213 research outputs found

    Technical and logical methods for improving the process of urban planning in Serbia

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    The subject of the paper is an analysis of the methodology for developing urban plans, considered in a normative, organizational and interest context. Based on current legislation defining the content and procedure for adopting a plan, and the institutional framework that defines the participants in the planning process, a basic methodological model for a planning solution was formed, which was then improved in the context of the collaborative planning paradigm. Starting from the assumption that harmonizing the different interests represents the "grey zone" of planning in Serbia, the paper explores various methodological steps that would give a space for better cooperation between all stakeholders, and therefore contribute to the improvement of procedures for developing plans and the quality of the planning solutions themselves. On the basis of this research, a methodology for urban planning is defined as a logical and technical method of successively configuring a planning solution in a normative, organizational and interest context. Through analysis of the application of the methodological model in practice and a case study, it was confirmed that the method of producing a plan that includes timely and meaningful cooperation can reconcile the interests of the different stakeholders in planning

    Oscillation modes of dc microdischarges with parallel-plate geometry

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    Two different oscillation modes in microdischarge with parallel-plate geometry has been observed: relaxation oscillations with frequency range between 1.23 and 2.1 kHz and free-running oscillations with 7 kHz frequency. The oscillation modes are induced by increasing power supply voltage or discharge current. For a given power supply voltage, there is a spontaneous transition from one to other oscillation mode and vice versa. Before the transition from relaxation to free-running oscillations, the spontaneous increase of oscillation frequency of relaxation oscillations form 1.3 kHz to 2.1 kHz is measured. Fourier Transform Spectra of relaxation oscillations reveal chaotic behaviour of microdischarge. Volt-Ampere characteristics associated with relaxation oscillations describes periodical transition between low current, diffuse discharge and normal glow. However, free-running oscillations appear in subnormal glow only.Comment: Submitted to: New Journal of Physic

    Delay and Communication Tradeoffs for Blockchain Systems With Lightweight IoT Clients

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    Kosovo, 1944-1981: The rise and the fall of a communist 'nested homeland'

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    Published online: 09 Aug 2010.Aleksandar Petrović & ĐorĐe Stefanovi

    The effect of thermophoresis on the discharge parameters in complex plasma experiments

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    Thermophoresis is a tool often applied in complex plasma experiments. One of the usual stated benefits over other experimental tools is that changes induced by thermophoresis neither directly depend on, nor directly influence, the plasma parameters. From electronic data, plasma emission profiles in the sheath, and Langmuir probe data in the plasma bulk, we conclude that this assumption does not hold. An important effect on the levitation of dust particles in argon plasma is observed as well. The reason behind the changes in plasma parameters seems to be the change in neutral atom density accompanying the increased gas temperature while running at constant pressure.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Amorphous carbon film deposition on inner surface of tubes using atmospheric pressure pulsed filamentary plasma source

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    Uniform amorphous carbon film is deposited on the inner surface of quartz tube having the inner diameter of 6 mm and the outer diameter of 8 mm. A pulsed filamentary plasma source is used for the deposition. Long plasma filaments (~ 140 mm) as a positive discharge are generated inside the tube in argon with methane admixture. FTIR-ATR, XRD, SEM, LSM and XPS analyses give the conclusion that deposited film is amorphous composed of non-hydrogenated sp2 carbon and hydrogenated sp3 carbon. Plasma is characterized using optical emission spectroscopy, voltage-current measurement, microphotography and numerical simulation. On the basis of observed plasma parameters, the kinetics of the film deposition process is discussed

    Axial light emission and Ar metastable densities in a parallel plate dc micro discharge in steady state and transient regimes

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    Axial emission profiles in a parallel plate dc micro discharge (feedgas: argon; discharge gap d=1mm; pressure p=10Torr) were studied by means of time resolved imaging with a fast ICCD camera. Additionally, volt-ampere (V-A) characteristics were recorded and Ar* metastable densities were measured by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). Axial emission profiles in the steady state regime are similar to corresponding profiles in standard size discharges (d=1cm, p=1Torr). For some discharge conditions relaxation oscillations are present when the micro discharge switches periodically between low current Townsend-like mode and normal glow. At the same time the axial emission profile shows transient behavior, starting with peak distribution at the anode, which gradually moves towards the cathode during the normal glow. The development of argon metastable densities highly correlates with the oscillating discharge current. Gas temperatures in the low current Townsend-like mode (T= 320-400K) and the high current glow mode (T=469-526K) were determined by the broadening of the recorded spectral profiles as a function of the discharge current.Comment: submitted to Plasma Sources Sci. Techno

