41 research outputs found

    Hormone therapy for first-line management of menopausal symptoms: Practical recommendations

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    Hormone therapy use has undergone dramatic changes over the past 20 years. Widespread use of hormone therapy in the 1980s and 1990s came to an abrupt halt in the early 2000s after initial findings of the Women’s Health Initiative trial were published and the study was terminated. Since then, much has been learned about the characteristics of women most likely to benefit from hormone therapy. There is general agreement that women younger than 60 years or who initiate hormone therapy within 10 years of menopause onset gain short-term benefit in terms of symptomatic relief and long-term benefit in terms of protection from chronic diseases that affect postmenopausal women. Despite accumulating evidence in support of hormone therapy for symptomatic menopausal women, the slow response by the medical community has led to a ‘large and unnecessary burden of suffering’ by women worldwide. Greater efforts are clearly needed to educate physicians and medical students about the pathophysiology of menopause and the role of hormone therapy in supporting women through the transition. This article provides a brief historical perspective of events that led to the backlash against hormone therapy, explores the current position of guideline groups, and provides practical recommendations to guide first-line management of symptomatic menopausal women

    Cholangioscopy with improved optical system Technique and indications

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    hints to a limbal origin

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    Umgang mit gerinnungshemmenden Substanzen in der Ophthalmochirurgie – eine Umfrage unter Ophthalmochirurgen in Deutschland

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    Introduction. As our population ages and comorbidities rise, ophthalmic surgeons are increasingly faced with patients on anticoagulant therapy or with clotting disorders. The ophthalmic surgeon has to weigh the perioperative risk of haemorrhage when anticoagulation continues against the risk of thromboembolism caused by discontinuation or changing the patient's medication (bridging, switching, cessation). There are currently no guidelines or recommendations. Methods. A survey was sent to the DOG (German Ophthalmologic Society) divisions and associated surgical organizations to determine the status quo. A questionnaire was sent out and filled out by the different groups of specialists. Results. All four divisions of the DOG and four associated organizations returned completed questionnaires. Surgical interventions were listed that are carried out during anticoagulant therapy without exceptions, as well as interventions that were classified to require medical adjustment. Although the assessments varied, general consensus was achieved regarding interventions not requiring adjustments due to anticoagulants (i.e., intravitreal injection, cataract surgery, laser and corneal operations, simple muscle surgery), and those interventions requiring adjustments in medications (glaucoma operations, complex retina surgery, eye socket surgery, complex surgery of the lid). Conclusion. Main result of this survey was the specification of serious bleeding complications which are permanent vision loss and re-operation. They could serve as endpoint parameters for essential future investigations. Nevertheless, this survey makes clear that the decision about an adjustment of anticoagulant medication in ophthalmic surgery is currently made individually and not based on established standards