19 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Cutting Speed Dan Feeding Rate Mesin Bubut Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Benda Kerja Dengan Metode Analisis Varians

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    The purpose of this research is to get the influence of cutting speed variation and feeding rate variation on turning machine to work piece surface roughness. The problem in this research is how the influence of Cutting Speed and feeding rate on turning machine to work piece surface roughness with method of variance analysis. Therefore, studying the turning machine and measurement of surface roughnes with some work piece are requird. From the cutting calculation result, it is found that if cutting speed is increasing, the surface roughness is decreasing, while if feeding rate is increasing, the surface roughness is increasing. From the variance analysis with 95 % of confidence level, result of the cutting speed variation on turning machine will not give significant influence to work piece surface, and the result of feeding rate variation will give significant influence

    Kajian Potensi Rizobakteri Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman yang Diisolasi dari Rizosfer Padi Sehat

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    The experiment was carried out to characterize the ability of rhizobacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of healthy lowland rice in dissolving phosphate or fixing nitrogen. The research was conducted from February to June 2011 at Agronomy Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Halu Oleo University. The experiment was arranged based on descriptive methods. Overall, the number of isolates characterized were 40 isolates. The results of the isolate characterization were documentated with specific indicators (eg. the ability to dissolve phosphate in the form of halo/clear zone). The research indicated that most of these isolates had the ability to dissolve phosphate and fix nitrogen. Isolates PKNW 6, PKMN 7, PKNS 3, PKNS 9 and PKNW 4 showed better ability in dissolving phosphate and fixing nitrogen than other isolates evaluated. Further studies are still needed for the development of the potential isolates as biological agensts or biofertilizer

    Cocoa Pod Husk Biochar Reduce Watering Frequency and Increase Cocoa Seedlings Growth

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    Biochar amount applied in the growing soil medium may decrease water use of cocoa seedling during dry season and hence may increase water use efficiency, thus a polybag experiment was carried out in the Glasshouse Agricultural Faculty, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia in 2016to evaluate the effect of cocoa pod husk (CPH) biochar and watering frequencies on growth of cocoa seedlings.The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with seven cacao pod husk (CPH) biochar levels (without CPH biochar, 3 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil, 6 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil, 9 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil, 12 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil, 15 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil dan 18 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil) and three watering frequencies ( every two days, every four days and every six days) in three replications. Results showed that CPH biochar and watering frequency significantly influenced soil moisture. The rate of CPH biochar amendment determined watering frequency and cocoa seedling growth rate. CPH biochar improved cocoa seedling growth and reduced watering frequency. Cocoa seedlings treated with 9 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil and 60 g CPH biochar kg-1 soil with every six days of WF increased WUE by 208.8% and 262.22%, respectively, compared to no biochar application

    Bone morphogenetic protein-2 gene controls tooth root development in coordination with formation of the periodontium

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    Formation of the periodontium begins following onset of tooth-root formation in a coordinated manner after birth. Dental follicle progenitor cells are thought to form the cementum, alveolar bone and Sharpey's fibers of the periodontal ligament (PDL). However, little is known about the regulatory morphogens that control differentiation and function of these progenitor cells, as well as the progenitor cells involved in crown and root formation. We investigated the role of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Bmp2) in these processes by the conditional removal of the Bmp2 gene using the Sp7-Cre-EGFP mouse model. Sp7-Cre-EGFP first becomes active at E18 in the first molar, with robust Cre activity at postnatal day 0 (P0), followed by Cre activity in the second molar, which occurs after P0. There is robust Cre activity in the periodontium and third molars by 2 weeks of age. When the Bmp2 gene is removed from Sp7(+) (Osterix(+)) cells, major defects are noted in root, cellular cementum and periodontium formation. First, there are major cell autonomous defects in root-odontoblast terminal differentiation. Second, there are major alterations in formation of the PDLs and cellular cementum, correlated with decreased nuclear factor IC (Nfic), periostin and α-SMA(+) cells. Third, there is a failure to produce vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) in the periodontium and the pulp leading to decreased formation of the microvascular and associated candidate stem cells in the Bmp2-cKO(Sp7-Cre-EGFP). Fourth, ameloblast function and enamel formation are indirectly altered in the Bmp2-cKO(Sp7-Cre-EGFP). These data demonstrate that the Bmp2 gene has complex roles in postnatal tooth development and periodontium formation

    Reduced susceptibility to fluconazole in a cat with histoplasmosis

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    Case summary An 11-year-old neutered male domestic longhair cat was diagnosed with histoplasmosis from fine-needle aspirates of an abdominal lymph node. Lymph node size initially decreased with fluconazole therapy (11.8 mg/kg PO q12h); however, after 13 months of continuous fluconazole therapy, lymphadenomegaly worsened and samples were collected for culture and antifungal susceptibility. The Histoplasma capsulatum isolate had a very high fluconazole minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 64 µg/ml and an itraconazole MIC of 0.06 µg/ml. The owner declined a change to itraconazole and, ultimately, the cat developed neurologic signs and was euthanized. Owing to the initial response to fluconazole followed by treatment failure and high MIC value, acquired fluconazole resistance was suspected. Clinical breakpoints for fluconazole for the dimorphic fungi are not available to define true antifungal resistance. Relevance and novel information This is the first published report of reduced susceptibility to fluconazole in a cat being treated for histoplasmosis. Fluconazole failure and increases in MIC between pretreatment and long-term treatment isolates are known to occur in humans with histoplasmosis. Practitioners should be aware of this possibility when treating cats with fluconazole (particularly in cases with long-term [>1 year] fluconazole therapy or in cases with disease recrudescence)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk  kejahatan yang dikategorikan sebagai tindak pidana kehutanan dan untuk mengetahui ketentuan hukum kewenangan polisi kehutanan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana perusakan hutan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dapat ditarik kesimpulan yaitu : 1. Kejahatan kehutanan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai tindak pidana dibidang kehutanan, dapat terjadi dalam bentuk merusak sarana dan prasarana perlindungan hutan serta menimbulkan kerusakan hutan, membakar hutan, menebang pohon dan memiliki hasil hutan secara illegal (Illegal Loging), melakukan penambangan dan eksplorasi serta eksploitasi bahan tambang tanpa ijin, memiliki hasil hutan tanpa surat keterangan, membawa alat-alat berat tanpa ijin.  Sehubungan 2. Berkaitan dengan kewenangan Polisi Kehutanan dalam menanggulangi pelaku tindak pidana perusakan hutan, berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku Polisi Kehutanan dapat bertindak sebagai penyidik.  Pasal 37 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 45 Tahun 2004 tentang Perlindung Hutan, dijelaskan bahwa Polisi Kehutanan yang telah memenuhi persyaratan  dapat diangkat menjadi Pejabat Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PPNS) Kehutanan. Proses penyidikan dilakukan dengan berkoordinasi dengan aparat penyidik Polri berdasarkan hukum pidana formil.   Kata Kunci : polisi kehutanan, tindak pidana kehutana