development of border, which those of security (security approach) into awelfare orientation (prosperity approach), but overall, the issue of society development in Indonesiaborder, especially the District Entikong Sanggau Regency West Kalimantan and Malaysia (Sarawak)so far can be said that are still not getting proportional attention. The indication, though a variety ofpolicies, regulations or laws relating to efforts to accelerate economic development of border societieshave been made. Various issues and problems are faced by the border, both land and sea borders canbe solved by more focused and targeted on six aspects, these are policy, economic and socio-cultural,defense and security, natural resources management, institutional and management authority, as wellas cooperation inter nations

    Tanggap Tanaman Ubikayu Terhadap Pupuk Formula a Dan B

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    Ubikayu memiliki prospek bagus di masa depan karena empat hal, yaitu peningkatan kebutuhan bahan baku untuk(1) pangan, (2)pakan, (3) industri, dan (4) farmasi. Penelitian bertujuan meramu formula pupuk lengkap spesifik untuk ubikayu. Percobaan lapangandilaksanakan di dua lokasi, yaitu Desa Krebet, Kecamatan Masaran dan Kebun Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) Kabupaten Sragen. Rancangan percobaanadalah acak kelompok (RAK), dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah macam pupuk, ada lima macam, yaitu : Formula A, Formula B, NPK Holland 15-15-15, Phonska 15-15-15, dan Formula B+pupuk organik. Faktor kedua adalah takaran pupukterdiri atasempat level, yaitu 0, 0,5, 1, dan 1,5 kali rekomendasi. Takaran rekomendasi 400 kg/ha.Pupuk Formula A pupuk NPK 15-6-18, dan Formula B adalah NPKCaMg 15-10-18-5-5.Percobaan menggunakan varietas unggulUJ 5 untuk desa Krebet dan Kaspro untuk kebun BPP Sragen.Percobaandilaksanakan pada Desember 2011 hingga Setember 2012.Data yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, hasil ubi, dan kadar pati ubi, analisis kimia tanah dan pupuk, serapan hara N,P,K. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanpupuk Formula A dan Formula B meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil ubikayu seperti pupuk pembanding Holland ataupun Phonska. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pupuk Formula A dan Formula B memiliki kelayakan teknis sama seperti Holland maupun Phonska.Takaran pupuk dari masing-masing formula meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil ubikayu. Hasil ubikayu berkisar antara 13– 32 t/ha untuk Desa Krebet dan antara 16 - 40 t/ha untuk kebun Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Kabupaten Sragen. Hasil ubikayu tertinggiyang dapat dicapai 32,14 t/ha di desa Krebet dengan pemupukan 400kg/ha pupuk NPK Phonska dan 40,81 t/ha di kebun BPP Sragen dengan pemupukan 400 kg/ha Formula B dikombinasi dengan 5 t/ha pupuk organik. Rendemen pati ubikayu berkisar antara 20 - 29%untuk desa Krebet dan antara 23 -29% untuk ubikayu di kebun BPP Sragen. Peningkatan takaran pupuk mampu meningkatkan rendemen pati ubikayu. Rendemen tertinggi dicapai pada takaran 600 kg/ha dengan pupuk Formula A.Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa pupuk Formula A maupun Formula B memiliki kelayakan teknis dan cocok untuk tanaman ubikayu serta memiliki nilai kompetitif yang sebanding dengan pupuk Holland maupun Phonska.Untuk mempercepat penyebaran dan adopsi penggunaan pupuk Formula A dan Formula B disarankan perlunya sosialisasi dengan mengadakan demplot pupuk di tingkat kelompok tani di daerah-daerah sentra produksi ubikayu

    Pellet Water Stability Studies on Lupin Meal Based Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) Aquaculture Feeds : Comparison of Lupin Meal with Other Dietary Protein Sources

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    Nutritional quality of lupin based shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture feeds was evaluated in terms of pellet water stability. Two series of water stability experiments were carried out to study the effects of lupin meal inclusions as an dietary protein alternative for fish meal (Experiment 1) and soybean meal (Experiment 2) on percentage dry matter and protein leachings of the compounded test diets. Increasing the replacement levels of dietary fish meal with lupin meal resulted in significant decrease (P<0.05) of pellet water stability over the 480-minute immersion period. A significant improvement in water stability with the increase of the soybean meal replacement levels with lupin meal up to 50% was found, however, further increase above 50% substitution level resulted in reduced water stability of the diets. It is concluded that lupin meal can not totally replace either fish meal or soybean meal in shrimp formulated diets and a 50% replacement level of dietary fish meal or dietary soybean meal with lupin gives a promising good result in terms of pellet water stability for P. monodon diets

