408 research outputs found

    Literacy training and German language acquisition among refugees: Knowledge of German and the need for support among integration course attendees learning a second alphabet and those with no literacy skills

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    Die erhöhte Fluchtmigration in den letzten Jahren insbesondere aus arabischsprachigen Herkunftsländern führte zu einem steigenden Anteil von Personen, die im lateinischen Alphabet nicht alphabetisiert sind. Die Kurzanalyse 01|2018 liefert Erkenntnisse zur Alphabetisierung und zum Deutscherwerb von Geflüchteten, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Die Kurzanalyse konzentriert sich dabei besonders auf die Deutschkenntnisse und Förderbedarfe von Personen mit Alphabetisierungsbedarf in Integrationskursen. Die Kurzanalyse 01|2018 basiert auf Daten der "IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten 2016", bei der in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2016 etwa 4.500 Geflüchtete befragt wurden, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind und einen Asylantrag gestellt haben. In der Kurzanalyse wird der Alphabetisierungsgrad der befragten Geflüchteten unter Berücksichtigung von Kenntnissen in lateinischen und nicht-lateinischen Schriftsystemen bestimmt und ihr Deutscherwerb in Abhängigkeit davon näher betrachtet. Die Analysen basieren auf von den Befragten selbsteingeschätzten Sprachkenntnissen.The high level of migration by refugees in recent years, and from Arabic-speaking countries of origin in particular, has led to a growing share of individuals who have no literacy skills when it comes to the Latin alphabet. Brief Analysis 01|2018 provides knowledge about literacy training and German language acquisition among refugees who came to Germany between 2013 and 2016. The Brief Analysis particularly focuses on the knowledge of German and need for support of individuals attending integration courses who need help with literacy. Brief analysis 01|2018 is based on the data of "IAB-BAMF-SOEP Refugee Survey 2016", which, in the second half of 2016, surveyed roughly 4,500 refugees who came to Germany between 2013 and 2016 and lodged an asylum application. The Brief Analysis determines the level of literacy of the respondent refugees, taking their knowledge of Latin and non-Latin alphabets into account, and analysing their acquisition of German in greater detail on this basis. The analyses are based on language knowledge as assessed by the respondents themselves

    Simple models suffice for the single dot quantum shuttle

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    A quantum shuttle is an archetypical nanoelectromechanical device, where the mechanical degree of freedom is quantized. Using a full-scale numerical solution of the generalized master equation describing the shuttle, we have recently shown [Novotn\'{y} {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 248302 (2004)] that for certain limits of the shuttle parameters one can distinguish three distinct charge transport mechanisms: (i) an incoherent tunneling regime, (ii) a shuttling regime, where the charge transport is synchronous with the mechanical motion, and (iii) a coexistence regime, where the device switches between the tunneling and shuttling regimes. While a study of the cross-over between these three regimes requires the full numerics, we show here that by identifying the appropriate time-scales it is possible to derive vastly simpler equations for each of the three regimes. The simplified equations allow a clear physical interpretation, are easily solved, and are in good agreement with the full numerics in their respective domains of validity.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, invited paper for the Focus issue of the New Journal of Physics on Nano-electromechanical system

    Alphabetisierung und Deutscherwerb von Geflüchteten: Deutschkenntnisse und Förderbedarfe von Erst- und Zweitschriftlernenden in Integrationskursen

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    Die erhöhte Fluchtmigration in den letzten Jahren insbesondere aus arabischsprachigen Herkunftsländern führte zu einem steigenden Anteil von Personen, die im lateinischen Alphabet nicht alphabetisiert sind. Die Kurzanalyse 01|2018 liefert Erkenntnisse zur Alphabetisierung und zum Deutscherwerb von Geflüchteten, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Die Kurzanalyse konzentriert sich dabei besonders auf die Deutschkenntnisse und Förderbedarfe von Personen mit Alphabetisierungsbedarf in Integrationskursen. Die Kurzanalyse 01|2018 basiert auf Daten der "IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten 2016", bei der in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2016 etwa 4.500 Geflüchtete befragt wurden, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind und einen Asylantrag gestellt haben. In der Kurzanalyse wird der Alphabetisierungsgrad der befragten Geflüchteten unter Berücksichtigung von Kenntnissen in lateinischen und nicht-lateinischen Schriftsystemen bestimmt und ihr Deutscherwerb in Abhängigkeit davon näher betrachtet. Die Analysen basieren auf von den Befragten selbsteingeschätzten Sprachkenntnissen.The high level of migration by refugees in recent years, and from Arabic-speaking countries of origin in particular, has led to a growing share of individuals who have no literacy skills when it comes to the Latin alphabet. Brief Analysis 01|2018 provides knowledge about literacy training and German language acquisition among refugees who came to Germany between 2013 and 2016. The Brief Analysis particularly focuses on the knowledge of German and need for support of individuals attending integration courses who need help with literacy. Brief analysis 01|2018 is based on the data of "IAB-BAMF-SOEP Refugee Survey 2016", which, in the second half of 2016, surveyed roughly 4,500 refugees who came to Germany between 2013 and 2016 and lodged an asylum application. The Brief Analysis determines the level of literacy of the respondent refugees, taking their knowledge of Latin and non-Latin alphabets into account, and analysing their acquisition of German in greater detail on this basis. The analyses are based on language knowledge as assessed by the respondents themselves

