44 research outputs found

    Interventions and instruments to promote sustainable land use in Europe

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    Since the first examples of human settlements, land has been subject to transformations. With the industrial revolution and in particular after the Second World War, land transformation has become more intense in terms of overexploitation of natural resources. Only recently, however, have policy and decision makers acknowledged the importance of land as a finite resource. Sustainable development has increasingly become the subject of many studies and a reason for debate, leading to different lines of thought among the various disciplines. This has led to the design and implementation of a great number of sustainable land use practices in many European cities and regions. In fact, it seems that sustainability of land use depends both on the socio-economic processes that trigger spatial development and the effectiveness of the instruments that regulate these processes (Solly et al., 2020). The need for a more sustainable and eco-compatible approach, and the European objective to achieve zero net land take 2050 (Science for Environment Policy, 2016), have been one of the reasons why ESPON launched the pan-European research project SUPER – Sustainable Urbanization and land-use in the European Regions. The project examines, on the one hand, the nature and the structure of urbanization processes and, on the other, it seeks to analyze the degree of success of interventions and instruments aiming at a more sustainable use of land. This contribution presents the results of the project by focusing especially on the content of the SUPER “Guide to Sustainable Urbanisation and Land Use” (Cotella et al., 2020). Thanks to the exploration of more than two hundred examples of urbanization interventions gathered all over Europe, the guide suggests a set of policy recommendations for policy and decision makers in order to address land use in a more sustainable perspective. According to the different objectives and contextual needs, policy and decision makers should focus more on: (i) which intervention (i.e. densification, regeneration, containment, governance and sectoral policies) and (ii) which instrument, should be used (i.e. visions and strategies, rules and legal devices, land use regulations, programmes and projects)

    ESPON SUPER – Sustainable Urbanisation and land-use Practices in European Regions. A GUIDE TO SUSTAINABLE URBANISATION AND LAND-USE

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide audience. This guide was written by the researchers engaged in the ESPON 2020 applied research project on Sustainable Urbanisation and Land-Use Practices in European Regions (SUPER). It aims to help people and institutions engaged with land-use management at various levels across Europe to promote sustainable urbanisation in their territories. Overall, the guide offers information, ideas and perspectives to help decision-makers and policymakers to proactively contribute to more equal, balanced, and sustainable territorial development. The decision to convert land to a different use influences our quality of life and that of future generations, and, as this Guide shows, a large toolbox of interventions exists that can help alter prevailing land-use practices. Choosing among them is a tough decision, and implementation may require strong political commitment and bold leadership. We hope that this Guide provides the inspiration to accept this challenge

    Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe. A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts but in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide group of users. This Guide was written by the researchers on the ESPON applied research study of Territorial Approaches to New Governance (TANGO). It aims to help those persons and institutions that are delivering territorial governance across Europ

    Debating the urban dimension of territorial cohesion

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    The Territorial Cohesion goal was only included in the EU Treaty by 2009, with a view to promote a more balanced and harmonious European territory. One year earlier (2008), the European Commission (EC) published the ‘Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion—Turning territorial diversity into strength’. Neither one, nor the other, clearly defines the meaning of the Territorial Cohesion concept. The later, however, proposes three main policy responses towards more balanced and harmonious development: (i) Concentration: overcoming differences in density; (ii) Connecting territories: overcoming distance; and (iii) Cooperation: overcoming division. Although not explicitly, this document identifies several ‘urban questions’ to be dealt when promoting territorial cohesive policies: avoiding diseconomies of very large agglomerations and urban sprawl processes, combating urban decay and social exclusion, avoiding excessive concentrations of growth, promoting access to integrated transport systems and creating metropolitan bodies. In this light, this chapter proposes to debate the importance of the urban dimension to achieve the goal of territorial cohesion at several territorial levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Towards Better Territorial Governance in Europe. A guide for practitioners, policy and decision makers based on contributions from the ESPON TANGO Project

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    Guides help you do things. You turn to them when you need to find out how to solve a problem. They are a form of knowledge transfer, written by experts but in a way that is accessible and helpful to a wide group of users. This Guide was written by the researchers on the ESPON applied research study of Territorial Approaches to New Governance (TANGO). It aims to help those persons and institutions that are delivering territorial governance across Europe