    Enriching Media Merchandise Sarana Penunjang Promosi Studi Kasus pada Bookstore

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    Talk about retail business can not be separated from the importance of service to consumers and good quality goods . But at the present time due to intense competition in the business world , the service and quality of goods is not enough to be able to increase revenue and attract customers loyal . This makes companies think hard to survive and stable in the business . One of them is by using a media campaign in this regard more toward print or visual media is indirectly felt the value of their effectiveness in communicating product marketing programs . PT . Times Prima Indonesia is a company engaged in the retail book with the name of the Times bookstores . Based on the analysis of the company\u27s problems requires additional media types supporting more varied and creatif promotion of existing ones, which will be used as a complement and a media campaign as well as to enrich the data renewal campaign design to capture the interest of consumers in which one form of the media campaign is shaped merchandise . Therefore , do Enriching ( enrich ) media campaign merchandise before it is less varied and has not formed a company image . The methodology used is the analysis, observation and design . Besides the new design has been tested with the implemented test duration for 6 months, and greatly increases the perceived contribution , this is evidenced by the chart sales increasing each month

    Efektivitas Kombinasi Amelioran Dan Pupuk Kandang Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Kedelai Pada Tanah Ultisol

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    Major constraint in soybean production on Ultisol soil includes: high soil acidity, veryhigh Al and Fe level, low organic matter, nutrient deficiency, low of base saturation and cation exchange capacity (CEC). This study was aimed at finding an optimal dose and combination of organic manure and soil ameliorants to achieve high yield of soybean in Ultisol soil in Lampung. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI), Malang, East Java, and on a dry land of Rumbia district, Lampung Tengah, in the 2005 growing season. Four series of experiments were conducted in the greenhouse using four different ameliorants (dolomite, zeolite, limestone, and organic ameliorant Formula 1). The glasshouse trial was arranged in a completely randomized design with two factors and four replications. The first factor consisted of five ameliorant levels, namely 0, 150, 300, 450, and 600 kg/ha. The second factor consisted of four manure levels, namely 0, 500, 100, and 1500 kg/ha. In the field experiment, a randomized complete block design was used with four replications. Two ameliorants, dolomite and zeolite, were used and the treatment combinations were the same as those in the glasshouse trial. Results indicated that ameliorant zeolite, dolomite, limestone, and Formula 1 increased plant height, seed weight (yield/pot), and yield of soybean in the field. The effective dose of ameliorant application to achieve 2.0-2.5 t/ha soybean yield was a combination of 500-100 kg/ha manure and 150-450 kg/ha each one of the ameliorants dolomite, zeolite, lime or Formula 1. An effective way to apply the soil ameliorant was by placing it in the planting hole or by distributing it along the plant rows. The use of ameliorant in the form of organic Formula 1 can be reduced down to 2,500 kg/ha. The need of ameliorant in the form of natural mineral (dolomite, zeolite, limestone) can be reduced down to 1,500 kg/ha. Combinations of ameliorant with organic manure showed increase of the effectiveness of the amelioration on Ultisol soil. The optimum combination of soil ameliorant and organic manure was 500 to 1,000 kg/ha organic manure and 150 to 450 kg/ha ameliorant

    Enriching Media Merchandise Sarana Penunjang Promosi Studi Kasus pada Bookstore

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    Talk about retail business can not be separated from the importance of service to consumers and good quality goods . But at the present time due to intense competition in the business world , the service and quality of goods is not enough to be able to increase revenue and attract customers loyal . This makes companies think hard to survive and stable in the business . One of them is by using a media campaign in this regard more toward print or visual media is indirectly felt the value of their effectiveness in communicating product marketing programs . PT . Times Prima Indonesia is a company engaged in the retail book with the name of the Times bookstores . Based on the analysis of the company's problems requires additional media types supporting more varied and creatif promotion of existing ones, which will be used as a complement and a media campaign as well as to enrich the data renewal campaign design to capture the interest of consumers in which one form of the media campaign is shaped merchandise . Therefore , do Enriching ( enrich ) media campaign merchandise before it is less varied and has not formed a company image . The methodology used is the analysis, observation and design . Besides the new design has been tested with the implemented test duration for 6 months, and greatly increases the perceived contribution , this is evidenced by the chart sales increasing each month

    The Performance of Lupin Meal as an Alternative to Fishmeal in Diet of Juvenile Penaeus Monodon Under Pond Conditions

