33 research outputs found


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    Il presente studio retrospettivo a singolo cieco si pone come obbiettivo quello di valutare in che percentuale di casi di pazienti che si presentano con sintomatologia compatibile con neurite vestibolare acuta, con e senza perdita oggettiva della funzione vestibulare (VFL), sia presente un conflitto neurovascolare fra il nervo vestibolococleare e la arteria cerebellare anteroinferiore (AICA). 58 pazienti con sintomatologia suggestiva per neurite vestibolare acuta, valutati con RMN presso un centro di terzo livello, sono stati confrontati con 61 pazienti asintomatici. I radiologi hanno dato valutato la presenza di conflitto neurovascolare, in assenza di dati clinici, conferendo ai rilievi oggettivi una valutazione in una scala da 0 a 3 a seconda che il contatto fosse: nesuno; inferiore a 2 mm; superiore ai 2 mm; presenza di vacular loop. I reperti neurootologici sono stati quindi raccolti alloscuro del risultato dellimaging. La funzione vestibolare è stata testata con prova calorica bitermica. Alla prova calorica 26 casi (45%) hanno mostrato segni oggettivi di deficit vestibolare (Gruppo A), 32 casi (55%) non hanno invece mostrato alcun deficit labirintico (Gruppo B). Il gruppo A ha incluso 13 casi (50%) con evidenza di conflitto neurovascolare (NVC), il gruppo B ha incluso 26 casi con NVC (82%) (p = 0.012) mentre i controlli hanno incluso 16 casi con NVC (26%). La differenza fra i tre gruppi ha mostrato significatività statistica (p 0.05). I nostri dati indicano che la presenza di conflitti neurovascolari a livello dellangolo pontocerebellare è superiore in quei pazienti che in presenza di una sintomatologia compatibile con neurite vestibolare acuta abbiano una funzionalità simmetrica alla prova calorica

    Rotational strength, range of motion, and function in people with unaffected shoulders from various stages of life

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    Background: Different measurements are used to assess shoulder function, including range of motion, strength, functional performance and self-report function. To understand disablement, it is necessary to understand the relationship between impairments and function in persons without shoulder problems. This study was conducted to enhance existing comparative data in subjects without upper extremity pathology, and to assess the relationships between impairments (range of motion, strength) and selfreported or measured function/disability. The impact of age, gender and dominance was determined. Methods: Two-hundred ninety-four subjects with unaffected shoulders were recruited. The subjects (mean age: 37 years old) were divided into three subgroups, 18–39, 40–59, and over 60 years of age. During a single session, at least two of the following variables were measured: self-reported function (shoulder disability scales), range of motion, isometric rotational strength, or upper limb functional performance (FIT-HaNSA). Two-way analysis of variance was used to determine, for each variable, the effects of age and gender. The relationship between the outcomes was established using Pearson product correlations. Results: Men were significantly stronger than women for all age categories. There was an age-related decline in strength in men in the over-60 age category. Significant negative correlations between strength and range of motion were demonstrated (-0.22 \u3c -0.32). Women had a significantly higher range of motion than men for external rotation in the 40–59 age category. Furthermore, the subjects in the over- 60 age category experienced a decrease of range of motion. There was minimal disability reported in all age groups on self-report scales. Only the Simple Shoulder Test demonstrated significant decreases in the over-60 age category and correlated with age (r = -0.202). Conclusion: Self-reported disability was low in individuals without upper extremity problems, although recruitment of such individuals was difficult in the older age groups due to the high prevalence of shoulder pathology. A low correlation between self-report disability and strength/range of motion in these unaffected subjects reflects the lack of disability reported by all subjects without pathology despite normal variations in strength and motion

    Sonographic evaluation of the shoulder in asymptomatic elderly subjects with diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of rotator cuff tears increases with age and several studies have shown that diabetes is associated with symptomatic shoulder pathologies. Aim of our research was to evaluate the prevalence of shoulder lesions in a population of asymptomatic elderly subjects, normal and with non insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was performed on 48 subjects with diabetes and 32 controls (mean age: 71.5 ± 4.8 and 70.7 ± 4.5, respectively), who did not complain shoulder pain or dysfunction. An ultrasound examination was performed on both shoulders according to a standard protocol, utilizing multiplanar scans.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tendons thickness was greater in diabetics than in controls (Supraspinatus Tendon: 6.2 ± 0.09 mm <it>vs </it>5.2 ± 0.7 mm, p < 0.001; Biceps Tendon: 4 ± 0.8 mm <it>vs </it>3.2 ± 0.4 mm, p < 0.001). Sonographic appearances of degenerative features in the rotator cuff and biceps were more frequently observed in diabetics (Supraspinatus Tendon: 42.7% <it>vs </it>20.3%, p < 0.003; Biceps Tendon: 27% <it>vs </it>7.8%, p < 0.002).</p> <p>Subjects with diabetes exhibited more tears in the Supraspinatus Tendon (Minor tears: 15 (15.8%) <it>vs </it>2 (3.1%), p < 0.03; Major tears: 15 (15.8%) <it>vs </it>5 (7.8%), p = ns), but not in the long head of Biceps. More effusions in subacromial bursa were observed in diabetics (23.9% <it>vs </it>10.9%, p < 0.03) as well as tenosynovitis in biceps tendon (33.3% <it>vs </it>10.9%, p < 0.001).</p> <p>In both groups, pathological findings were prevalent on the dominant side, but no difference related to duration of diabetes was found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that age - related rotator cuff tendon degenerative changes are more common in diabetics.</p> <p>Ultrasound is an useful tool for discovering in pre - symptomatic stages the subjects that may undergo shoulder symptomatic pathologies.</p