    Heavy Metals in Steel Mill Electric Arc Furnace Dust

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    U okviru gospodarenja otpadom, koje obuhvaća i odabir rjeÅ”enja za njegovo zbrinjavanje, bilo uporabom u vlastitim tehnoloÅ”kim procesima, bilo prerađen u drugim industrijskim granama ili odgovarajućom obradom prije eventualnog odlaganja na propisanim odlagaliÅ”tima, u Željezari Sisak se pristupilo sustavnom istraživanju fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika metalurÅ”kog otpada kao i njegovog ponaÅ”anja u interakciji sa okoliÅ”em. Elektropećna praÅ”ina, kao metalurÅ”ki otpad, razvrstana je prema US EPA klasifikaciji iz 1980. godine u opasni tehnoloÅ”ki otpad oznake K061. Elektropećna praÅ”ina Željezare Sisak svrstana je u opasni otpad na temelju ispitivanja fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika od strane za to ovlaÅ”tenog laboratorija i dodijeljen joj je ključni broj *10 02 03, sukladno pravnim propisima Republike Hrvatske. Kako zbrinjavanje opasnog otpada nije moguće izravnim odlaganjem na tlo, ukazala se potreba pronalaženja rjeÅ”enja za zbrinjavanje elektropećne praÅ”ine na ekoloÅ”ki prihvatljiv i ekonomski opravdan način. Naime, elektropećna praÅ”ina iz procesa proizvodnje čelika u čeličani Željezare Sisak, svojedobno je služila kao dodatak pri izradi sinter-mjeÅ”avine za potrebe proizvodnje sirovog željeza visokopećnim postupkom. Zbrinjavanje elektropećne praÅ”ine na taj način bilo je jedino ekonomski opravdano radi iskoriÅ”tavanja njezinog željezonosnog dijela, dok ekoloÅ”ka prihvatljivost tog načina zbrinjavanja opasnog otpada nije bila zadovoljena. Naime, teÅ”ke kovine od elektropećne praÅ”ine kao toksični sastojci samo su mijenjali svoju matičnu osnovu tj. iz elektropećne praÅ”ine bivali preseljeni i ukoncentrirani u mulj ispirača visokopećnih otpadnih plinova. Zatvaranjem proizvodnje sirovog željeza u visokim pećima, napuÅ”ten je i taj, ionako nepotpun način zbrinjavanja elektropećne praÅ”ine, a novonastale količine se otada privremeno odlažu u krugu tvornice i svakim su danom sve veća opasnost za okoliÅ”. Radi pronalaženja mogućnosti i odabira optimalnog postupka zbrinjavanja nagomilanih količina opasnog metalurÅ”kog otpada provode se sustavna istraživanja od kojih je ovdje prikazan samo dio koji se odnosi na ispitivanje sadržaja teÅ”kih kovina u elektropećnoj praÅ”ini, kao i međusobne povezanosti udjela teÅ”kih kovina Zn, Pb, Cd s masenim udjelom željeza čiji oksidi čine osnovu tog otpada. Ostale kovine poput bakra, kroma i nikla nisu istraživane na isti način kao Zn, Pb i Cd s obzirom da je ispitivana praÅ”ina nastala u postupcima proizvodnje ugljičnih čelika te su u njoj koncentracije tih kovina vrlo niske.Within the scope of corporate waste management, Sisak Steelworks initiated a thorough and systematic examination of physical and chemical properties of metallurgical waste and of its behaviour in interaction with the environment. Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust has been categorized as hazardous technological waste and it can not be directly disposed of to the ground / in a land fill. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly and economically acceptable manner. In order to elaborate different options and chose the optimal practice for the disposal of the accumulated volumes of hazardous metallurgical waste, comprehensive and systematic research has been conducted. This paper provides only a partial survey of the research of the heavy metal Zn, Pb, Cd content in electric arc furnace dust as well. Qualitative chemical analysis of samples of electric arc furnace dust was conducted on all observed samples and the presence of Fe, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu, Al, Ca, Mg, K, S, P, C, O and Cl was established. The results of qualitative chemical analysis of monthly average samples of electric arc furnace dust obtained by other methods established that the mass fraction of iron was between 41.08 and 48.58 %, zinc between 3.75 and 8.10 %, lead between 0.94 and 2.07 %, and cadmium between 0.010 and 0.027 %. The results of the Zn, Pb, Cd fraction analysis in the observed samples of electric arc furnace dust are considerably lower, than the content of those metals in EAF dusts presented in the available references, where the mass fraction of zinc varies between 0.14 and 50 %, lead between 0.03 and 6.8 %, and cadmium between < 0.01 and 1.8 %. Quantitative analysis of Fe, Zn, Pb and Cd fraction was carried out in grain-metrical fractions of individual samples of EAF dust as well. The results have shown that the concentrations of Fe tend to increase with smaller fraction grains compared to an average sample, whereas concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd in the same proportion display a descending tendency. Results of the Zn, Pb and Cd fraction analysis in the EAF dust samples from Sisak Steelworks compared to the mass fraction of those metals in EAF dust from other steel mills imply that the measured concentrations of zinc, lead, and cadmium are much higher. Therefore, it is not economically viable to recycle this dust for the lead, zinc or cadmium recovery. Consequently, the disposal of this kind of hazardous metallurgical waste must first be handled in another, environmentally acceptable and economically justifiable way. Additional investigations must be carried out before the final decision is made

