303 research outputs found

    Custos de transação e comportamento da base para o preço do milho em Rio Verde, GO.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento da base, que é a diferença entre o preço do milho de Rio Verde, GO, e o preço futuro do milho na BM&FBovespa de 3/1/2005 até 15/3/2011. Por conseguinte, a hipótese do estudo é que os custos de transação e as características regionais da comercialização do milho fazem que ocorra elevada divergência de preços entre os mercados. O modelo autorregressivo com threshold (TAR) foi usado para captar as importantes dimensões dos custos de transação. Os resultados estimados para o parâmetro TAR de 7,78% mostram uma fraca convergência entre os preços dos mercados e, por consequência, o enfraquecimento da base na região. Isso evidencia que os produtores minimizam custos de transação regionais e, por isso, estão mais preocupados com as transações de hedging privado no mercado físico, não recorrendo à bolsa de valores para proteção contra oscilação de preços

    First observational evidence of a relation between globular clusters' internal rotation and stellar masses

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    Several observational studies have shown that many Galactic globular clusters (GCs) are characterised by internal rotation. Theoretical studies of the dynamical evolution of rotating clusters have predicted that, during their long-term evolution, these stellar systems should develop a dependence of the rotational velocity around the cluster's centre on the mass of stars, with the internal rotation increasing for more massive stars. In this paper we present the first observational evidence of the predicted rotation-mass trend. In our investigation, we exploited the Gaia\mathit{Gaia} Data Release 3 catalogue of three GCs: NGC 104 (47 Tuc), NGC 5139 (ω\omega Cen) and NGC 5904 (M 5). We found clear evidence of a cluster rotation-mass relation in 47 Tuc and M 5, while in ω\omega Cen, the dynamically youngest system among the three clusters studied here, no such trend was detected.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Resistance Exercise Training in McArdle Disease: Myth or Reality?

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    McArdle disease is a metabolic myopathy mainly characterised by symptom onset during physical activities or isometric muscle contraction. Resistance (also termed strength) training is a type of physical exercise focusing on the use of resistance (e.g., lifing weights) to induce muscular contraction, which builds muscle mass and strength. Historically people with McArdle disease were advised to avoid resistance exercises and any other form of physical activity involving high mechanical loads such as prolonged isometric contraction. Paradoxically, a clinical trial exploring the benefts of strength training in this patient population was published. Te theory supporting strength training relied on the use of the ATP molecule and the creatine phosphate (ATPphosphocreatine system) as energy sources for skeletal muscles. Here, we report two patients with McArdle disease who performed weight training at local gyms. A single set of repetitions lasted for maximum 10 seconds with minimum of 30 seconds of rest period in between sets of exercises. Benefts of this type of training included improvement in quality of life and amelioration of McArdle disease symptoms. We provide further safety evidence of this type of exercise in people with McArdle disease. We emphasise the importance of using a specifc protocol developed for people afected by this condition

    Applicability of the cobb angle measurement in idiopathic scoliosis using scanned imaging

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the measurement of the Cobb angle on printed radiographs and on scanned radiographs viewed through the software "PixViewer". METHODS: Preoperative radiographs of 23 patients were evaluated on printed films and through the software "PixViewer". The same evaluator, a spine surgeon, chose the proximal and distal limiting vertebrae of the main curve on printed radiographs, without identification of patients, and measured the Cobb angle based on these parameters. The same parameters and measurements were applied to scanned radiographs. The measurements were compared, as well as the choice of limiting vertebrae. RESULTS: The average variation of the Cobb angle between methods was 1.48 ± 1.73°. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.99, demonstrating excellent reproducibility. CONCLUSION: The Cobb method can be used to evaluate scoliosis through the "PixViewer" tool with the same reliability as the classic method on printed radiographs

    Manejo de irrigação para cafeeiros propagador por embriogênese somática

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    A irrigação do cafeeiro tem se tornado prática cada vez mais frequente e necessária, uma vez que a cafeicultura tem migrado para regiões antes consideradas não aptas ao cultivo do café. Mesmo em regiões consideradas aptas quanto a deficiência hídrica como a região do sul de Minas, o uso da irrigação vem se tornando prática crescente. Porém, ainda são escassos os estudos sobre a adaptabilidade de cafeeiros provenientes de embriogênese somática a irrigação em condições de campo. Dessa maneira o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar os níveis adequados de reposição de água de irrigação para cafeeiros oriundos de mudas propagadas por embriogênese somática. O experimento foi instalado no setor de cafeicultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras, onde foram plantadas mudas de Siriema, clone 03 resistente a ferrugem e ao bicho mineiro. O experimento foi instalado em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos. Os tratamentos foram compostos de seis lâminas de irrigação baseadas em frações do Kc, constituídas de 0,4 (T2); 0,7 (T3); 1,0 (T4); 1,3 (T5); 1,6 (T6) e não irrigado (T1). Sendo aplicadas 75,22; 131,63; 188,05; 244,46 e 300,88 mm respectivamente aos tratamentos T2, T3, T4, T5 e T6. Foram avaliados durante o período de um ano após a implantação da lavoura a altura e o diâmetro de copa dos cafeeiros, sendo a parcela constituída por oito plantas e avaliada as seis plantas centrais. Os resultados mostraram que as parcelas irrigadas apresentaram aumento do Índice de área foliar (IAF) até uma lâmina máxima de 225,25 mm, correspondente a fração de 1,2 do Kc. Este crescimento correspondeu a 1,46 m².m-2 do IAF, cerca de 43,13% a mais que as parcelas não irrigadas

