611 research outputs found

    Histology in 3D:development of an online interactive student resource on epithelium

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    Epithelium is an important and highly specialised tissue type that makes up the lining of inner and outer surfaces of the human body. It is proposed that a self-study tool adds to efficient learning and lecturing on this complicated topic in medical curricula. This paper describes the development and evaluation of an online interactive 3D resource on epithelium for undergraduate medical students. A first evaluation was carried out by means of an online survey (n = 37). The resource was evaluated positively on the website in general, its visual contents and its value and potential for the medical curriculum

    Employability van bètatechnici

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    Molecular characterization of Cyclophilin B genes and promoter sequences in wheat and rice

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    - Poor adherence to medication is one of the most important determinants in the treatment of patients with chronic disorders.- e-Health-based interventions may be able to improve treatment adherence.- This article gives an overview of the available e-Health interventions and the extent to which they can improve adherence.- We searched in the PubMed, Cinahl, PsycInfo, and Embase databases for e-Health interventions that aimed at improving adherence to treatment.- Of the 16 included studies, 15 used a website and one used an app.- Ten studies showed a significant improvement in treatment adherence by using the intervention.- e-Health interventions were generally complex.- Simple interventions were the most successful in improving treatment adherence

    Dermatosis autoinmunes en caninos. Estudio retrospectivo

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    A retrospective study of canine skin samples diagnosed with autoimmune disease, admitted by the Veterinary Special Pathology Laboratory, was conducted between 2004 and 2016. Purposes of the study were to identify canine cases of skin lesions and to select those with a diagnosis of autoimmune disease. Autoimmune skin diseases were related to race, age, sex, type and anatomical location of the clinical lesions and, finally, different histopathological lesions characterizing each disease. Autoimmune diseases accounted for 2.07% of the total number of cases admitted in the study period, the most frequent being pemphigus foliaceus and discoid lupus erythematosus. The purebred dogs were more affected than the mixed animals, being the anatomical location of greater presentation the dorsal region of the nose (35.3%). Among the most frequent histopathological findings were pustules (54.1%), areas of dermo-epidermal separation (45.9%) and spongiosis (44.7%). Although the percentage of canines with autoimmune dermatosis is low, it is important to include differential diagnoses of the diseases that occur with pustules, papules, vesicles and inflammatory infiltrate in the dermoepidermal junction. Histopathology is a useful and accessible tool in that allows to diagnose these diseases.Se investigaron muestras de piel de caninos con diagnóstico de enfermedad autoinmune ingresadas entre los años 2004 y 2016 al Laboratorio de Patología Especial Veterinaria (FCV, La Plata, Argentina). Los objetivos fueron identificar casos de caninos con lesiones cutáneas y seleccionar aquéllos con diagnóstico de enfermedad autoinmune. También se propuso relacionar las dermatosis autoinmunes con la raza, edad, sexo, el tipo y la ubicación anatómica de las lesiones clínicas y, por ultimo, describir las diferentes lesiones histopatológicas que caracterizaron cada afección. Las enfermedades autoinmunes representaron el 2,07% del total de casos ingresados en el período de estudio, siendo las más frecuentes el pénfigo foliáceo y el lupus eritematoso discoide. Los caninos de raza pura fueron más afectados que los mestizos, siendo la región dorsal de la nariz la ubicación anatómica de mayor presentación (35,3%). Entre los hallazgos histopatológicos más reiterados se observaron pústulas (54,1%), áreas de separación dermoepidérmica (45,9%) y espongiosis (44,7%). Si bien el porcentaje de caninos con dermatosis autoinmunes es bajo, es importante incluirlas dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de las enfermedades que cursan con pústulas, pápulas, vesículas e infiltrado inflamatorio en la unión dermoepidérmica. La histopatología es una herramienta útil y relativamente accesible en nuestro medio, que permite arribar al diagnóstico de tales enfermedades