489 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Website Sekolah dengan Menggunakan Framework Bootstrap ( Studi Kasus SMP Negeri 6 Prabumulih )

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    Media informasi yang digunakan di SMP Negeri 6 prabumulih masih manual seperti menggunakan papan pengumuman, spanduk dan berosur sehingga SMP Negeri 6 Prabumulih membutuhkan suatu media informasi yang cepat, tepat, tanpa harus ke sekolah dan dapat di akses secara online oleh masyarakat luas agar mendapatkan informasi yang akurat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah dengan metode waterfall dengan menganalisa data yang diperoleh dari sekolahan kemudian membanguna website Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 6 Prabumulih dan Perancangan yang digunakan untuk membuat website sekolah ini yaitu dengan menggunakan program PHP dan untuk desainnya menggunakan Dreamweaver CS6, Bootstrap dan databasenya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah agar mempermudah para siswa, guru dan semua komponen yang ada di lingkungan sekolah tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat dan akura

    Pengaruh Motivasi Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening di Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effects of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation on the performance of employees in the Statistics of D.I. Yogyakarta Province. This study is also use job satisfaction as an intervening variable to analyze the effect of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation on the performance of employees.The object of this study is the office of the Statistics of D.I. Yogyakarta Province, and the subject were all employees of the Statistic of D.I. Yogyakarta Province, with a total population of 72 employees. Overall these employees occupy the Division of Administration, Division of Social Statistics, Division of Production Statistics, Division of Distribution Statistic, Division of NWA, and Division of IPDS. Data was collected using a questionnaire method is to provide a list of questions or the questionnaire directly to the respondents, totaling 72 people.The data were examined and analyzed using the Smart-PLS. The results showed that the variable of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Furthermore, intrinsic motivation variables showed a significant positive influence on employee performance, but variable extrinsic motivation doesn\u27t have significant influence on the performance of employees. Then the job satisfaction is not mediating influence between intrinsic motivation on employee performance. And job satisfaction is not mediating influence between extrinsic motivation on employee performance

    Green Synthesis Nanopartikel Perak (Agnps) Terkonjugasi Etil Parametoksi Sinamat (Epms) sebagai Bahan Tabir Surya: Green Synthesis Of Nanopartikel Perak (Agnps) Terkonjugasi Etil Parametoksi Sinamat (Epms) sebagai Bahan Tabir Surya

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    Green Synthesis is a method to make silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by utilizing natural materials as bioreductors. One of the natural materials that can reduce metal ions is Kaempferia galanga rhizome because it has a chemical component that can penetrate the metal. The compounds are ethyl paramethoxycinnamate (EPMC) which is used as sunscreen. This study aims to produce AgNPs conjugated with EPMC that can be used as raw material sunscreen. This study was conducted by extracting EPMS from the Kaempferia galanga rhizome and synthesizing the AgNPs conjugated with EPMC. The synthesis results were characterized by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, FTIR, SEM, PSA and sunscreen activity. Extracted result was obtained crystalline is ethyl paramethoxycinnamate compound with yield 2,3%. The characterization of EPMC with UV-Vis spectrophotometer was obtained maximum wavelength of 308 nm and FTIR analysis result at wave number 1701,27 cm-1 indicated the presence of carbonyl group (C = O) and 1165,97 cm-1 presence of C-O and showed specific characteristic from EPMS. Characterization of AgNPs using Uv-Vis spectrophotometer was obtained maximum wavelength of 469 nm. Characterization of AgNPs using SEM are spherical and monodispers forms.  Then, particle size using PSA obtained an average diameter of 182 nm. AgNPs conjugated with EPMS has a sunscreen activity with sunblock category and successfully provide protection against UV exposure at low concentration (200 ppm) categorized as ultra protection with SPF value 36,4

