573 research outputs found

    Evidence for increasing incidence of abnormalities of the human testis: a review.

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    Recent reports have suggested that the incidence of genitourinary abnormalities in human males has increased during the past 50 years, including congenital abnormalities such as cryptorchidism and hypospadia, which seem to be occurring more commonly. Also, the incidence of testicular cancer has increased 3- to 4-fold since the 1940s. This increase seems to be worldwide including countries with a very high frequency of testicular neoplasia as well as those in which this cancer is rather uncommon. It has also been postulated that semen quality has been decreasing for the last half century. A recent study showed that the average sperm density has decreased significantly from 113 million/mL in 1940 to 66 million/mL in 1990. The mean seminal volume has also declined, indicating that the decrease in the total sperm count is even more pronounced than the fall in sperm density would indicate. The remarkable increase in frequency of testicular abnormalities over a relatively short period of time may be due to environmental rather than genetic factors. There is an epidemiological link between the occurrence of different testicular abnormalities. Therefore, common prenatally acting etiological factors with adverse effects on the fetal male gonad might be suspected. However, postnatal influences may also have a deleterious effect on male fertility. From the reproductive point of view, an increased impact on the human male gonad is of concern

    Quantification of the Leydig cell compartment in testicular biopsies and association with biochemical Leydig cell dysfunction in testicular cancer survivor

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    A simple histological method to evaluate the Leydig cell compartment is lacking. We aimed to establish such a method and to investigate if Leydig cell hyperplasia of the biopsy contralateral to the tumour-bearing testicle in patients with testicular germ cell cancer is associated with biochemical signs of Leydig cell dysfunction after long-term follow-up. A case group of 50 long-term testicular germ cell cancer survivors without human chorionic gonadotropin elevation, 10 testicular germ cell cancer patients with elevated human chorionic gonadotropin and 10 controls without testicular malignancy were included. For each subject, 2-4 representative sections from their testicular biopsies were selected for analysis. Using the image processing program ImageJ (V.1.48, NIH), an area with a minimum of 50 tubules was selected and delineated (total selected area) and the total Leydig cell area was calculated by adding up every delineated Leydig cell group within the total selected area. Four different methods were tested for the ability to quantify the Leydig cell compartment. In the 50 testicular germ cell cancer survivors, associations between the area of the Leydig cell compartment and serum levels of testosterone and luteinising hormone were investigated using linear regression analysis. The Leydig cell compartment was best quantified by the total Leydig cell area/total selected area index, which was significantly larger in the human chorionic gonadotropin-positive patients than in controls (P = 0.00001). In the 50 human chorionic gonadotropin-negative testicular germ cell cancer survivors, increasing total Leydig cell area/total selected area was significantly associated with decreased levels of total testosterone and decreased total testosterone/luteinising hormone ratio after a median of 9-year follow-up. In conclusion, a new simple method, total Leydig cell area/total selected area, was established to estimate the Leydig cell compartment in testicular biopsies. The index identified Leydig cell hyperplasia in the contralateral biopsy in patients with testicular germ cell cancer, and it was associated with long-term biochemical Leydig cell dysfunction. Although in testicular germ cell cancer survivors, the clinical value is limited because the contralateral biopsies are not commonly available, we propose a closer andrological follow-up in any patient with an increased total Leydig cell area/total selected area index

    Maternal Pregnancy Levels of trans-Nonachlor and Oxychlordane and Prevalence of Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias in Boys

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    Background: The etiologies of the male urogenital anomalies—cryptorchidism and hypospadias—are poorly understood. Given positive associations between chlordane isomers and testicular germ cell tumors, it is reasonable to assume that chlordanes might also be associated with other testicular dysgenesis syndrome disorders, namely cryptorchidism and hypospadias

    IoMT-Driven eHealth: A Technological Innovation Proposal Based on Smart Speakers

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    Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a technological concept applied in healthcare contexts to achieve the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the Internet in order to make life easier for people. IoMT can help monitor, inform and notify not only caregivers, but provide healthcare providers with actual data to identify issues before they become critical or to allow for earlier invention. In this sense, this paper is contextualized in Assisted Repro duction Treatment (ART) processes to reduce the number of hospital visits, reduce healthcare costs and improve patientcare, as well as the productivity of the healthcare professional. So, we present an IoMT-based technological pro posal to manage and control the prescription of pharmacological treatments to patients who are carried out ART processes. In this context, we propose the integration of iMEDEA (modular system specialized in the management of electronic clinical records for ART unit) and smart speaker devices (specifically, Amazon’s Alexa), as well as the validation of our proposal in the real envi ronment offered by Inebir clinicMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R (POLOLAS)Junta de Andalucía AT17-5904-US

    An update on semen quality among young Finnish men and comparison with Danish data