    Technology transfer model for Austrian higher education institutions

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    The aim of this paper is to present the findings of a PhD research (Heinzl 2007, Unpublished PhD Thesis) conducted on the Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. Four of the models that emerge from this research are: Generic Technology Transfer Model (Sect. 5.1); Idiosyncrasies Model for the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (Sect. 5.2); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Effects Model (Sect. 5.3); Idiosyncrasies-Technology Transfer Cumulated Effects Model (Sect. 5.3). The primary and secondary research methods employed for this study are: literature survey, focus groups, participant observation, and interviews. The findings of the research contribute to a conceptual design of a technology transfer system which aims to enhance the higher education institutions' technology transfer performance. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    High prevalence of shoulder girdle muscles with myofascial trigger points in patients with shoulder pain

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    Background: Shoulder pain is reported to be highly prevalent and tends to be recurrent or persistent despite medical treatment. The pathophysiological mechanisms of shoulder pain are poorly understood. Furthermore, there is little evidence supporting the effectiveness of current treatment protocols. Although myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are rarely mentioned in relation to shoulder pain, they may present an alternative underlying mechanism, which would provide new treatment targets through MTrP inactivation. While previous research has demonstrated that trained physiotherapists can reliably identify MTrPs in patients with shoulder pain, the percentage of patients who actually have MTrPs remains unclear. The aim of this observational study was to assess the prevalence of muscles with MTrPs and the association between MTrPs and the severity of pain and functioning in patients with chronic non-traumatic unilateral shoulder pain. Methods: An observational study was conducted. Subjects were recruited from patients participating in a controlled trial studying the effectiveness of physical therapy on patients with unilateral non-traumatic shoulder pain. Sociodemographic and patient-reported symptom scores, including the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire, and Visual Analogue Scales for Pain were compared with other studies. To test for differences in age, gender distribution, and education level between the current study population and the populations from Dutch shoulder studies, the one sample T-test was used. One observer examined all subjects (n = 72) for the presence of MTrPs. Frequency distributions, means, medians, standard deviations, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for descriptive purposes. The Spearman's rank-order correlation (rho) was used to test for association between variables. Results: MTrPs were identified in all subjects. The median number of muscles with MTrPs per subject was 6 (active MTrPs) and 4 (latent MTrPs). Active MTrPs were most prevalent in the infraspinatus (77%) and the upper trapezius muscles (58%), whereas latent MTrPs were most prevalent in the teres major (49%) and anterior deltoid muscles (38%). The number of muscles with active MTrPs was only moderately correlated with the DASH score. Conclusion: The prevalence of muscles containing active and latent MTrPs in a sample of patients with chronic non-traumatic shoulder pain was high

    Measuring Regional Innovativeness - A Methodological Discussion and an Application to One German Industry

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    The regional or national innovation performance has been repeatedly measured in the literature; but it has so far not been discussed what this means, especially in relation to a region. What is the contribution of a region to innovation output? The usual approaches implicitly assume that higher innovation outputs per inhabitant, employee, or R&D employee can be assigned to a region. We argue that more insights are gained if we distinguish between various mechanisms that influence the innovation activities in a region. Different analyses need to be conducted, using different variables and including different local factors. Furthermore, we see no justification for using a linear dependence of innovation activity on the number of inhabitants or employees as a benchmark for performance. We use a method that takes into account these arguments and apply it to the Electrics & Electronics industry in Germany

    Firms' Strategies for Knowledge and Technology Transfer With Public Research Organisations and Their Impact on Firms' Performance: An Empirical Analysis Based on Firm-Level Data

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    Based on a representative firm sample for Switzerland we empirically investigated strategic approaches for knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) activities between business firms and public research organisations. Based on cluster analysis of 19 different forms for KTT, three types of KTT strategies were identified, each of them correspond with a specific combination of some of the 19 different forms for KTT activities. It was found that they are determined mainly by variables related (a) to the absorptive capacity of a firm and (b) to the degree of appropriability of the returns of innovation, indicating that the followed strategy reflects the resource base of a firm. Further, it was shown that a firm's obstacle profile with respect to KTT activities is related to the applied strategy. Firms with more intensive contacts emphasise risk-related factors and financial restrictions, while firms with less intensive contacts emphasise a mismatch between firm and university requirements with respect to KTT. Furthermore and most importantly, it was found that strategy matters for the impact of KTT on the innovation performance of a firm. In fact, KTT strategies related to the core R&D activities of a firm showed a greater impact compared to strategies related to softer forms of transfer activities, e.g. informal contacts or education related contacts