74 research outputs found

    Automated online preconcentration system for the determination of trace amounts of lead using Pb-selective resin and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry

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    An automated sequential-injection online preconcentration system was developed for the determination of lead by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The preconcentration of lead was performed with a minicolumn containing a lead-selective resin, Analig Pb-01, which was installed between a selection and a switching valve. In an acidic condition ( pH 1), lead could be adsorbed on the resin. The concentrated lead was afterward eluted with 25 mu L of 0.06 M nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) solution ( pH 9) and was subsequently transported into the nebulizer of ICP-AES for quantification. The selectivity of the resin toward lead was examined using a solution containing a mixture of 61 elements. When a sample volume of 5 mL was used, the quantitative collection of lead ( &#62;= 97%) was achieved, along with an enrichment factor of 19, a sampling frequency of 12 samples hr(-1), a detection limit of 70 pg mL(-1), and a lowest quantification limit of 100 pg mL(-1). The linear dynamic range was 0.1 to 5 ng mL(-1), and the relative standard deviation (n = 9) was 0.5% at a 5 ng mL(-1) Pb level. The detection limit of 30 pg mL(-1) and lowest quantification limit of 50 pg mL(-1) could be achieved when 10 mL of sample volume was used. The accuracy of the proposed method was validated by determining lead in the standard reference material of river water (SLRS-4), and its applicability to the determination of lead in environmental river water samples was demonstrated.</p


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    Quality is compliance with predefined standards or following the requirements. Minimum Service Standards health in hospitals is very important to measure the hospital's performance of health services. This study aims to describe the quality of service at the Pharmacy Installation at Santa Anna Hospital, Kendari City during the Covid-19 pandemic based on five indicators of minimum pharmaceutical service standards are waiting time for drug services, the absence of errors in drug administration, writing prescriptions according to the formulary, patient satisfaction and availability of SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). This study is observational research which is descriptive used cross sectional design. The sample was outpatients for 90 samples at Santa Anna Hospital, Kendari City, who fulfill the inclusion criteria. Instruments used questionnaire sheets and observation sheets. The results showed that the indicator of waiting time for concocted drugs and non-concocted drugs was 8 minutes and 4 minutes, respectively. There was no error in administering medications (100%). The suitability of prescription writing to the National Formulary was 99.73%, patient satisfaction to tangible dimensions and reliability dimensions were 82.23% and 84.84%, respectively. The responsiveness dimension was 79.65%, the assurance dimension was 83.54%, and the empathy dimension was 85.48%, and the availability of the standard operating procedure was 63.64%. This study's pharmacy installation at Santa Anna Hospital in Kendari City has not fulfilled the predetermined Minimum Service Standards

    Pengaruh Ph dan Jumlah Kitosan Modifikasi pada Ekstraksi Fasa Padat Tembaga(i)tiosulfat

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    Kitosan modifikasi dapat digunakan sebagai fasa padat pada ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Efisiensi ekstraksi bergantung pada pH dan jumlah fasa padat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pH dan jumlah kitosan modifikasi terhadap efisiensi ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Modifikasi kitosan menggunakan senyawa TMAS (Trimetilamine Sulfur Trioxide) yang direaksikan dalam larutan Na2CO3. Pengaruh pH dipelajari pada kisaran pH 4-10 dengan kitosan modifikasi yang digunakan sebanyak 0,1 g. Pengaruh jumlah kitosan modifikasi dipelajari pada 0,1; 0,15; 0,2; dan 0,25 g kitosan modifikasi. Ekstraksi dilakukan untuk mengekstrak 10 mL tembaga(I)tiosulfat 10 ppm baik pada pengaruh pH maupun pengaruh jumlah kitosan modifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pH dan jumlah kitosan modifikasi mempengaruhi efisiensi ekstraksi tembaga(I)tiosulfat. Efisiensi ekstraksi optimum diperoleh pada pH 6 dan peningkatan jumlah kitosan modifikasi sebanding dengan jumlah tembaga terekstrak

    Determination of Antiradical Activity, Total Phenolic, and Total Flavonoid Contents of Extracts and Fractions of Langsat (Lansium domesticum Coor.) Seeds