    Geflüchtete Menschen in Deutschland: Hilfebedarfe und Nutzung von Beratungsangeboten

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    Geflüchtete Menschen sind nach ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland mit vielfältigen Herausforderungen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen konfrontiert. Potenzielle Herausforderungen und Problemlagen, mit denen Geflüchtete nach ihrer Ankunft konfrontiert sind, umfassen beispielsweise den Spracherwerb, den Erwerb von Bildungsabschlüssen und die Arbeitssuche, aber auch sehr existenzielle Fragen wie die medizinische Versorgung, die finanzielle Situation sowie die Sicherung des Aufenthalts. Ausgehend davon wird in der Kurzanalyse 05/2018 untersucht, welche Hilfebedarfe unter Geflüchteten zum Befragungszeitpunkt in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2016 bestanden und inwiefern Beratungsangebote zu deren Deckung beitrugen. Die Kurzanalyse 05/2018 basiert auf Daten der "IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten 2016", bei der in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2016 etwa 4.500 Geflüchtete befragt wurden, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland gekommen sind und einen Asylantrag gestellt haben.Displaced persons face a great variety of challenges in various areas of life after their arrival in Germany. Potential challenges and problems with which refugees are faced after their arrival include language acquisition, acquiring educational qualifications and looking for a job, but also highly existential issues such as medical care, their financial situation, and securing their residence status. Against this background, Brief analysis 05/2018 examines what assistance needs existed among refugees at the time of the survey in the second half of 2016, and what contribution was made by counselling services towards satisfying them. Brief analysis 05|2018 is based on data from the "IAB-BAMF-SOEP Refugee Survey 2016", in which roughly 4,500 refugees were interviewed in the second half of 2016 who had entered Germany between 2013 and 2016 and filed an asylum application

    Schnell und erfolgreich Deutsch lernen - wie geht das? Erkenntnisse zu den Determinanten des Zweitspracherwerbs unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geflüchteten

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    Die Studie (Working Paper 72) bildet den Abschluss des Forschungsprojekts "Erklärungsansätze für Unterschiede beim Zweitspracherwerb" und präsentiert relevante Einflussfaktoren auf den Zweitspracherwerb, die in einer Sekundärdatenanalyse des BAMF-Integrationspanels auf den empirischen Prüfstand gestellt werden.The study (Working Paper 72) serves to round off the research project entitled "Explaining differences in second language acquisition", and presents relevant factors influencing second language acquisition, which are put to the test in empirical terms in a secondary data analysis carried out by the BAMF's integration panel

    Coulomb Blockade in a Coupled Nanomechanical Electron Shuttle

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    We demonstrate single electron shuttling through two coupled nanomechanical pendula. The pendula are realized as nanopillars etched out of the semiconductor substrate. Coulomb blockade is found at room temperature, allowing metrological applications. By controlling the mechanical shuttling frequency we are able to validate the different regimes of electron shuttling

    A conserved role for kinesin-5 in plant mitosis

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    The mitotic spindle of vascular plants is assembled and maintained by processes that remain poorly explored at a molecular level. Here, we report that AtKRP125c, one of four kinesin-5 motor proteins in arabidopsis, decorates microtubules throughout the cell cycle and appears to function in both interphase and mitosis. In a temperature-sensitive mutant, interphase cortical microtubules are disorganized at the restrictive temperature and mitotic spindles are massively disrupted, consistent with a defect in the stabilization of anti-parallel microtubules in the spindle midzone, as previously described in kinesin-5 mutants from animals and yeast. AtKRP125c introduced into mammalian epithelial cells by transfection decorates microtubules throughout the cell cycle but is unable to complement the loss of the endogenous kinesin-5 motor (Eg5). These results are among the first reports of any motor with a major role in anastral spindle structure in plants and demonstrate that the conservation of kinesin-5 motor function throughout eukaryotes extends to vascular plants

    Kondo resonance in an ac driven quantum dot subjected to finite bias

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    We employ the time-dependent non-crossing approximation to study the time averaged conductance for a single electron transistor in the Kondo regime when the dot level is sinusoidally driven from its equilibrium position by means of a gate voltage in finite bias. We find that the average conductance exhibits significant deviation from the monotonous reduction when the applied bias is equal to the driving frequency of the dot level. We investigate the effect of the temperature and the driving frequency on the observed enhancement. We attribute this behaviour to the overlap of the satellite Kondo peaks with the split Kondo resonances formed at each lead's Fermi level. We display the spectral function to put our interpretation into more rigorous footing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electromechanical instability in suspended carbon nanotubes

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    We have theoretically investigated electromechanical properties of freely suspended carbon nanotubes when a current is injected into the tubes using a scanning tunneling microscope. We show that a shuttle-like electromechanical instability can occur if the bias voltage exceeds a dissipation-dependent threshold value. An instability results in large amplitude vibrations of the carbon nanotube bending mode, which modify the current-voltage characteristics of the system

    Low frequency current noise of the single-electron shuttle

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    Coupling between electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom in a single electron shuttle system can cause a mechanical instability leading to shuttle transport of electrons between external leads. We predict that the resulting low frequency current noise can be enhanced due to amplitude fluctuations of the shuttle oscillations. Moreover, at the onset of mechanical instability a pronounced peak in the low frequency noise is expected.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl