50 research outputs found

    Actinomycotic brain abscess

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    Actinomycosis is caused by Gram-positive filamentous anaerobic organisms of genus Actinomyces, which are commensals of mucosal membranes of the oropharyngeal cavity, and gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts. Central nervous system involvement is rare and may present as cerebral abscess, meningitis, meningoencephalitis, subdural empyema or epidural abscess. The radiological appearances of actinomycotic brain abscesses are not well recognized. Here, we present the characteristic imaging features of an actinomycotic brain abscess

    Features of childhood acute myeloid leukemia in Iran: A report from double center study

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    Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia is one of the important malignancies in children. For better managing the prognosis of this disease, there should be enough information about common features of this malignancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate these common features in children with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia. A total of 104 eligible children less than 15-year-old have been referred from 2007-2011 to two referral centers for childhood malignancies. Basic epidemiological information recorded in checklists for each individual. Analyzes have been done by SPSS version 22. Out of patients, 57 cases were males (54.8). The male/female ratio was 1.2. The mean age of patients was 6.5 ± 4.3 years. The majority subtypes of patients were M3, M4, non-M3, and M2, respectively. The common molecular abnormalities were t (15;17) and inv (16). Of patients, 19.2 had an early relapse. The mean age of relapse in patients was 6.7 ± 3.9 years. Sixty patients (57.7) were alive, and 44 cases (42.3) died during or after therapy. The three years overall survival rate of patients was 42 in this study. According to our data, AML has the same frequency as compared with data from developing countries. But different epidemiological characteristic was a lower rate of three years overall survival in patients. These data may serve the health authorities for more effective environmental and preventive measurements, purposeful allocation of resources for facilitating upto-date diagnostic and treatment modalities, psychological support programs for respective family members and educational purposes. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Minocycline combination therapy with fluvoxamine in moderate-to-severe obsessive�compulsive disorder: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial

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    Aim: Several lines of evidence implicate glutamatergic dysfunction in the pathophysiology of obsessive�compulsive disorder (OCD), presenting this neurotransmitter as a target for the development of novel pharmacotherapy. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of minocycline as an augmentative agent to fluvoxamine in the treatment of patients with OCD. Methods: One hundred and two patients with the diagnosis of moderate-to-severe OCD were recruited to this study. A randomized double-blind trial was designed and patients received either L-carnosine or placebo as adjuvant to fluvoxamine for 10 weeks. The patients randomly received either minocycline 100 mg twice per day or placebo for 10 weeks. All patients received fluvoxamine (100 mg/day) for the first 4 weeks, followed by 200 mg/day for the rest of the trial, regardless of their treatment groups. Participants were evaluated using the Yale�Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). The main outcome measure was to assess the efficacy of minocycline in improving the OCD symptoms. Results: General linear model repeated measures demonstrated significant effect for time � treatment interaction on the Y-BOCS total scores, F(1.49, 137.93) = 7.1, P = 0.003, and Y-BOCS Obsession subscale score, F(1.54, 141.94) = 9.72, P = 0.001, and near significant effect for the Y-BOCS Compulsion subscale score, F(1.27, 117.47) = 2.92, P = 0.08. A significantly greater rate of partial and complete response was observed in the minocycline group (P < 0.001). The frequency of side-effects was not significantly different between the treatment arms. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that minocycline could be a tolerable and effective adjuvant in the management of patients with OCD. © 2016 The Authors. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences © 2016 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurolog

    Development and validation of a novel panel of 16 STR markers for simultaneous diagnosis of β-thalassemia, aneuploidy screening, maternal cell contamination detection and fetal sample authenticity in PND and PGD/PGS cases

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    Prenatal diagnosis (PND) may be complicated with sample mix-up; maternal cell contamination, non-paternity and allele drop out at different stages of diagnosis. Aneuploidy screening if combined with PND for a given single gene disorder, can help to detect any common aneuploidy as well as aiding sample authenticity and other probable complications which may arise during such procedures. This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel panel of STR markers combined as a multiplex PCR kit (HapScreen� kit) for the detection of β-thalassemia, aneuploidy screening, ruling in/out maternal cell contamination (MCC), and sample authenticity. The kit uses 7 STR markers linked to β-globin gene (HBB) as well as using 9 markers for quantitative analysis of chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X and Y. Selection of the markers was to do linkage analysis with β-globin gene, segregation analysis and to perform a preliminary aneuploidy screening of fetal samples respectively. These markers (linked to the β-globin gene) were tested on more than 2185 samples and showed high heterozygosity values (68.4�91.4). From 2185 fetal cases we found 3 cases of non-paternity, 5 cases of MCC, one case of sample mix-up and one case of trisomy 21 which otherwise may have end up to misdiagnosis. This kit was also successfully used on 231 blastomeres for 29 cases of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and screening (PGS). The markers used for simultaneous analysis of haplotype segregation and aneuploidy screening proved to be very valuable to confirm results obtained from direct mutation detection methods (i.e. ARMS, MLPA and sequencing) and aneuploidy screening. © 2019, The Author(s)

    Preparation and investigation of indirubin-loaded SLN nanoparticles and their anti-cancer effects on human glioblastoma U87MG cells