    From exercise intolerance to functional improvement: The second wind phenomenon in the identification of McArdle disease

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    McArdle disease is the most common of the glycogen storage diseases. Onset of symptoms is usually in childhood with muscle pain and restricted exercise capacity. Signs and symptoms are often ignored in children or put down to 'growing pains' and thus diagnosis is often delayed. Misdiagnosis is not uncommon because several other conditions such as muscular dystrophy and muscle channelopathies can manifest with similar symptoms. A simple exercise test performed in the clinic can however help to identify patients by revealing the second wind phenomenon which is pathognomonic of the condition. Here a patient is reported illustrating the value of using a simple 12 minute walk test.RSS is funded by Ciências sem Fronteiras/CAPES Foundation. The authors would like to thank the Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK), the EUROMAC Registry funded by the European Union, the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, the NHS National Specialist Commissioning Group and the Myositis Support Group for funding

    Estrutura populacional de Uca (Minuca) mordax (Smith, 1870) (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) em um sistema estuarino impactado no Sul do Brasil

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    A estrutura populacional do caranguejo chama-maré Uca (Minuca) mordax (Smith, 1870) foi estudada no estuário do Rio Itajaí-Açú, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Este estuário sofre impacto ao receber efluentes domésticos, industriais e agrícolas dos municípios do Vale do Itajaí, um dos mais importantes polos industriais e urbanos do estado de Santa Catarina. As coletas dos caranguejos foram efetuadas mensalmente no verão de 2012/2013 (dezembro a fevereiro) em quatro áreas, onde ocorreu a caracterização da cobertura vegetal e do percentual de matéria orgânica no sedimento. Foram coletados 394 espécimes, sendo 219 machos e 175 fêmeas (17 ovígeras). As áreas amostradas distantes da foz do rio (áreas C e D) foram responsáveis pela captura de aproximadamente 75% do total de espécimes amostrados. A razão sexual total não seguiu a proporção 1:1, ocorrendo predomínio de machos (1,3:1). O tamanho médio da largura da carapaça (LC, mm) dos machos (17,0 ± 2,6 mm) foi significativamente superior ao das fêmeas (16,1 ± 2,1 mm), com o maior macho medindo 26,1 mm, correspondendo ao maior indivíduo desta espécie já registrado na literatura. Apesar da deterioração ambiental do estuário do Rio Itajaí-Açú, a população de U. (M.) mordax ainda apresenta estrutura etária e sexual semelhante às registradas em outras localidades. Contudo, novas alterações das características naturais, como a perda de habitat observada em uma das áreas amostradas, terão influência direta no recrutamento, crescimento e reprodução desta e outras espécies. Portanto, torna-se urgente a manutenção das áreas naturais remanescentes

    Theranostics in Boron neutron capture therapy

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    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) has the potential to specifically destroy tumor cells without damaging the tissues infiltrated by the tumor. BNCT is a binary treatment method based on the combination of two agents that have no effect when applied individually:10B and thermal neutrons. Exclusively, the combination of both produces an effect, whose extent depends on the amount of10B in the tumor but also on the organs at risk. It is not yet possible to determine the10B concentration in a specific tissue using non-invasive methods. At present, it is only possible to measure the10B concentration in blood and to estimate the boron concentration in tissues based on the assumption that there is a fixed uptake of10B from the blood into tissues. On this imprecise assumption, BNCT can hardly be developed further. A therapeutic approach, combining the boron carrier for therapeutic purposes with an imaging tool, might allow us to determine the10B concentration in a specific tissue using a non-invasive method. This review provides an overview of the current clinical protocols and preclinical experiments and results on how innovative drug development for boron delivery systems can also incorporate concurrent imaging. The last section focuses on the importance of proteomics for further optimization of BNCT, a highly precise and personalized therapeutic approach

    Theranostics in Boron neutron capture therapy

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    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) has the potential to specifically destroy tumor cells without damaging the tissues infiltrated by the tumor. BNCT is a binary treatment method based on the combination of two agents that have no effect when applied individually:B and thermal neutrons. Exclusively, the combination of both produces an effect, whose extent depends on the amount ofB in the tumor but also on the organs at risk. It is not yet possible to determine theB concentration in a specific tissue using non-invasive methods. At present, it is only possible to measure theB concentration in blood and to estimate the boron concentration in tissues based on the assumption that there is a fixed uptake ofB from the blood into tissues. On this imprecise assumption, BNCT can hardly be developed further. A therapeutic approach, combining the boron carrier for therapeutic purposes with an imaging tool, might allow us to determine theB concentration in a specific tissue using a non-invasive method. This review provides an overview of the current clinical protocols and preclinical experiments and results on how innovative drug development for boron delivery systems can also incorporate concurrent imaging. The last section focuses on the importance of proteomics for further optimization of BNCT, a highly precise and personalized therapeutic approach.E.H.-H. and M.K. gratefully acknowledge support from the DFG (HE 1376/38-1); L.S. received funding from GEFLUC Grenoble Dauphiné Savoie