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    Finnish men used to have higher semen quality than Danish men. However, recent studies showed that semen quality in Finland has declined, but it has been relatively stable in Denmark.\nThis study aimed to compare new data on semen quality of the young Finnish men to that of Danish men.\nIn this cross-sectional study, 18- to 19-year-old men residing in Turku, Finland and Copenhagen, Denmark, were invited to participate in 2008-2011. Each man filled in a questionnaire, provided one semen sample and underwent andrological examination. Semen samples were analyzed according to WHO. Multiway ANOVA was used to adjust semen variables for duration of sexual abstinence and age (and time from ejaculation to the start of semen analysis for sperm motility).\nAltogether 287 Finnish men and 873 Danish men participated in the study. The adjusted median sperm concentrations were 49 and 47 million/mL for Finnish and Danish men, respectively (p = 0.48). The adjusted median total sperm counts were 148 million in Finland and 146 million in Denmark (p = 0.87). The adjusted median percentages of morphologically normal spermatozoa were 6.9% in Finland and 6.5% in Denmark, p = 0.27. Finnish men had higher adjusted median percentages of motile spermatozoa (A+B+C) than Danish men (80% vs. 69%, p < 0.001). The proportion of men who had low semen quality (sperm concentration, percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa or percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa below WHO reference limits) was lower in Finland (25.4%) than in Denmark (34.6%), p = 0.004.\nConsiderable percentage of men in both countries had low semen quality. The deteriorating semen quality in Finland may result in decreasing fecundity, which is a cause of concern.\nThe formerly high semen quality in Finland has converged to the lower Danish levels. Our findings demonstrate the importance of continuing surveillance of semen quality.\nBACKGROUND\nOBJECTIVE\nMATERIALS AND METHODS\nRESULTS\nDISCUSSION\nCONCLUSIO

    Maternal exposure to UV filters:Associations with maternal thyroid hormones, IGF-I/IGFBP3 and birth outcomes

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    Background: Several chemical UV filters/absorbers ('UV filters' hereafter) have endocrine-disrupting properties in vitro and in vivo. Exposure to these chemicals, especially during prenatal development, is of concern. Objectives: To examine maternal exposure to UV filters, associations with maternal thyroid hormone, with growth factor concentrations as well as to birth outcomes. Methods: Prospective study of 183 pregnant women with 2nd trimester serum and urine samples available. Maternal concentrations of the chemical UV filters benzophenone-1 (BP-1) and benzophenone-3 (BP-3) in urine and 4-hydroxy-benzophenone (4-HBP) in serum were measured by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The relationships between 2nd trimester maternal concentrations of the three chemical UV filters and maternal serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and growth factors, as well as birth outcomes (weight, height, and head and abdominal circumferences) were examined. Results: Positive associations between maternal serum concentrations of 4-HBP and triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its binding protein IGFBP3 were observed in mothers carrying male fetuses. Male infants of mothers in the middle 4-HBP exposure group had statistically significantly lower weight and shorter head and abdominal circumferences at birth compared to the low exposure group. Conclusions: Widespread exposure of pregnant women to chemical UV filters and the possible impact on maternal thyroid hormones and growth factors, and on fetal growth, calls for further studies on possible long-term consequences of the exposure to UV filters on fetal development and children’s health

    Prostaglandins, masculinization and its disorders:effects of fetal exposure of the rat to the cyclooxygenase inhibitor- indomethacin

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    Recent studies have established that masculinization of the male reproductive tract is programmed by androgens in a critical fetal ‘masculinization programming window’ (MPW). What is peculiar to androgen action during this period is, however, unknown. Studies from 20 years ago in mice implicated prostaglandin (PG)-mediation of androgen-induced masculinization, but this has never been followed up. We therefore investigated if PGs might mediate androgen effects in the MPW by exposing pregnant rats to indomethacin (which blocks PG production by inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity) during this period and then examining if androgen production or action (masculinization) was affected. Pregnant rats were treated with indomethacin (0.8 mg/kg/day; e15.5–e18.5) to encompass the MPW. Indomethacin exposure decreased fetal bodyweight (e21.5), testis weight (e21.5) and testicular PGE2 (e17.5, e21.5), but had no effect on intratesticular testosterone (ITT; e17.5) or anogenital index (AGI; e21.5). Postnatally, AGI, testis weight and blood testosterone were unaffected by indomethacin exposure and no cryptorchidism or hypospadias occurred. Penis length was normal in indomethacin-exposed animals at Pnd25 but was reduced by 26% (p&lt;0.001) in adulthood, an effect that is unexplained. Our results demonstrate that indomethacin can effectively decrease intra-testicular PGE2 level. However, the resulting male phenotype does not support a role for PGs in mediating androgen-induced masculinization during the MPW in rats. The contrast with previous mouse studies is unexplained but may reflect a species difference

    Expression of the normal epithelial cell-specific 1 (NES1; KLK10) candidate tumour suppressor gene in normal and malignant testicular tissue

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    The normal epithelial cell-specific 1 (NES1) gene (official name kallikrein gene 10; KLK10) is a new member of the expanding human kallikrein gene family and encodes for a secreted serine protease. Experimental evidence suggests that NES1 controls normal cell growth and may function as a tumour suppressor. NES1 is down-regulated during breast cancer progression. The NES1 gene is highly expressed in testicular as well as in other tissues. In this study, we investigated the expression level of the NES1 gene in cancerous and normal testicular tissues with reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. In all 14 primary testicular germ-cell tumours examined, the NES1 gene expression was markedly reduced compared to adjacent (paired) normal tissues. We further examined 6 randomly selected primary germ-cell tumours and 8 normal tissues (obtained from different individuals). We confirmed the differential expression of the NES1 gene in germ-cell tumours (GCT) and pre-malignant carcinoma in situ (CIS). Our findings suggest that NES1 may act as a tumour suppressor and may play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of this malignancy. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co
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