    ESPON Italian evidence in changing Europe

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    Il volume, che rientra nelle attivitĂ  dell’ESPON Contact Point Italia, accoglie i risultati del contributo dei Partner Italiani allo sviluppo dei progetti del Programma ESPON 2013, acronimo di European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion. I testi sintetizzano ed evidenziano, tra l’altro, le relazioni con le politiche di sviluppo regionale dell’Italia, inserendole in un quadro di cooperazione transnazionale che coinvolge 28 + 4 paesi dell’Unione europea. Affrontando aspetti della politica territoriale europea che spaziano dall’innovazione e conoscenza all’accessibilitĂ , dal policentrismo alle aree metropolitane, dalla migrazione alla globalizzazione, gli Autori mettono in luce la posizione dell’Italia e delle regioni anche rispetto agli obiettivi fissati da Europe 2020. Uno spazio Ăš dedicato alle esperienze regionali che hanno trovato in ESPON uno stimolo e un’occasione di confronto; come pure ai concetti che sottendono il lessico, i principi di orientamento e i nuovi modelli della pianificazione in Europa; e alle esperienze formative rivolte alle giovani generazioni e ai decision maker Il libro si inquadra nelle iniziative del Semestre di Presidenza Italiana dell’Unione europea ed Ăš cofinanziato dal Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti (MIT) responsabile nazionale del Programma ESPON. E’ rivolto ai ricercatori, agli utilizzatori istituzionali, ai policy maker, ai “practioner” e ai “non specialisti”, tra cui gli studenti, affinchĂ© possano fare propri i risultati dell’impegno costante, rigoroso e rispettoso delle diversitĂ  territoriali che hanno contraddistinto, dal 2007 ad oggi, il contributo della ricerca, anche sperimentale e applicata, alla crescita della societĂ  italiana come parte integrante del sistema europeo. L’Osservatorio ESPON, per chi ancora non lo conosce, puĂČ rappresentare un viaggio nel territorio europeo, nelle sue diversitĂ  territoriali, economiche, sociali, culturali da integrare e rendere coese, sostenibili, mantenendo e sviluppando potenziali di competitivitĂ  crescenti e, nel contempo, innovando e diffondendo nuovi modi, metodologie, strumenti e prassi per fare del territorio un bene comune e condiviso. Dati, riferimenti e raccomandazioni politiche utili alla crescita del Paese completano il quadro. Presentazione del Ministro delle Infrastrutture, On. Maurizio Lupi Postfazione del Direttore della Coordination Unit del Programma ESPON, Peter MehlbyeThe book is part of the activities of ESPON Contact Point Italy. It includes the results of the contribution of the Italian partners in the development of projects under the ESPON 2013 Programme, which stands for European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion. The texts summarise and highlight, among other things, the relations with the regional development policies of Italy, placing them in a framework of transnational cooperation involving the 28 + 4 EU Countries. Addressing aspects of European territorial policy, ranging from innovation and knowledge accessibility, from the polycentrism to metropolitan areas, from migration to globalization, the authors highlight the position of Italy and of regions also in relation to the objectives set by Europe 2020. A place is devoted to the regional experiences that in the ESPON found a stimulus and an opportunity for discussion, as well as to the concepts behind the vocabulary, to the principles of guidance, and new planning models in Europe, and to the training experiences aimed at the younger generations and the decision makers The book forms part of the initiatives of the Italian Presidency of the European Union and is co-financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) in charge of the national ESPON Programme. It is aimed at researchers, institutional users, policy makers, at "practitioners" and "non-specialists" including students, so that they can make use of the results of the constant and rigorous work also respectful of the territorial diversities that have characterized the experimental and applied research since 2007, so contributing to the growth of Italian society as an integral part of the European system. The ESPON Monitoring Centre, for those who still do not know, can be a journey into the European territory, its territorial, economic, social, cultural diversities to integrate and make cohesive and sustainable, by maintaining and developing the increasing potentials of competitiveness and, at the same time, by innovating and disseminating new ways, methodologies, tools and practices to make the territory a common and shared good. Data, references and useful policy recommendations to the growth of the country are also included in the book. Presentation by the Minister of Infrastructure, Mr. Maurizio Lupi Afterword by the Director of the Coordination Unit ESPON Programme , Peter Mehlby

    Governo del territorio e controllo pubblico delle trasformazioni: una tipologia europea

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    Trent’anni di studi analisi comparateivi hanno chiarito mostrato che i sistemi di governo del territorio sono tecnologie istituzionali variabili, in ciascun contesto, per che esercitano in modi diversi la capacità funzione di controllo pubblico delle trasformazioni spaziali. L’articolo utilizza i materiali di lavoro della ricerca ESPON COMPASS per proporre una tipologia complessiva dei sistemi europei sotto questo profilo. I sistemi di governo del territorio di 39 Stati sono analizzati in base alle informazioni e opinioni dei rispettivi esperti nazionali in merito, da un lato, ai meccanismi di assegnazione dei diritti di trasformazione e, dall’altro, al prevalere dello Stato o del mercatogli interessi pubblici o privati nelle decisioni di trasformazione spazialesviluppo. In breve, la diversa capacità di controllo pubblico delle trasformazioni spaziali dipende da un insieme variegato di fattori. I modelli di assegnazione dei diritti di trasformazione sono influenti, ma e vanno compresi in relazione alla luce dellee specifiche dinamiche istituite relazioni di potere fra Sstato e mercato

    Spatial governance and planning systems and the capacity for public control of spatial development: a European typology

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    Although the functions of spatial governance and planning systems are generalizable, 30 years of comparative studies, especially in Europe, have shown the heterogeneity characterising these “institutional technologies”. Particularly, they differ in the capacity for public control of spatial development, a crucial aspect for the life of entire cities, regions and countries. The proposed contribution builds on the materials of the recently concluded ESPON COMPASS research project to propose a European typology on this issue. Based on the opinions expressed by respective national experts, the systems of 39 countries (28 EU and 11 non-EU) are compared in relation to the mechanisms to allocate land use and spatial development rights as well as to the prevalence of public vs. private interests in guiding the development decisions. As a result, the European systems are placed on an X-Y diagram, which makes it possible to cluster them in consistent types that raise new comparative observations and general findings. In summary, the capacity for public control of spatial development looks variegated in Europe, and is conditioned by a mixture of factors. In this scenario, the different models adopted for allocating spatial development rights need to be understood in the context of actual state-market relations