4,967 research outputs found

    Trend Analysis of Teenage Pregnancy in Nigeria (1961-2013): How Effective is the Contraceptive Use Campaign

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    Teenage pregnancy (TP) is a recurrent global and public health problem. It poses both social and health challenges. Considering the massive campaign on the use of modern contraceptives to prevent TP in recent decades, we assessed trends in TP in Nigeria between 1961 and 2013. Pregnancy and contraception history of 70,811 women who were at least 20 years old when the Nigerian DHS was conducted in 1990, 2003, 2008, and 2013 respectively were used for the study, and descriptive statistics, time analysis techniques and multiple logistic regression were used to analyze the data at 5% significance level. The overall prevalence of TP between 1961 and 2013 was 49.5% which fluctuated insignificantly during the studied period. The TP prevalence among women who entered adulthood in 1961 was 39.2%; it peaked in 1978 at 58.9% before its unsteady decline to 39.6% in 2012, and then rose sharply to 55.6% in 2013. We predicted TP prevalence as 49.0%, 49.9% and 51.0% in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. The odds of TP were over 4 times higher in the North East and 5 times higher in the North West than in the South West. Teenagers with no education had higher odds of TP and it was higher among teenagers from the poorest households (OR=5.64, 95% CI: 5.36-5.94). Rather than reducing with the worldwide acknowledged increase in contraceptive campaigns, TP increased over the years studied. As far as TP is concerned in Nigeria, the impact of the campaign on MC use is far from being effective. To achieve the objective of fewer TPs, fewer resources should be spent on access to contraception and instead diverted to areas more likely to achieve results such as improvements in educational achievement amongst girls

    Karakterisasi Kitin dan Kitosan dari Cangkang Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata)

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    Telah dilakukan isolasi kitin dari cangkang kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) melalui proses demineralisasi dan deproteinasi, serta transformasi kitin menjadi kitosan dengan proses deasetilasi. Kitin dan kitosan yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi dengan penentuan kadar abu, kadar air, serta kandungan logam yang ada didalamnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar abu untuk cangkang kepiting sebesar 70,493%(b/b) kadar air 8,725% (b/b), serta kandungan logam magnesium sebesar 1,136 mg/g, besi 27,36 mg/g, kalsium 0,260 mg/g, seng 0,669 mg/g, tembaga 0,004 mg/g, natrium 17,672 mg/g, dan silika oksida 0,018 mg/g. Kadar abu untuk kitin sebesar 40,368% (b/b), kadar air sebesar 7,862% (b/b) serta kandungan logam magnesium 1,1245(mg/), besi 12,478 mg/g, kalsium 0,038 mg/g, seng 0,6186 mg/g, tembaga 0,001 mg/g, natrium 13,95 mg/g, dan silika oksida sebesar 0,016 mg/g. Kitosan memiliki kadar abu sebesar 15,247%(b/b), kadar air sebesar 5,935% (b/b), serta kandungan logam magnesium sebesar 0,729 mg/g, besi 4,455 mg/g, kalsium 0,037 mg/g, seng 0,068 mg/g, tembaga 0,0003 mg/g, natrium 7,816 mg/g dan silika oksida sebesar 0,015 mg/g

    Program CSR Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Menuju Kemandirian Ekonomi Pasca Tambang di Desa Sarijaya

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is the company's commitment to contribute to sustainable economic development by taking into account the social aspects and the environment. PT Pertamina EP as one of the major industrial companies operating Internationally and has a fundamental problem in the implementation of their CSR, namely how the planning and implementation of the CSR program, as well as through any indicator PT Pertamina EP is able to apply a good CSR refers to the MDGs documents, regulations regulations and ISO 26000. this study aimed to measure the effi ciency of the implementation as well as the response and participation in the implementation of CSR programs conducted

    Studi Fenemonolegi: Strategi Koping Orang Tua Dalam Merawat Anak Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asd)

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    Coping strategies are important predictors of psychosocial adaptation among parents of children with ASD. This study aimed to explore coping strategies used by parents of children with ASD. This descriptive phenomenology study used in-depth semi-structured interviews to explore parents experiences. Six participants were recruited from Pusat Layanan Autis Kota Malang by using purposive sampling. The interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The thematic were analyzed using Colaizi's phenomenological method. Eight themes were extracted according to the spesific purposes: (1) caring demand; (2) social stigma; (3) level of ASD severity; (4) life stressor of parent as a caregiver; (5) constructive coping strategies: seeking for information, formal support, spiritual approach, relaxation, and positif thinking (6) destructive coping strategies: physical and verbale action; (7) positive life meaning: change of the way of thinking and behavior, and (8) negative life meaning: stress feeling of having ASD children. It can be concluded that both constructive and destructive coping strategies were used by parents when dealing with children with ASD. Futher investigation with parents living in rural areas is needed to explore their constructive coping strategies using phenomenology study design

    Influence of Prenatal Class to the Practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication)

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the influence of prenatal class to the practice of P4K (Birth Planning And Prevention Of Birth Complication).Materials and Methods: This study applied analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken was as many as 30 mothers, using simple random sampling. Analysis of data was carried out using ordinal wilcoxon sign rank test. Datas were obtained from interviews and questionnaire.Result: The influence of prenatal class to practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication) (p = 0,0000). Conclusion: Prental class can influence to practic of P4K

    Analisa Overall Equipment Effectiveness Untuk Memperbaiki Sistem Perawatan Mesin Dop Berbasis Total Productive Maintenance (Studi Kasus: PT Xyz – Malang)

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    Penelitian dilakukan di bengkel link belt PT XYZ. Pada proses pembuatan link belt, proses machining pada mesin DOP memiliki waktu kerusakan tinggi dan menghasilkan defect. Upaya pengurangan waktu kerusakan dan defect dapat dilakukan melalui manajemen perawatan menggunakan konsep TPM. Metode yang digunakan adalah Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses, Fault Tree Analysis, dan TPM. Tahap pertama yang dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi Six Big Losses dan mengukur nilai OEE mesin DOP. Tahap selanjutnya membuat diagram FTA untuk mengetahui akar penyebab kerusakan serta probabilitas kegagalannya. Tahap terakhir adalah memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan berbasis TPM. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai OEE mesin DOP adalah 70.37%. Penyebab rendahnya nilai OEE adalah tingginya waktu setup matris yaitu sebesar 190-200 menit dan adanya defect yang dihasilkan selama proses permesinan yang menyebabkan matris aus. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang diusulkan adalah membuat toolbox yang dilengkapi toolpallet serta memberikan jadwal perawatan mesin DOP, mengganti dan mengasah matris potong yang tumpul setiap 13 hari
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