4,019 research outputs found

    The observational evidence pertinent to possible kick mechanisms in neutron stars

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    We examine available observations on pulsars for evidence pertaining to mechanisms proposed to explain the origin of their velocities. We find that mechanisms predicting a correlation between the rotation axis and the pulsar velocity are ruled out. Also, that there is no significant correlation between pulsar magnetic field strengths and velocities. With respect to recent suggestions postulating asymmetric impulses at birth being solely responsible for both the spins and velocities of pulsars, single impulses of any duration and multiple extended duration impulses appear ruled out.Comment: 7 pages. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Impact of Tandem Repeats on the Scaling of Nucleotide Sequences

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    Techniques such as detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and its extensions have been widely used to determine the nature of scaling in nucleotide sequences. In this brief communication we show that tandem repeats which are ubiquitous in nucleotide sequences can prevent reliable estimation of possible long-range correlations. Therefore, it is important to investigate the presence of tandem repeats prior to scaling exponent estimation.Comment: 14 Pages, 3 Figure

    Robust Randomness Amplifiers: Upper and Lower Bounds

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    A recent sequence of works, initially motivated by the study of the nonlocal properties of entanglement, demonstrate that a source of information-theoretically certified randomness can be constructed based only on two simple assumptions: the prior existence of a short random seed and the ability to ensure that two black-box devices do not communicate (i.e. are non-signaling). We call protocols achieving such certified amplification of a short random seed randomness amplifiers. We introduce a simple framework in which we initiate the systematic study of the possibilities and limitations of randomness amplifiers. Our main results include a new, improved analysis of a robust randomness amplifier with exponential expansion, as well as the first upper bounds on the maximum expansion achievable by a broad class of randomness amplifiers. In particular, we show that non-adaptive randomness amplifiers that are robust to noise cannot achieve more than doubly exponential expansion. Finally, we show that a wide class of protocols based on the use of the CHSH game can only lead to (singly) exponential expansion if adversarial devices are allowed the full power of non-signaling strategies. Our upper bound results apply to all known non-adaptive randomness amplifier constructions to date.Comment: 28 pages. Comments welcom

    Coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with cubic-quintic nonlinearity: integrability and soliton interaction in non-kerr media

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    We propose an integrable system of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with cubic-quintic terms describing the effects of quintic nonlinearity on the ultrashort optical soliton pulse propagation in non-Kerr media. Lax pairs, conserved quantities and exact soliton solutions for the proposed integrable model are given. The explicit form of two solitons are used to study soliton interaction showing many intriguing features including inelastic (shape changing or intensity redistribution) scattering. Another system of coupled equations with fifth-degree nonlinearity is derived, which represents vector generalization of the known chiral-soliton bearing system

    Pulsar Radio Emission Altitude from Curvature Radiation

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    We assume that the relativistic sources moving along the dipolar magnetic field lines emit curvature radiation. The beamed emission occurs in the direction of tangents to the field lines, and to receive it, the sight line must align with the tangent within the beaming angle 1/gamma, where gamma is the particle Lorentz factor. By solving the viewing geometry in an inclined and rotating dipole magnetic field, we show that, at any given pulse phase, observer tends to receive radiation only from the specific heights allowed by the geometry. We find outer conal components are emitted at higher altitudes compared to inner components including the core. At any pulse phase, low frequency emission comes from higher altitudes than high frequency emission. We have modeled the emission heights of pulse components of PSR B0329+54, and estimated field line curvature radii and particle Lorentz factors in the emission regions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for Astrophysical Journal, 200

    On the Origin of the Wide HI Absorption Line Toward Sgr A*

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    We have imaged a region of about 5' extent surrounding Sgr A* in the HI 21 cm-line absorption using the Very Large Array. A Gaussian decomposition of the optical depth spectra at positions within about 2' (approx. 5 pc at 8.5 kpc) of Sgr A* detects a wide line underlying the many narrow absorption lines. The wide line has a mean peak optical depth of 0.32 +/- 0.12 centered at a mean velocity of V(lsr) = -4 +/- 15 km/s. The mean full width at half maximum is 119 +/- 42 km/s. Such a wide line is absent in the spectra at positions beyond about 2' from Sgr A*. The position-velocity diagrams in optical depth reveal that the wide line originates in various components of the circumnuclear disk (radius approx. 1.3') surrounding Sgr A*. These components contribute to the optical depth of the wide line in different velocity ranges. The position-velocity diagrams do not reveal any diffuse feature which could be attributed to a large number of HI clouds along the line of sight to Sgr A*. Consequently, the wide line has no implications either to a global population of shocked HI clouds in the Galaxy or to the energetics of the interstellar medium as was earlier thought.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages and 9 figures, accepted for publication in J. Astrophys. Ast