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    Indirubin, an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, is considered as an anti-cancer agent. However, due to its hydrophobic nature, clinical efficiency has been limited. Drug delivery via nanotechnology techniques open new windows toward treatment of cancerous patients. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most severe and common type of brain primary tumors. Of common problems in targeting therapies of glioblastoma is the availability of drug in tumoric tissues. In this study, Indirubin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles were prepared and their therapeutic potentials and antitumoric effects were assessed on GBM cell line (U87MG). The SLNs were prepared with Cetyl palmitate and Polysorbat 80 via high-pressure homogenization (HPH) methods in hot mode. Then, properties of SLNs including size, zeta potential, drug encapsulation efficacy (EE ) and drug loading were characterized. SLNs morphology and size were observed using SEM and TEM. The crystalinity of formulation was determined by different scattering calorimetry (DSC). The amount of drug release and antitumor efficiency were evaluated at both normal brain pH of 7.2 and tumoric pH of 6.8. The prapared SLNs had mean size of 130 nm, zeta potential of �16 mV and EE of 99.73. The results of DSC showed proper encapsulation of drug into SLNs. Drug release assessment in both pH displayed sustain release property. The result of MTT test exhibited a remarkable increment in antitumor activity of Indirubin loaded SLN in comparison with free form of drug and blank SLN on multiform GB. This study indicated that Indirubin loaded SLNs could act as a useful anticancer drugs. © 2018 International Federation for Cell Biolog

    Surveying the Relation of Shahed Stu-dents’ Cognition of Academic Atmos-phere, and Their Individual and Family characteristics with Social Compatibility

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    Determining the relation of Shahed students’ cognition of academic at-mosphere and their individual and family characteristics with social compatibility is purpose of this study. Subjects are 315 male and female Shahed students, selected among all of Tehran universities’ students us-ing stratified sampling with appropriate allocation. The applied tools in this research are California personality questionnaire and structured questionnaire for measurement of Shahed students’ cognition of academ-ic atmosphere and Shahed students’ demographic features. The data were analyzed by hierarchical regression. Findings showed that Stu-dents’ satisfaction from Shahed privilege, other students’ positive view-point to Shahed students, professors’ attitude, and marriage of Shahed students are predictors of Shahed students’ social compatibility. No meaningful relation was observed between students’ family variables such as their mothers’ remarriage and social compatibility. Possible rea-sons for lack of meaningful relation between family variable variables such as their mothers’ remarriage and social compatibility was discussed

    Development of [66Ga]oxine complex; a possible PET tracer

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    The aim of this work is development of a possible blood cell labeling agent for ultimate use in PET. Gallium-66 (T1/2 = 9.49 h) is an interesting radionuclide that has a potential for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of biological processes with intermediate to slow target tissue uptake. Oxine has been labeled with this radionuclide in the form of [66Ga]gallium chloride for its possible diagnostic properties. In this study, 66Ga was produced at a 30 MeV cyclotron (IBA-Cyclone 30) via the 66Zn(p,n)66Ga reaction. The production yield was 445.5 MBq/mAh. The [66Ga]oxine complex was obtained at pH = 5 in phosphate buffer medium at 37°C in 10 min. Radio-TLC showed a radiochemical purity of more than 98 š 2%. The chemical stability of the complex was checked in vitro with a specific activity of 1113 GBq/mmol. The serum stability and log P of the complex were calculated. The produced [66Ga]oxine can be used for diagnostic studies, due to its desirable physico-chemical properties both in vitro and in vivo according to internationally accepted limits

    Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction For Trace Analysis Of Diazinon In Drinking Water

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    Amongst organophosphate pesticides, the one most widely used and common environmental contaminant is diazinon; thus methods for its trace analysis in environmental samples must be developed. Use of diazinon imprinted polymers such as sorbents in solid phase extraction, is a prominent and novel application area of molecular imprinted polymers. For diazinon extraction, high performance liquid chromatography analysis was demonstrated in this study. During optimization of the molecular imprinted solid phase extraction procedure for efficient solid phase extraction of diazinon, Plackett-Burman design was conducted. Eight experimental factors with critical influence on molecular imprinted solid phase extraction performance were selected, and 12 different experimental runs based on Plackett-Burman design were carried out. The applicability of diazinon imprinted polymers as the sorbent in solid phase extraction, presented obtained good recoveries of diazinon from LC-grade water. An increase in pH caused an increase in the recovery on molecular imprinted solid phase extraction. From these results, the optimal molecular imprinted solid phase extraction procedure was as follows: solid phase extraction packing with 100 mg diazinon imprinted polymers; conditioning with 5 mL of methanol and 6 mL of LC-grade water; sample loading containing diazinon (pH=10); washing with 1 mL of LC-grade water, 1 mL LC- grade water containing 30% acetonitrile and 0.5 mL of acetonitrile, respectively; eluting with 1 mL of methanol containing 2% acetic acid. The percentage recoveries obtained by the optimized molecular imprinted solid phase extraction were more than 90% with drinking water spiked at different trace levels of diazinon. Generally speaking, the molecular imprinted solid phase extraction procedure and subsequent high performance liquid chromatography analysis can be a relatively fast and proper approach for qualitative and quantitative analysis of diazinon in drinking water