626 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKStatus P pada tanaman dapat diduga dengan menganalisis kadar Ppada daun, karena daun merupakan suatu bagian tanaman yang sangataktif. Untuk itu, diperlukan informasi posisi daun yang sesuai untukdijadikan contoh daun untuk analisis status P tanaman. Percobaan inibertujuan untuk menentukan posisi daun yang sesuai untuk analisis statusP dan mempelajari perbedaan antara kadar P tersedia di tanah dan dirhizosphere, serta hubungannya dengan kadar P daun bibit jarak pagar.Percobaan dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempahdan Aneka Tanaman Industri (Balittri) Pakuwon, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat,pada September 2006 sampai dengan Juli 2007, disusun dalam rancanganacak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 (tiga) ulangan. Setiap unit percobaan terdiriatas 20 tanaman. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah: (a) daun ke-1 atau daunyang terletak tepat di bawah kuncup daun yang belum mekar sempurna,(b) daun ke-2 atau daun yang terletak setelah/di bawah daun ke-1, (c) daunke-3, dan (d) daun ke-4. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar P daun (%),kadar P tersedia di tanah dan rhizosphere yang diukur dengan metodeBray-1 P. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun ke-2 adalah posisidaun yang sesuai sebagai contoh daun untuk analisis status P pada bibitjarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.). Kadar P di rhizosphere lebih rendahdaripada kadar P di tanah (Bray-1P) yang jauh dari akar jarak pagar. Padadaun ke-2, keeratan hubungan yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien regresi (R2)antara kadar Bray-1 P di rhizosphere dan kadar P daun jarak pagar (R2 =0.394) lebih tinggi daripada hubungan antara kadar Bray-1 P di tanah dankadar P daun (R2 = 0.371), sehingga untuk keperluan menggambarkanketersediaan P tanah atau untuk melihat hubungan P tanah tersedia dengankadar ataupun serapan P tanaman jarak pagar, akan lebih tepat bila contohtanah yang diambil berasal dari rhizosphere akar tanaman.Kata kunci: Jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas L.), posisi daun, status P, Ptanah tersediaABSTRACTDetermination of leaf sample position for analysis of Pstatus in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings andthe available P in the root zoneStatus of P in plants can be quantified by analyzing concentrationsof the nutrient in leaf as the leaf is the most active plant part. For this,information on appropriate leaf position as samples for analysis of P statusin the plants is needed. A research was conducted with aims to determinean appropriate leaf position of physic nut seedlings and to studydifferences between the concentrations of available P (Bray-1 P) in thebulk soil and the rhizosphere, along with their relationships with theconcentrations of leaf P. The experiment was carried out in a glasshouse ofIndonesian Spices and Other Industrial Crops Research Institute,Sukabumi, West Java, from September 2006 to July 2007. The experimentwas arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications.Each experimental unit consisted of 20 plants. The treatments were: (a) 1stleaf or a leaf located exactly below the shoot, (b) 2nd leaf or a leaf locatedbelow the 1st leaf, (c) 3rd leaf, and (d) 4th leaf. All the leaves were takenfrom the primary branch of the plants. Parameters measured were Pconcentrations in the leaf, P concentrations in the bulk soil and therhizosphere (Bray-1 P). The results showed that the 2nd leaf position wasthe appropriate leaf position to be taken as samples for the leaf analysis ofP status in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings. The concentrationsof Bray-1 P in the rhizosphere were lower than that in the bulk soil, whichis further away from the roots. The R2 values for the relationships betweenthe Bray-1 P concentrations in the rhizosphere and the the 2nd leaf Pconcentrations were higher than that between the Bray-1 P concentrationsin the bulk soil and the 2nd leaf P concentrations, hence, for the objectivesto show the soil P availability or to show the relationships between theavailable soil P and the concentrations or the P uptake by the physic nut, itwill be more accurate if the soil samples are taken from the rhizosphere.Key words: Physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), leaf position, P status,available soil