    Preparation and Characterization of Novel Glycidyl Methacrylate/Clay Nanocomposites

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    The impact of the type and amounts of nanofiller on the features of the glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (GMA-co-EGDMA)/organomodified montmorillonite (OMt) nanocomposites that were prepared by in situ radical suspension polymerization, was examined. Cloisite 30B and Cloisite 25A were used in this study as nanofillers, in amounts of 2 and 10 wt.%. The structure, morphology, thermal stability and porosity of the initial GMA-co-EGDMA copolymer and their nanocomposites were examined by ATR-FTIR analysis, wide angle X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and mercury porosimetry. It has been established that both clay nanofillers were successfully incorporated into the structure of the initial copolymer, simultaneously on their surface and also on cross-sectional area. Prepared samples with 2 wt.% have predominantly exfoliated, while samples with 10 wt.% have some tactoids-aggregates structure of the OMt layers. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed that after ~ 30 % of degradation, all nanocomposites become more thermal stable than the initial copolymer. The obtained results indicate that porosity parameters can be easily modified with the addition of clay nanofillers and thus prepared nanocomposites adjusted to specific purposes. Ā© 2022 Authors. Published by association for ETRAN Society

    Uticaj natrijum bikarbonata i standardnih antidota na acido-bazni status pacova trovanih dihlorvosom

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    The aim of the present work was to examine potential beneficial role of sodium bicarbonate (3 mmol/kg ip) on protective potency of trimedoxime (10 mg/kg im), obidoxime (10 mg/kg im) and atropine (10 mg/kg im) in rats poisoned with dichlorvos. Special attention was paid to the influence of co-administration of sodium bicarbonate on acid-base status in experimental animals poisoned with dichlorvos (1.3 LD50 sc). Coadministration of sodium bicarbonate significantly increased protective effect of standard antidotes in rats poisoned with dichlorvos. Sodium bicarbonate given along with atropine/oxime produced an increase in blood pH value and correction of acidosis. In conclusion, correlation between protective effect and biochemical outcome was evident when sodium bicarbonate was added to antidotes.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita efekat natrijum bikarbonata (3 mmol/kg ip) na zaÅ”titni potencijal trimedoksima (10 mg/kg im), obidoksima (10 mg/kg im) i atropina (10 mg/kg im) u pacova trovanih dihlorvosom. Posebna pažnja je posvećena uticaju kombinacija natrijum bikarbonata i antidota na acido-bazni status eksperimentalnih životinja trovanih dihlorvosom (1.3 LD50 ). Primena kombinacija sa natrijum bikarbonatom zna- čajno je povećala zaÅ”titne efekte standardnih antidota, a doÅ”lo je i do porasta vrednosti pH krvi i korekcije acidoze. Takođe, moglo se zaključiti da kada je natrijum bikarbonat dat zajedno sa atropinom/oksimom postoji jasna korelacija između dobijenih zaÅ”titnih efekata i testiranih biohemijskih parametara
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