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    Alzheimer's disease is a well-known neurodegenerative disorder. One of its main risk factors is age. Due to a worldwide increase of human longevity Alzheimer's disease became the most common form of dementia. The disease has been studied in different countries for many decades but still its etiology remains unclear. By now there is no cure for Alzheimer's, moreover there are no that can at least slow down the disease progression. In this review we made an attempt to summarize all current studies of the most advanced drugs for Alzheimer's.Болезнь Альцгеймера - нейродегенеративное заболевание, одним из наиболее важных факторов риска развития которого является возраст. Показано, что с увеличением продолжительности жизни человека в развитых странах, а также с увеличением доли пожилых людей в популяции БА стала самой распространенной формой среди деменций разного типа. Несмотря на огромный объем накопленных за последнее время данных, этиология заболевания остается неясной. В данный момент не существует эффективных фармакологических препаратов, способных предотвратить или, по крайней мере, замедлить развитие болезни, которая обычно кончается смертельным исходом в течение 5-9 лет после постановки диагноза. В обзоре представлены наиболее перспективные разработки лекарственных средств, находящиеся на стадии клинических испытаний

    Ir ao cinema em São Paulo nos anos 20

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    As críticas cinematográficas de Octávio Gabus Mendes publicadas na década de 1920 em Cinearte, revista carioca dedicada ao cinema, permitem conhecer o panorama do que era exibido em São Paulo, mas também as aspirações cinematográficas do crítico e os projetos para o cinema brasileiro.Mostram a relação entre as possibilidades de desenvolvimento do cinema brasileiro e as imagens que deveria mostrar do Brasil, e o papel central que as salas de cinema tinham na constituição da atividade cinematográfica no país. Pleiteando a constituição de salas ricas em bairros de freqüência burguesa, o cinema, nas aspirações do crítico, torna-se espaço de diferenciação social, e não de inclusão.Mostram já nos anos 20 a dicotomia entre as possibilidades de constituição do cinema popular, e as aspirações elitistas que deveriam norteá-lo tanto na constituição das imagens que deveria veicular, como na sua freqüentação e distribuição espacial na cidade.<br>In the 20's, Octavio Gabus Mendes published film critics in Cinearte, a magazine on movies. His texts present an extensive coverage of the movie scene in São Paulo, as well as of his film-making ideas and his projects for Brazilian cinema. They show the relationship between the development of the Brazilian movie industry and the images they might construct about the country, and also the central role of movie theaters in the constitution of cinematographic activity in Brazil. As they look for rich theaters in rich places, movies might represent social exclusion rather than inclusion. In this process,we can see even in the 20's a dicothomy between the constitution of cinema as a popular activity and its elitist aspirations as shown by images, spaces and frequency