17 research outputs found

    Experimental research and the numerical simulation of the non-standard pump for the flow-circulation type reactor

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    The paper shows the results of the experimental measurements and the numerical simulation of the flow-circulation type reactor pump main characteristics. The mathematical model based on Navier-Stokes equations and standard k-epsilon turbulence model was used for the pump CFD simulation. The pump power consumption was calculated by the proposed CFD post-processing method. It is found that the simulation error of the proposed method is not more than 2.9%. The obtained results include the regression equations of the pump full pressure, the pump feed and the power consumption at the pump cross-points. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Landscape-Epidemiological Zoning of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea by Tularemia

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    Objective of the study was epizootic-epidemiological zoning of the area of Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea by manifestations of tularemia to determine the level of epidemic hazard of each zone.Materials and methods. Utilized were archival data of the Black Sea Plague Control station over the period of 1946–2017 and plague Control Center of the Rospotrebnadzor. With the help of GIS software packages, MapINFO 10.5 and ArcGIS 10.2, the data bases containing the point-like layers of the sites of infection with tularemia (49), isolation of tularemia agent (195), and the layer of landscape-geographical regions in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea were created.Results and discussion. Usage of the geo-information technologies allowed for detailed consideration of tularemia manifestations in different parts of the region. The prospects of applying Arc GIS and MapINFO for geoencoding, processing and creation of geo-information pool of tularemia manifestations over a long period was shown. Vector data of landscapes and sites of epidemics and epizootic manifestations of tularemia on different species of mammals and ticks were generated. The conversion of the database to Microsoft Excel made it possible to make full use of statistical capabilities for epidemiological analysis. The work on epidemiological zoning carried out in the Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea starkly illustrated the feasibility of using GIS technologies for those purposes. The results of the analysis allowed for optimization of the mode of epizootiological survey in different parts of the studied region. Advisability of epizootiological inspection and monitoring of the territories with identification of geographical coordinates for epizootic manifestation sites was proved

    High school students' professional self-determination as a social problem

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    Introduction. Nowadays, professional self-determination is recognized to be a significant component of education. In a rapidly changing post-industrial society, professional self-determination turns into the continuous process of forming the professional trajectory by the individual based on the available personal opportunities and requirements. To enhance the effectiveness of this process, a person who is going to enter adulthood needs assistance not only in the choice of profession, but also in search of resources for development and implementation of own educational and professional scenario which is adequate to modern realities and challenges, as well as training in independent use of these resources. In this regard, one of the main priorities of schools is to provide support to students in their professional self-determination and the help in stage-by-stage making decisions on continuation of education and further professionalization. The aim of the present research is an assessment of the state of psycho-pedagogical support for the professional self-determination of students in a modern Russian public school. Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework was the set of competency-based, practice-focused and subject approaches with the position that professional self-determination is a cross-disciplinary continuous social phenomenon. A theoretical part of the research was “The concept of maintenance of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of continuing education”. Face-to-face and online questionnaires of teachers and parents were the leading methods of a practical part of the research. The Vortex program was used to process the data obtained using methods of mathematical statistics. Results and scientific novelty. The system of school education does not cope with the vocational-oriented education duty. Based on the review of scientific and sociological sources, the authors identified the problems which do not allow optimizing vocational-oriented work at school level. The authors examined the opinions of teachers and parents of Yekaterinburg school students. The questions dealt with the process of organizing the assistance for professional self-determination of children and teenagers, and the degree of respondents' participation in this process. The authors concluded that most of teachers and parents suggest that vocational-oriented events should be held regularly since the 7-8 th grades. The overwhelming number of respondents believe that acquisition of knowledge about the world of the professions and skills is additional, but it can be involved into the study load for the fullest self-realization of a child in the future. From the point of view of parents, the most popular professions among school students were revealed and ranged. The respondents' estimates of a contribution to professional self-determination of pupils of additional professional education, socially useful labour and volunteering were analyzed. Factors and prerequisites of effective vocational-oriented work were highlighted. In particular, vocational-oriented work can be successful only in case parents of students are engaged members of the process. Practical significance. The materials, conclusions and recommendations of the research can be used to enhance vocational-oriented work among teenagers and students. © 2018 Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved


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    Psychological Aspects of the Welfare of the Teacher on the Example of the Municipality of the City of Novouralsk

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    Приводятся результаты опроса учителей школ муниципального образования Свердловской области «город Новоуральск». Проведенный методом сплошной выборки опрос 412 учителей через Google Forms показал ряд психологических аспектов, связанных с самочувствием и благополучием учителей. Опрос проводился осенью 2021 г. в условиях пандемии COVID, что, вероятно, сказалась на его результатах. Большинство личностных черт характера, выявляемых методикой «Большая пятерка» (вариант TIPI-RU), оказались в пределах нормы. Однако самооценка добросовестности была завышена, а эмоциональной стабильности — занижена. Все показатели методики «Смысложизненные ориентации» были в пределах нормы, но имели тенденцию к снижению.The results of a survey of school teachers in the municipal formation of the Sverdlovsk region, the city of Novouralsk are presented. A continuous sample survey of 412 teachers via Google Forms revealed a number of psychological aspects related to teacher well-being and well-being. The survey was conducted in the fall of 2021 amid the COVID pandemic, which likely affected its results. Most of the personality traits revealed by the Big Five method TIPI-RU were within the normal range. However, self-esteem of conscientiousness was overestimated, and emotional stability was underestimated. All indicators of the methodology “Life-meaning orientations” were within the normal range but had a tendency to decrease.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19‑29‑07016