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    The present study was designed to investigate the performance of isonitrogenous practical diets containing different inclusion levels of dehulled lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) meal as an alternative for fish meal for juvenile Penaeus monodon (4.32 ± 0.57 g) reared in pens under pond conditions with a natural productivity. Five isonitrogenous experimental diets were formulated to contain 0, 10, 20, and 30% dehulled lupin (L. angustifolius) meal with a corresponding reduction in fish meal from 24 (0% replacement; D1 as control) to 18 (25% replacement; D2), 12 (50% replacement; D3) and 6% (75% replacement; D4) and a diet containing dehulled lupin (L. albus) meal formulated to be similar to D2 which was designated as D5 and used for comparison. Each treatment was tested in quadruplicate and arranged in a completely randomised design. In addition, a group of shrimp put in four pond pens was not fed, to estimate the contribution of pond natural production to shrimp growth. There was no significant effect (P>0.05) of different dietary treatments on mean individual weight gain (13.3-14.2 g), survival rate (88-93%) of shrimp, and feed conversion ratio (1.45-1.55). The presence of natural food in the pond was important to boost shrimp production and approximately 36-67% of growth of shrimp in the present study was supplied by natural food. Under such conditions, dehulled lupin (L. angustifolius) meal can replace up to 75% of protein from fish meal at inclusion levels of up to 30% in isonitrogenous practical diets without any adverse effects on growth, survival, and feed conversion ratio of juvenile P. monodon. Although this study was performed using a pond pen model on a small scale, the results obtained have provided useful information on the potential of lupin based meals in a commercial semi-intensive shrimp farming

    Enriching Media Merchandise Sarana Penunjang Promosi Studi Kasus pada Bookstore

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    Talk about retail business can not be separated from the importance of service to consumers and good quality goods . But at the present time due to intense competition in the business world , the service and quality of goods is not enough to be able to increase revenue and attract customers loyal . This makes companies think hard to survive and stable in the business . One of them is by using a media campaign in this regard more toward print or visual media is indirectly felt the value of their effectiveness in communicating product marketing programs . PT . Times Prima Indonesia is a company engaged in the retail book with the name of the Times bookstores . Based on the analysis of the company's problems requires additional media types supporting more varied and creatif promotion of existing ones, which will be used as a complement and a media campaign as well as to enrich the data renewal campaign design to capture the interest of consumers in which one form of the media campaign is shaped merchandise . Therefore , do Enriching ( enrich ) media campaign merchandise before it is less varied and has not formed a company image . The methodology used is the analysis, observation and design . Besides the new design has been tested with the implemented test duration for 6 months, and greatly increases the perceived contribution , this is evidenced by the chart sales increasing each month

    Land Suitability for Developing Soybean Crops in Bumi Nabung and Rumbia Districts, Central Lampung

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    Bumi Nabung district consists of 6 villages with a total area of 7,810 ha which are divided into 251 ha of rain fed rice lands, 4,908 ha of dry land, 1,317 ha of lowland, 1,158 ha of yards and 176 ha of others. Rumbia district consists of 14 villages which has a total area of 22,696 ha of land consisting of 2,728 ha of yards, 17,358 ha of dry land, 326 rainfed paddy field, 839 ha of swamp land, 1,470 ha of lowland and 4,232 ha of others. Bumi Nabung and Rumbia districts have a low soil fertility potential that is reflected by the lowof soil pH, CEC, total N, available P, and high level of exchangeable Al and Al saturation. The results assessment based on the physical and chemical characteristics showed that Bumi Nabung district have 5 villages on suitable class S-2 (North Bumi Nabung, East Bumi Nabung, Bumi Nabung Ilir, South Bumi Nabung, and Sri Kencono) and one village New Bumi Nabung has less suitable class S-3. In the Rumbia District, there were 14 villages belonged to suitable class (S-2), namely Reno Basuki, Rekso Binangun, Teluk Dalam Ilir, Rukti Basuki, Restu Baru, Restu Buana, Bina Karya Buana, Bina Karya Putra, Bina Karya Jaya, Bina Karya Utama, Bina Karya Sakti, Joharan, Rantau Jaya Ilir and Rantau Jaya Baru. Bumi Nabung and Rumbia districts have the potential fertility and land suitability for extensification and development of soybean crops. The main technology components to support this program are the use of ameliorant (dolomite and zeolite), the application of organic fertilizers (manure and compost) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK)

    Prototype Perancangan Sistem Otomatis Pembaca Suhu Ruangan Menggunakan Output Kipas dan Sensor Lm35 Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 16

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    The fan is a tool that we usually find in everyday life. This is because the fan is a tool commonly used to lower the temperature or refrigerate something. However, the current use of the fan can be developed into a cooling device that can be controlled using an electronic device such as a microcontroller. Therefore we need a system for room temperature control in order to create a good temperature in conducting cooling system. Not just make the climate control, but also made the monitoring system. The data obtained from the LM35 temperature sensor is processed and then displayed in real time in the form of graphs and tables that can be seen by the computer using an LCD that can show the actual temperature in a room that has been installed LM35 sensor. Atmega16 microcontroller used is an 8-bit microcontroller which has a high capability and low power, in addition to all of the instructions executed in one clock cycle. AVR has 32 general-purpose registers, timer / counters flexible with compare modes, internal interrupt and power saving mode, the internal ADC and PWM. AVR also has in programmable system-on-chip flash program memory allows the system to be re-programmed using the serial SPI relationship
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