2,124 research outputs found

    Cats and Goat Whey Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs

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    In organic livestock production systems, farm-management factors are thought to play an important role in the on-farm prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii. Serological results and the results of an HACCP analysis were combined to determine important risk factors for the prevalence of this protozoan parasite. Mathematical analysis demonstrated that feeding goat whey to pigs and the presence of a high number of cats were positively correlated to T. gondii seroprevalence in pigs. Not covering roughage and the farmers' assumption that pigs can come into contact with cat feces also showed a positive relationship. In order to decrease the risk of T. gondii infecting their pigs, farmers should limit the access and number of cats on their farms and refrain from feeding goat whey to their pigs

    Presentation : Development of an age-specific genome-scale model of skeletal muscle metabolism

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    Skeletal myocytes are among the most metabolically active cell types, implicated in nutrient balance, contributing to the insulin-stimulated clearance of glucose from the blood, and secreting myokines that contribute in regulating inflammation and the ageing process. The loss of muscle mass and strength with age (sarcopenia), is a risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, it increases the risk of falls, of developing frailty and disabilities, and results in an impairment in the quality of life and autonomy of an individual.An active lifestyle is the most immediate and accessible treatment to prevent sarcopenia, with a considerable impact on the ageing process: PANINI is a European Training Network whose aim is understanding how lifestyle factors can influence healthy ageing.In this context, we present the first age-specific genome-scale metabolic model of the skeletal muscle, a mathematical representation of the myocyte metabolic network in the elderly, built using RECON2, the human metabolic reconstruction, and gene expression data, gathered from older adults' muscle tissue biopsies.This model will be used to analyze patient-specific data for potential mechanisms able to explain the different ageing paces of different individuals and to investigate the effectiveness of different nutritional and physical exercise regimes in stimulating post-exercise protein synthesis, which is often impaired in the elderly.The aim is to identify an optimal and personalized lifestyle change intervention able to prevent the onset of sarcopenia. <br/

    Fasevoeding met maïsmeel bij biologisch melkvee

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    Fasevoeding met maïsmeel in de biologische veehouderij betekende voor de koeien in het begin van de lactatie een positieve energiebalans, maar een tegenvallende melkproductie. In de proef werd maïsmeel gebruikt om koeien in het begin van de lactatie extra energie te geven in vergelijking met een rantsoen met snijmaïs. De voeropname van de maïsmeel koeien was hoger, maar de melkgift lager. Daarmee hadden deze koeien een positieve energiebalans. De koeien die snijmaïs kregen, gaven meer melk en zij realiseerden een hoger saldo. Krachtvoeradvisering met DLM gaf een extra besparing op krachtvoer. Het systeem biedt kansen om zelf (of regionaal) geteelde granen op maat te voeren aan koeien

    Еліпсис – один із найважливіших шляхів поповнення складу мінімальних фразеологічних одиниць

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    Стаття присвячена актуальній науковій проблемі, пов'язаній із аналізом спеціального фрагмента фразеологічного корпусу української мови - мінімальним ідіомам. Описуються два види фразеологічного еліпсиса.Статья посвящена актуальной научной проблеме, связанной с анализом специального фрагмента фразеологического корпуса украинского языка - минимальным идиомам. Описываются два вида фразеологического элипсиса.The article is dedicated to the scientific actual problem, connected with the analysis of special fragment in phraseological structure of the Ukrainian language - minimal idioms. Two types of phraseological ellipsis described