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    Lansium domesticum Coor. is a fruit species from the Meliaceae family, which is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. Local citizens call it&nbsp;langsat, longkong, or duku and have used it as traditional medicine. The seeds of L. domesticum are used as a fever medicine, its bark is used to treat scorpion sting, and its leaves are used to repel mosquitoes. Because of its various uses, it is necessary to explore the antiradical potential of L. domesticum seeds. This study aims to determine the antiradical potential of L. domesticum seeds extract and fractions by using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and to discover compounds that act as antiradical. Lansium domesticum seed powder was macerated with methanol, and then the extract was concentrated using a rotary evaporator and fractionated by n-hexane and ethyl acetate. The antiradical assay was conducted on extract and fractions by using DPPH&nbsp;radicals. Phenolic and flavonoid contents from extract and fractions were also tested. The ethyl acetate fraction obtained strong antiradical potential with an IC50 value of 8.938 ± 0.031 µg/mL. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of ethyl acetate fraction were higher with values ​​of 58.25 ± 0.501 mgGAE/g sample and 75.123 ± 0.175 mgQE/g sample, respectively. Correlation of phenolic and flavonoid contents, which inhibited radicals had R2 values ​​of 0.9182 and 0.7658. Ethyl acetate fraction of L. domesticum seeds had very strong antiradical activity. Further isolation is expected to be conducted to discover which compounds are the most responsible as antiradical

    Radiation dose associated with coronary CT angiography and invasive coronary angiography: An experimental study of the effect of dose-saving strategies

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    This study was conducted on a human anthropomorphic phantom to investigate the effective dose and entrance skin dose (ESD) in selected radiosensitive organs through invasive and computed tomography (CT) coronary angiography procedures using different dose-saving techniques. The effective dose was calculated as 2.49, 3.35 and 9.62 mSv, respectively, corresponding to three coronary CT angiography protocols, including prospective ECG gating and retrospective ECG gating with and without tube current modulation. In comparison, the effective dose was calculated as 7.26, 6.35, 5.58 and 4.71 mSv at four different magnifications acquired with invasive coronary angiography. The highest ESD was measured in the breast during the coronary CT angiography and in the thyroid gland during invasive coronary angiography. Although invasive coronary angiography produces lower radiation dose than coronary CT angiography, application of modified techniques in both CT and invasive coronary angiography is recommended in clinical practice for radiation dose reduction

    Radiation dose in coronary CT angiography associated with prospective ECG-triggering technique: Comparisons with different CT generations

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    A retrospective analysis was performed in patients undergoing prospective ECG-triggered coronary computed tomography (CT) angiography (CCTA) with the single-source 64-slice CT (SSCT), dual-source 64-slice CT (DSCT), dual-source 128-slice CT and 320-slice CT with the aim of comparing the radiation dose associated with different CT generations. A total of 164 patients undergoing prospective ECG-triggered CCTA with different types of CT scanners were studied with the mean effective doses estimated at 6.8±3.2, 4.2±1.9, 4.1±0.6 and 3.8±1.4 mSv corresponding to the 128-slice DSCT, 64-slice DSCT, 64-slice SSCT and 320-slice CT scanners. In this study a positive relationship was found between the effective dose and the body mass index (BMI). A low radiation dose is achieved in prospective ECG-triggered CCTA, regardless of the CT scanner generation. BMI is identified as the major factor that has a direct impact on the effective dose associated with prospective ECG-triggered CCTA

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Cetyltrimethylammonium Benzoat Dan Ph Larutan Terhadap Kinerja Elektroda Selektif Ion Benzoat Berbasis Screen Printed Carbon Electrode

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    Benzoat merupakan bahan pengawet makanan dan minuman yang diperbolehkan pemerintah Indonesia. Tingkat maksimum benzoat dalam makanan dan minuman adalah 600-1000 ppm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan elektroda ion selektif benzoat (ESI-benzoat). Desain dari ESI-benzoat berbasis pada Screen printed carbon electrode(SPCE). SPCE dilapisi oleh cetyltrimethylammonium benzoat (CTBz) di dalam kitosan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan dipelajari pengaruh konsentrasi CTABz dan pH terhadap kinerja ESI-benzoat. Kinerja ESI-benzoat ditunjukkan oleh bilangan Nernst , kisaran konsentrasi, batas deteksi, dan respon waktu. Pada penelitian ini, ESI-benzoat dibuat dari CTABz dalam kitosan adalah 0,5 %; 1 %; 1,5 %; 2 %; dan 2,5 % (b/v) dan pH yang dipelajari dari 4 hingga 9. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi CTABz dan pH berpengaruh terhadap kinerja ESI-benzoat. Konsentrasi CTABz dan pH yang optimum adalah 0,5% dan pH 8. ESI-benzoat mempunyai bilangan Nersnt sebesar 43,2 ± 0,27 mV / dekade pada kisaran konsentrasi benzoat 1x10-4 sampai 1x10-1 M (12,11 ppm sampai 12,110 ppm). Batas deteksi dari ESI-benzoat adalah 1,44 x10-4 M dan waktu respon 60 detik. Batas deteksi lebih rendah daripada tingkat maksimum benzoat dalam makanan dan minuman.