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    Two hydrodynamic regimes of high-speed sedimentation centrifuge were found. Laminar one is characterized by sedimentation of a solid phase and a liquid phase infinite mixing path. Turbulent is characterized by axial and radial pulsations of a liquid phase and decreasing of sedimentation efficiency


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    Introduction. Nowadays, professional self-determination is recognized to be a significant component of education. In a rapidly changing post-industrial society, professional self-determination turns into the continuous process of forming the professional trajectory by the individual based on the available personal opportunities and requirements. To enhance the effectiveness of this process, a person who is going to enter adulthood needs assistance not only in the choice of profession, but also in search of resources for development and implementation of own educational and professional scenario which is adequate to modern realities and challenges, as well as training in independent use of these resources. In this regard, one of the main priorities of schools is to provide support to students in their professional self-determination and the help in stage-by-stage making decisions on continuation of education and further professionalization.The aim of the present research is an assessment of the state of psycho-pedagogical support for the professional self-determination of students in a modern Russian public school.Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework was the set of competency-based, practice-focused and subject approaches with the position that professional self-determination is a cross-disciplinary continuous social phenomenon. A theoretical part of the research was “The concept of maintenance of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of continuing education”. Face-to-face and online questionnaires of teachers and parents were the leading methods of a practical part of the research. The Vortex program was used to process the data obtained using methods of mathematical statistics.Results and scientific novelty. The system of school education does not cope with the vocational-oriented education duty. Based on the review of scientific and sociological sources, the authors identified the problems which do not allow optimizing vocational-oriented work at school level. The authors examined the opinions of teachers and parents of Yekaterinburg school students. The questions dealt with the process of organizing the assistance for professional self-determination of children and teenagers, and the degree of respondents’ participation in this process. The authors concluded that most of teachers and parents suggest that vocational-oriented events should be held regularly since the 7–8th grades. The overwhelming number of respondents believe that acquisition of knowledge about the world of the professions and skills is additional, but it can be involved into the study load for the fullest self-realization of a child in the future. From the point of view of parents, the most popular professions among school students were revealed and ranged. The respondents’ estimates of a contribution to professional selfdetermination of pupils of additional professional education, socially useful labour and volunteering were analyzed. Factors and prerequisites of effective vocationaloriented work were highlighted. In particular, vocational-oriented work can be successful only in case parents of students are engaged members of the process. Practical significance. The materials, conclusions and recommendations of the research can be used to enhance vocational-oriented work among teenagers and students

    Ekaterinburg Parents’ Assessment of the Unifi ed State Examination

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию 6 июня 2018 г.В статье приводится анализ опроса родителей об их отношении к Единому государственному экзамену (ЕГЭ). Выборка (1520 человек) составлена из родителей учащихся школ Екатеринбурга и учитывает территориальное расположение школ, их статус и ступень образования учащихся (начальная, основная, старшая). Родители высказали неоднозначное мнение о ЕГЭ, преобладает двойственное отношение к экзамену: в нем есть и положительные, и отрицательные стороны (60,7 % от числа ответивших). Противников ЕГЭ значительно больше (33 % от числа ответивших), чем сторонников (6,3 % от числа ответивших). Из отрицательных сторон ЕГЭ родители назвали связанное с ним нервное напряжение детей, родителей и учителей, а из числа предложенных преимуществ — упрощение процесса подачи документов в вуз. Различие мнений о ЕГЭ среди родителей связано с тем, в какой школе обучаются их дети (статусной или обычной), какое у них образование, какую должность они занимают, насколько они информированы о программах развития образования и сколько времени уделяют своим детям. Родители лучше относятся к ЕГЭ, если их дети учатся в статусной школе, а сами они имеют среднее специальное или высшее образование, занимают руководящие должности или должность специалиста, хорошо информированы о программах развития образования и постоянно уделяют внимание своим детям.This article analyses results of the survey of the parents' attitudes towards the Unifi ed State Exam. The sample included 1520 parents of school pupils in Ekaterinburg. The location of schools, their status and the level of education of students (primary, primary, senior) were taken into account. Parents expressed ambivalent views on the USE as they believe that it has both advantages and disadvantages (60.7 % of the number of respondents). The number of opponents of the Unifi ed State Examination is 33 % whereas supporters number only 6.3 % among the sample. Parents particularly criticized the stress that children, parents and teachers have to suffer, while among the advantages of the USE they named the simplifi ed admission to university level education. Difference of opinions about the USE among parents is related to the status of the school, to their own level of education, to their social position, to the degree they are familiar with educational development programs, and to the amount of time they spend with their children. Parents are more positive about the USE if their children study at a status school, they themselves have a secondary special or higher education, they occupy a managerial or specialized position, they are well informed about educational development programs and constantly pay attention to their children. The conclusion is made that the change in the opinion on the USE towards a more positive assessment could be achieved if the media objectively refl ect the positive effects of the exam