    Radio Polarization of the Young High-Magnetic-Field Pulsar PSR J1119-6127

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    We have investigated the radio polarization properties of PSR J1119-6127, a recently discovered young radio pulsar with a large magnetic field. Using pulsar-gated radio imaging data taken at a center frequency of 2496 MHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we have determined a rotation measure for the pulsar of +842 +/- 23 rad m^-2. These data, combined with archival polarimetry data taken at a center frequency of 1366 MHz with the Parkes telescope, were used to determine the polarization characteristics of PSR J1119-6127 at both frequencies. The pulsar has a fractional linear polarization of ~75% and ~55% at 1366 and 2496 MHz, respectively, and the profile consists of a single, wide component. This pulse morphology and high degree of linear polarization are in agreement with previously noticed trends for young pulsars (e.g., PSR J1513-5908). A rotating-vector (RV) model fit of the position angle (PA) of linear polarization over pulse phase using the Parkes data suggests that the radio emission comes from the leading edge of a conal beam. We discuss PSR J1119-6127 in the context of a recent theoretical model of pulsar spin-down which can in principle be tested with polarization and timing data from this pulsar. Geometric constraints from the RV fit are currently insufficient to test this model with statistical significance, but additional data may allow such a test in the future.Comment: 9 pages, including 6 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Analysis of Senior-Subordinated Structures Backed by Private-Label Mortgages

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    This paper does a valuation analysis of senior-subordinated struc ture tranches backed by non-agency mortgages. The valuation is done using Monte Carlo simulation and employs the CIR interest rate process in conjunction with an empirical model estimated for non-agency mortgage prepayments and defaults. The sensitivity of the value of tranches to a number of variables are analyzed. We find that the interest rate process parameters significantly affect prepayments and defaults but not the relative value of the senior tranche. It is found that with the shifting o f prepayments, the senior tranche does not dominate all the junior tranches at all interest rates. The shifting of prepayments has the unintended effect of providing stability to the junior tranches by making their cashflows less sensitive to prepayments. Our main conclusion is that while the shifting o f prepayments increases protection from default to the senior tranche for a given level of subordination, it has the unwanted effect of lowering its value through increased contraction risk. This value loss should be taken into account in determining the optimum level of subordination

    The Sasa-Satsuma higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation and its bilinearization and multi-soliton solutions

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    Higher order and multicomponent generalizations of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation are important in various applications, e.g., in optics. One of these equations, the integrable Sasa-Satsuma equation, has particularly interesting soliton solutions. Unfortunately the construction of multi-soliton solutions to this equation presents difficulties due to its complicated bilinearization. We discuss briefly some previous attempts and then give the correct bilinearization based on the interpretation of the Sasa-Satsuma equation as a reduction of the three-component Kadomtsev-Petvishvili hierarchy. In the process we also get bilinearizations and multi-soliton formulae for a two component generalization of the Sasa-Satsuma equation (the Yajima-Oikawa-Tasgal-Potasek model), and for a (2+1)-dimensional generalization.Comment: 13 pages in RevTex, added reference

    A Pulsational Model for the Orthogonal Polarization Modes in Radio Pulsars

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    In an earlier paper, we introduced a model for pulsars in which non-radial oscillations of high spherical degree (\el) aligned to the magnetic axis of a spinning neutron star were able to reproduce subpulses like those observed in single-pulse measurements of pulsar intensity. The model did not address polarization, which is an integral part of pulsar emission. Observations show that many pulsars emit radio waves that appear to be the superposition of two linearly polarized emission modes with orthogonal polarization angles. In this paper, we extend our model to incorporate linear polarization. As before, we propose that pulsational displacements of stellar material modulate the pulsar emission, but now we apply this modulation to a linearly-polarized mode of emission, as might be produced by curvature radiation. We further introduce a second polarization mode, orthogonal to the first, that is modulated by pulsational velocities. We combine these modes in superposition to model the observed Stokes parameters in radio pulsars.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures accepted Ap