586 research outputs found

    Process capability indices and X , R control chart limit adjustments by taking into account measurement system errors

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    This paper investigates the effects of measurement system variability arising from evaluations of process capabilities. In this work, relationships between true process capability indices, Cp,True and Cpm,True, and their corresponding observed indices, Cp,Obs and Cpm,Obs, are developed depending on the levels of type I and II errors. Moreover, the method for adjusting control chart limits used to monitor the process is proposed based on measurement system variability. An industrial case study is used to highlight the findings of this investigation and to discuss the adjustment levels that should be conducted depending on the values of type I and type II errors

    Synthesis, spectroscopic, structural and thermal characterizations of [(C7H6NO4)2TeBr6·4H2O]

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    AbstractTellurium (IV) complexes with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate ligand were synthesized by slow evaporation from aqueous solutions yielding a new compound: [(C7H6NO4)2TeBr6·4H2O]. The structure of this compound was solved and refined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound is centrosymmetric P21/c (N°: 14) with the parameters a=8.875(5)Å, b=15.174(5)Å, c=10.199(5)Å, β=94.271° (5) and Z=2. The structure consists of isolated H2O, isolated [TeBr6]2− octahedral anions and (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate) [C7H6NO4]+ cations. The stability of the structure was ensured by ionic and hydrogen bonding contacts (N–H⋯Br and O–H⋯Br) and Van-Der Walls interaction. The thermal decomposition of the compound was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy at different temperatures confirm the existence of vibrational modes that correspond to the organic, inorganic and water molecular groups. Additionally, the UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum was recorded in order to investigate the band gap nature. The measurements show that this compound exhibits a semiconducting behavior with an optical band gap of 2.66eV

    L’aspergillome sphenoïdal : a propos d’un cas sphenoidalaspergilloma : a case report

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    Introduction : L’aspergillose sphénoïdale isolée est une pathologie rare potentiellement grave vu le risque d’extension neuro-méningée et orbitaire. malgré qu’elle est plus fréquente chez les immuno-déprimés, l’atteinte de l’immunocompétent a été décrite. a travers une observation, nous rapportons les caractéristiques clinico-radiologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de l’aspergillome sphénoïdal.Observutin : Homme de 35 ans a consulté pour des céphalées rétro-orbitaires évoluant depuis 3 mois. L’examen était normal à part une rhinorrhée purulente postérieure. Le scanner a montré un processus hétérogène comblant le sinus sphénoïdal associé à une lyse osseuse. Une sphénoïdotomiepar voie endonasale a permis de confirmer le diagnostic et de nettoyer les lésions aspergillaires. Un traitement par voriconazol a été associé avec évolution favorable après un recul de 18 mois.Conclusion : L’aspergillome sphénoïdale est l’un des diagnostics différentiel des tumeurs sphénoïdales chez l’immunocompétent. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical avec de très bons résultats. L’adjonction d’un antifongique systémique est controversée chez l’immunocompétent.Mots- clefs : aspergillome, sphénoïde, imagerie, Tumeur, chirurgieObjective : Isolated sphenoidalaspergillosis is rare but potentially grave because of the risk of neuro-meningeal and orbitalextension. althoughitis more common in immuno-compromised, the achievement of immunocompetent has been described. Through an observation, we report the clinic-radiological, therapeutic and evolutionary featuresof sphenoidalaspergilloma.Case-report : male 35 years consulted for retro-orbital headache lasting for 3 months. The exam was normal except a purulent rhinorrhea. The CT scan showed a heterogeneous process filling the sphenoid sinus associated with bone loss. Sphenoidotomy by an endonasal approach confirmed the diagnosis of aspergillosis lesions. Treatment with voriconazole was associated with favorable outcome after 18 months.Conclusion : Sphenoidal as pergilloma is a differential diagnosis of tumors in the immuno-competent. Treatment is mainly surgical with good results. The addition of a systemic antifungal agent is controversial in the immunocompetent.Keywords : aspergilloma, sphenoïd, imagery, tumor, surger
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