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Manajerial, Struktur Kepemilikan Institusional, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Leverage terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi (Studi pada Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2014)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Managerial Ownership Structure, Institutional Ownership Structure, Company Size and Leverage to Accounting Conservatism (Study in Food and Beverage Company Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2011-2014). The population in this study are all food and beverage company in Indonesia which is still in operation during the years 2010-2014 amounted to 16 companies. Based on specified criteria, the company earned 13 is used as a sample in this study. This study uses secondary data in the form of annual financial statements. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis, the conclusions of this research are: 1) Managerial Ownership Structure (SKM) has no significant effect on the variable Conservatism because significancy 0,250>0,05. 2) Institutional Ownership Structure (SKI) has no significant effect on the variable Conservatism because significancy 0,155>0,05. 3) Size Company has no significant effect on the variable Conservatism because significancy 0,252>0,05. 4) Leverage has significant effect on the variable Conservatism because significancy 0,000<0,05

    Steps in Designing Queue and Interview Process Using Information System: a Case of Re-registration of New Students in Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    . Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) have a number of prospective students is quite a lot. Based on data released by the BAPSI UNM (2015) that the data student candidates of UNM who passed the selection with SNMPTN SBMPTN selection as 3,791 people. If the prospective graduate students interviewed are normally it will take a long time and will certainly make students uncomfortable. Therefore it is necessary design an information systems to solving this problem. This research aim to develop an information system to facilitate the process queue. The method used in this research is to use the three stages in the Software Development Life Cycle method namely Initiation Phase, Development/Acquisition Phase, and Implementation Phase. This information system development using PHP and CodeIgniter as a its framework. This design results will be obtained an queues and interviews information system that can be used to manage the queue and interview data. By implementing this system, it potentially reduce time to wait and the process of managing results of interviews can be obtained directly without a process of inputting interview repeat if done manually

    Pengaruh Rasio Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Tingkat Bagi Hasil Tabungan Mudharabah (pada Bank Umum Syariah yang Listing di Bank Indonesia Periode 2010-2014)

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    The aim of this study was to examine the Influence of CAR, ROA, ROE, NPF and BOPO On Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings on IslamicBank listing in BI period 2010-2014. The population in this study are all Islamic Banks in Indonesia are still in operation during the years 2010-2014 a total of 11 companies. Based on specified criteria, the company earned 11 Islamic Banks were used as samples in this study. This study uses secondary data in the form of publication of financial statements. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis, the conclusions of this research are: 1) there is no significant effect Capital Adequacy Ratio on Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks with signifance value 0,163 > 0,05. 2) There is no significant effect return on assets on Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks with signifance value 0,070 > 0,05. 3) There is a significant effect Return On Equity on Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks with signifance value 0,040 < 0,05. 4) There is a significant influence NPF on Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks with signifance value 0,037 < 0,05. 5) There is a significant effect BOPO on Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks with signifance value 0,002 < 0,05. Based on the results of research on simultaneous test it was concluded that there was an effect of CAR, ROA, ROE, NPF, and BOPO together towards Profit Sharing of Mudharabah Savings in Islamic Banks

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Passing Bawah Bola Voli Mini melalui Modifikasi Media Pembelajaran Bola Plastik pada Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 44 Segarau Parit Tebas

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    This study aims to determine the increase in the ability of passing down through themodification volleyball plastic ball media in State Primary School 44. qualitative research wasconducted by the form of action research. SDN is a student population of 44, the number of samples 28students, the total sampling using sampling methods. Research techniques using test and measurement,the test grating instrument with measurement of learning outcomes under the pasing game of volleyball.Analysis of the data using a percentage formula. The results show the implementation method oflearning media modefikasi plastic ball shown to increase the ability of passing down the game ofvolleyball. This is evidenced by an increase in the ability of passing down the fairly good, ie on cycle iwith an average value of 12.87, so the increase of 39.07%. While the average value of the second cycleis 21.18, so the increase of 64.56%

    Management and Development Strategy of Medium Class Housing Industry (Case Study of PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development)

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    This study aims to find out how the external and internal environment that affects the business and management strategies and development of the middle-class housing business is right for PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development in order to continue to survive and develop. This research was conducted at PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development- Bukit Baruga Estate, located in Antang village, Manggala sub-district, Makassar city. Selection of this location is done intentionally (purposive) with the consideration that PT. Baruga Asrinusa Development is one of the longest established developers since 1992 and is also a local developer located in Makassar which currently has many major competitors from local developers and outside developers. The results of this study find that to deal with external threats immediately implement an aggressive strategy strategy that seeks to improve internal conditions of weakness and external threats by utilizing a number of internal strengths possessed and existing external opportunities
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