    Muatan Kearifan Lokal dalam Cerpen Mutakhir Karya Cerpenis Minangkabau

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    LOCAL WISDOM IN THE MODERN SHORT STORIES BY MINANGKABAU WRITERSAbstractMinangkabau culture is one of hundreds of cultures that exist in Indonesia. As a community, ethnic Minangkabau has moral teachings, values and social norms. The values, ethics, and behaviors serve as a source of wisdom in the life of the use of local knowledge. The literary work is a product of the wisdom that is able to provide enlightenment for those who appreciate it. Based on research at the expense of local wisdom in short short story writer works Minangkabau story tip, found some local wisdom as follows. First, local view based on knowledge of life (philosophy), which is true and courageous because the enemy is not requested, the averted eyes met. Second, local wisdom based on an attitude of social life, recommendations and iktibar that life should help each other, life must be saved by saving, provide assistance for the construction of public facilities, take a lesson from the events experienced by others, and environmental conservation with make it sacred. Third, local knowledge based ceremonies; traditional ceremonies as a forum to practice diplomacy and ceremony by mutual assistance principle. Fourth, local wisdom based on the principles, standards and rules and regulations that have materialized in social systems. Fifth, local wisdom based on habits, daily behaviors in social interactions, needs of society, take care for the child with traditional food, and Ramadan and Eid as strengthening the relationship. Kata Kunci: muatan; kearifan lokal; cerpen mutakhir; cerpenis MinangkabauAbstrakBudaya Minangkabau merupakan salah satu dari ratusan budaya yang ada di Indonesia. Sebagai komunitas, etnis Minangkabau memiliki ajaran moral, nilai-nilai, dan norma-norma sosial. Nilai-nilai, etika, dan perilaku berfungsi sebagai sumber kearifan dalam kehidupan penggunaan pengetahuan lokal. Karya sastra merupakan produk kearifan yang mampu memberikan pencerahan bagi mereka yang mengapresiasinya. Berdasarkan penelitian dengan mengetengahkan kearifan lokal dalam cerita pendek karya penulis Minangkabau, ditemukan beberapa kearifan lokal sebagai berikut. Pertama, pandangan lokal berdasarkan pengetahuan hidup (filsafat), yang benar dan berani karena musuh tidak diminta, mata dihindari bertemu. Kedua, kearifan lokal berdasarkan sikap kehidupan sosial, rekomendasi, dan iktibar bahwa hidup harus saling menolong, hidup akan selamat dengan saling menyelamatkan, membantu pembangunan fasilitas umum, mengambil pelajaran dari peristiwa yang dialami oleh orang lain, dan pelestarian lingkungan dengan menyakralkan. Ketiga, pengetahuan lokal dengan upacara, upacara adat sebagai forum untuk berlatih diplomasi dengan prinsip saling menolong. Keempat, kearifan lokal berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip, standar dan aturan dan peraturan yang telah terwujud dalam sistem sosial. Kelima, kearifan lokal berdasarkan kebiasaan, perilaku sehari-hari dalam interaksi sosial, kebutuhan yaitu hidup masyarakat, menjaga anak dengan makanan tradisional, dan Ramadan dan Idul Fitri memperkuat hubungan

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Media Batang Cuisenaire di Kelas IV

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    This study aimed to obtain accurate information about the increase hasilbelajar students using Cuisenaire rods media in the learning of mathematics in grade IV SDN 35 North Pontianak in West Kalimantan. The method used is descriptive method. Research form used is a Class Action Research. Setting research in class IV SDN 35 North Pontianak. The subjects were students of class IV totaling 30 students, using two cycles of one cycle each containing two meetings that consist of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Student learning outcomes in implementing the learning of mathematics in the first cycle of the first meeting with the average score obtained was 65.50 and in the first cycle II meeting with the average score obtained is 72.83. In the second cycle the first meeting with the average score obtained is 80.33 and the second cycle II meeting with the average score obtained is 87.83. This means an increase in cycle 1 of 7.33 and the second cycle of 7.50

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Dalam Buku Humor Membongkar Gurita Cikeas Karya Jaim Wong Gendeng Dan Implikasinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the shape, function and strategies used in the book tells of humor Cikeas Octopus Dismantling works Wong Gendeng Jaim. The data of this study is ilokusi speech acts. Sources of data in this study is the book of humor Cikeas Octopus Dismantling works Wong Gendeng Jaim. Data were collected by using a technique that helped with my recording format. The findings of the study are (1) a form of speech act ilokusi found as many as 71 utterances, which consist of expressive speech acts and commissive directive representative, (2) the function of speech acts speech ilokusi found as many as 68, which consists of competitive functionality, pleasure cooperating and conflicting functions and (3) by 67 utterances strategy, which consists of BTTB, BTDBKP, BTDBKN and BSS

    Tindak Tutur Direktif Dalam Novel Pukat Karya Tere-liye

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    This article was written based on (a) to describe the type of directive speech acts, (b) the strategy told the directive speech act, (c) the context of the use of directive speech acts, and (d) the effect of the use of linguistic politeness strategies recalled toin the novelPukat created by Tere-Liye.The data of this study is the speech acts of the figures contained in the novel Pukat created by Tere-Liye.The data source of this research is the novelPukat created by Tere-Liye.Data collected by reading and noting directive speech acts contained therein. Data were analyzed with the following steps: (1) identify the data and classifies data based on type, recalled strategy, context, and tells of the effects of linguistic politeness strategies in the directive speech act, (2) connecting the data with the data of the other, (3 ) conducted a study of data inference.The findings of this study are as follows. First, there are 5 types of directive speech acts, that is telling, asking, advising, challenging, and suggest. Second, there are 3 strategies recalled, that tells directly without further ado, instantly recalled with niceties positive politeness, recalled instantly with niceties negative politeness. Third, the strategy of direct recalled without further ado tends to be used in the context of the directive speech act hearer smaller, intimate, and speech do both. Fourth, the use of recalled strategy directly without further ado hearer in the context of smaller, intimate, and the speech made ​​two decent effect


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kelayakan finansial usaha peternakan kambing, dengan batasan variabel pada aspek Return Cost Ratio (R/C) dan Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di JK Community, Desa Tandassura, Kecamatan Limboro, Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan observasi. Penentuan responden menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data secara deskriptif dengan menghitung R/C rasio dan B/C rasio.Variabel dalam penelitian ini, yaitu biaya variabel, biaya tetap, penerimaan melalui penjualan kambing dan biourin, serta pendapatan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai R/C rasio sebesar 1.66> 1 dan nilai B/C rasio sebesar 0.66 yang menunjukkan bahwa usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan
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