    Sequential Injection-flow Reversal Mixing (Si-frm) Untuk Penentuan Kreatinin Dalam Urin

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    Jumlah kreatinin yang diekskresikan melalui urin menunjukkan keadaan ginjal seseorang. Dalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan metode untuk penentuan kreatinin secara otomatis yaitu sequential injection-flow reversal mixing (SI-FRM). Pendeteksian kreatinin didasarkan pada pembentukan senyawa berwarna (merah-orange) yang dihasilkan dari reaksi antara kreatinin dan asam pikrat dalam suasana basa dan diukur pada panjang gelombang 530 nm. Reaksi pembentukan senyawa kreatinin-pikrat dilakukan melalui pembentukan segmen antara sampel dan reagen di-holding coil dan selanjutnya dilakukan proses flow reversal di-mixing coil. Parameter-parameter yang mempengaruhi metode ini diuji secara detail. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum pengukuran kreatinin yaitu menggunakan konsentrasi asam pikrat 0,035 M dan NaOH 3,5%, laju alir flow reversal 5 µL/detik, laju alir produk reaksi 20 µL/detik, jumlah flow reversal empat kali dan menggunakan tiga segmen (pikrat-kreatinin-pikrat) dengan masing-masing volume segmen 100 µL. Metode SI-FRM ini telah diaplikasikan langsung untuk penentuan kadar kreatinin dalam urin dengan limit deteksi 1,7 µg/g. The amount of creatinine excreted in urine indicates kidney condition. In this experiment, the automatic determination method of determining creatinine was developed by using sequential injection-flow reversal mixing (SI-FRM). The detection of creatinine is based on the formation of a colored product (red-orange) yielded from the reaction of creatinine with picrate at alkaline medium. The absorbance is measured at wavelength of 530 nm.  The formation of creatinine-picrate complex is performed through the segment formation between sample and reagent in the holding coil and then flow reversal process in the mixing coil of SI-FRM. Several parameters affecting to this method are investigated in detail. The results show that the optimum concentrations of picric acid and NaOH are 0.035 M and 3.5%, respectively. Other optimized conditions, such as the flow reversal rate of there 5 µL/s, flow rate of product of 20 µL/s, amount of flow reversal process of four times, and segment amount of three (picrate-creatinine -picrate) with each volume of 100 µL, were obtained. This method is successfully applied to the determination of creatinine in urine with the detection limit of 1.7 µg/g

    Pembuatan Komparator Warna Gas No2 Menggunakan Larutan Penyerap Ki-amilum

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    Komparator warna merupakan suatu alat ukur sederhana untuk mengetahui kisaran konsentrasi dari suatu analit. Konsentrasi analit diperoleh berdasarkan perbandingan warna antara larutan analit dengan warna pada komparator. Telah dilakukan pembuatan komparator warna gas NO2 menggunakan larutan penyerap KI-Amilum. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan sintesis gas NO2 yang dihasilkan dari reaksi tembaga dan larutan HNO3 pekat dengan pengenceran udara bebas. Gas NO2 yang terbentuk dialirkan ke dalam impinger yang berisi larutan penyerap KI-Amilum. Proses absorbsi gas NO2 menyebabkan larutan penyerap KI-Amilum berubah warna. Larutan penyerap yang telah berubah warna diukur absorbansinya menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 610 nm. Variabel penelitian ini meliputi variasi konsentrasi gas NO2 yang telah dihitung berdasarkan nilai ISPU (Indeks Standar Pencemaran Udara) yaitu 200, 565, 938,1130, 1875, 2260, 3000, dan 3750 µg/L. Komparator warna dibuat dengan cara memfoto warna pada larutan penyerap setelah pemaparan gas NO2 dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh komparator warna gas NO2 menggunakan larutan penyerap KI-Amilum. Pemaparan gas NO2 dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda berpengaruh pada intensitas warna kompleks yang dibentuk pada larutan penyerap KI-amilum. Konsentrasi gas NO2 yang dipaparkan menghasilkan hubungan yang linier dengan Perubahan warna larutan penyerap KI-amilum
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