160 research outputs found

    Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Infants in the Work Area of Ambacang Public Health Center in Padang, West Sumatera 2014

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    Low birth weight is infants who born with a weight less than 2.500 gram that irrespective of pregnancy β€” the purpose of this study to determine the risk factors of low birth weight in Ambacang Public Health Center (PHC) at Padang City in 2014. Case-Control Study conducted the design of this study. Case subject collected by the medical record was 33 samples and control subject were 33 samples. The result showed that anemia during pregnancy (P=0.0001;OR=9.00; 95% CI:2.8698-28.2249), addition weight gain of pregnancy woman (P=0.038; OR=3.495; 95%CI:1.1892-10.2760), woman suffer from chronic energy malnutrition (CEM) (P=0.004; OR=5.4; 95% CI:1.7637-16.5331), age during women pregnancy (P=0.186;OR=3.2;95%CI:0.7664-13.3604), spacing pregnancy(P=0.763; OR=0.694;95%CI:0.2112-2.2830), and parity of pregnancy (P=0.473;OR=2.22; 95%CI:0.5057-9.7645). There is a significant relationship between anemia during pregnancy, additional weight gain of pregnancy woman, chronic energy malnutrition (CEM) with Low Birth Weight. Keywords: Risk factor; low birth weight; anemia; CE

    The Independency of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK RI) in Indicators of Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs)

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    This research aims to know, analyze, and formulate the independency indicators of independent institutions based on the concept of Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs) in advanced countries (United States and Europe). Also as an efforts to examine and see the extent to which independent institutions in Indonesia meet these indicators. This study focuses on KPK institution that are well known as one of independent institutions in Indonesia. Although in practice it often rise the controversy and resistance from many parties. The method used in this legal research is normative legal research, conducted through literature study or secondary data. Data consists of legal materials primary, secondary and tertiary, which are then processed descriptive-prescriptively. The research also uses several approaches such as legal, conceptual, and case approach.&nbsp

    Service Quality In Improving Customer Satisfaction At Bmt Barokatul Ummah In Merauke District

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    This study using quantitative descriptive research that is to know the Quality of Service In Improving Customer Satisfaction. While the survey was conducted on the customers at BMT Barokatul Ummah in Merauke District. The results of this study indicate that all aspects of Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, and Responsiveness dimensions have been well executed, and have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction on BMT Barokatul Ummah. This means that the increased dimensions Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, and Responsiveness the higher the customer satisfaction. While Compliance dimenis has a negative and significant impact on customer satisfaction. This means that if the dimensions of Compliance actually implemented according to Islamic Shari'a on BMT Barokatul Ummah, then the level of customer satisfaction will decrease. And for Empathy dimension has negative and insignificant effect to customer satisfaction. This means that the Empathy dimension does not affect customer satisfaction in BMT Barokatul Ummah in Merauke Regency

    Komposisi dan Kemelimpahan Fitoplankton di Laguna Glagah Kabupaten Kulonprogo Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi jenis fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 2) meng-identifikasi kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah; 3) mempelajari hubungan faktor fisiko-kimia lingkungan dengan kemelimpahan fitoplankton di laguna Glagah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2012 di laguna Glagah desa Glagah kecamatan Temon Kabupaten Kulonprogo DIY. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun pengamatan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor fisiko-kimia (pH, DO, dan alkalinitas) dan mengidentifikasi fitoplankton. Pengamatan dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali yaitu pada pukul 08.00 WIB (pagi) dan 13.00 WIB (siang). Pengujian faktor fisiko-kimia dan identifikasi fito-plankton dilakukan di laboratorium ekologi Fakultas Biologi UGM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fitoplankton yang ditemukan di laguna Glagah berjumlah 9 spesies dalam 3 fungsional grup dengan kemelimpahan rata-rata sebesar 1839.667 individu/L pada pagi hari dan 1640,333 pada siang hari. Fitoplankton yang paling melimpah adalah diatom. Berdasarkan analisis regresi korelasi antara kemelimpahan fitoplankton dan faktor fisiko-kimia perairan Laguna Glagah maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara faktor fisiko kimia meliputi pH, DO, dan alkalinitas dengan kemelimpahan fitoplankton
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