182 research outputs found

    Confirmation of Transgenic Robusta Coffee (Coffea Canephora) Transformed by Chitinase-encoding Gene and Its Propagation Through Somatic Embryogenesis

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    Genetic engineering of Robusta coffee resistant to fungal diseases might be done by introducing a chitinase-encoding gene into genome of this plant. This research was aimed to confirm transgenic plant of BP 308 clone Robusta coffee transformed by chi gene and to evaluate its ability for the somatic embryogenesis. Confirmation of transgenic was carried out by analysis the presence of NPTII gene as a selectable marker for Canamysin resistant using PCR technique. The somatic embryo initiation and reproduction were evaluated in 11 plant accessions. Three kinds of sucrose concentration, 20%, 30% and 40% were applied in initiation stage of somatic embryo germination. The suitability of 4 medium, namely M1 (without addition by liquid medium), M2 (addition by liquid medium contained 0.25 mg/l kinetin), M3 (addition by liquid medium contained 0.25 mg/l IAA) and M4 (addition by liquid medium contained 0.25 mg/l GA3 ) was evaluated for somatic embryo maturation. The result showed that 8 out of 10 plant accessions tested were transgenic and they could be propagated through somatic embryogenesis. The ability of transgenic plant for somatic embryo initiation, reproduction and regeneration were similar with that of nontransgenic one. Germination of somatic embryo could be improved by using 40% sucrose. Maturation of somatic embryo could be improved by addition of fresh liquid medium on the ancient gelled medium that used for somatic embryos reproduction. The best result was obtained on addition of fresh medium contained 0.25 mg/l GA 3 in which 65% of the somatic embryos developed to pre-germinate somatic embryo

    M-type Barium Hexaferrite Magnetic Material for Anti Radar Materials at S Band Frequency

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    In this paper, preparation and characteristic evaluation of microwave absorber materials of BaFe12-2xMnxTixO19 (x = 0.0 - 1.5) compositions are discussed. The absorber material was obtained by a co-substitution of Mn and Ti to Fe in a Barium Hexaferrite (BaO.6Fe2O3) basic compound through a mechanical alloying process. In this respect, a co-substitution of Mn and Ti ions for Fe was applied to Fe2O3 component at a temperature ~ 1,300 °C. The substituted alloy component was further alloyed mechanically with BaCO3 to form M-Type hexaferrite after the solid state reaction. Identification of X-Ray diffraction peaks for the mechanically alloyed materials indicates confidently that a single phase BaFe12-x-yMnxTiyO19 material was formed. Materials characterization is covering the average grain sizes and absorption of microwaves in the frequency range 1-6 GHz. Absorption with a relatively high coefficient at frequencies ~ 2,000 MHz and ~ 3,500 MHz within the available frequency range was obtained. It is shown that the co-substitution of Mn and Ti ion able to widen the absorption frequency especially in the frequencies of about 3,500 MH

    Students English Speaking Ability

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    This Study is intended to assess students\u27 English speaking ability in Syaikh Zainuddin Islamic Senior High School NW Anjani East Lombok which includes; the categories of students\u27 English speaking ability, the problems are experienced by students when they speak English and factors affect students\u27 English speaking ability. The data was collected through audio and video recording of students\u27 group discussions and depth interviews with the headmaster, English teachers, language advisors and students. The data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative method. The results of this study are; first, the categories of students\u27 English speaking ability are 86.8 % students in high, 11.2 % student medium and 2.8 % in the low category. Second, the problems are experienced by students when they speak English are; difficult to begin, vocabularies mastering, pronunciation, and grammatically, and third, factors affect students\u27 English speaking ability are; environment, learning method, control, language rules, rewards, and punishments

    Biota Perairan di Area Pertambangan Emas PT. Natarang Mining, Lampung Selatan

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    Dependence of the diversity of aquatic biota with water quality is typical of interaction and mutual influence. Various development activities in a watershed is now being polluted waters. Gold mining activities as open-pit mining activities have a high potential for pollution, especially water turbidity due to sediment erosion at the site of drilling / excavation of land and other open land. Problem of pollution control efforts, particularly in the area of Natarang Mining L.td should do well because in these areas flows Samuong River and its tributaries, which still has a high diversity of aquatic biota. The trend increase in water turbidity, especially seen in the rainy season in Semuong River and its tributaries which in the long term could reduce the density and diversity of aquatic biota, whether plankton, benthos and fish

    Kajian Beban Pencemaran Limbah USAha Kecil di Sungai Ciliwung Segmen Kota Bogor

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    Ciliwung River had existed and become an important part of the community since ancient period. However, along with the passing period and the rapid development, it had become polluted with various waste and garbage being disposed off to the river from its upstream to its downstream segments. Small businesses were among those who polluted the river and degraded the quality of Ciliwung water. This study was aimed at identifying the load of pollution caused by small business waste disposal to Ciliwung River. The result showed that most of the small businesses in Bogor Municipal Region disposed their waste directly to Ciliwung River and caused high load of pollution to the river. Among the industry were the tofu (soybean curd), tempe (fermented soybean cake), tapioca flour, and cow husbandry businesses. The calculation resulted in a total of pollution load from small businesses of 605.5 ton/year which caused the water of Ciliwung River had the BOD of 174.5 mg/l in the dry season and 1.62 mg/l in the rainy season due to its debit in both season. The load of pollution in Ciliwung River caused by small businesses should be controlled in accordance with its capacity to hold pollution. The strategy should include lowering pollution load disposed off by the small businesses, arranging the spatial distribution of the businesses, and developing environmental friendly/green technology for the businesses

    Model Struktur Pasar dan Pembentukan Harga Komoditas Daging Sapi di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    This research is aimed to analyze market structure and price determination process of beef commodity marketed in Banyumas Regency thus it would be identified which sub producer becomes price driver. This study used primary data as main information collected from questionnaire and depth interview results of respondents—sub producers. By proportional random sampling technique, samples could be provided, viz. 10 cow breeders, 3 slaughterhouses, 5 wholesalers, and 10 small traders, and also 10 consumers. To analyze market structure it was used Herfindahl Index (HI) and Concentration Ratio (CR), and to analyze price formation it was used asymmetric price transmission (APT) measurement. The result shows that: (1) market structure of beef commodity is tight oligopoly; and (2) slaughterhouses and wholesalers become price drivers

    Assessment of the Kid Production Traits of Kacang Goat under Smallholders Production System

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    The main objectives of this study were to assess the influence of environmental (non-genetic) factors on kid production traits of Kacang goat under smallholders production system. The study was conducted at the Kacang goat smallholders, located at the centre of Kacang goat in Gundi subdistric, Purwodadi regency, Central Java. The kid production traits evaluated are birth weight, weaning weight, and growth rate till weaning. The environmental factors assessed were: sex (male, female), type of birth (singles, twins, triplets) and dam’s parity (1-7). Data were analysed statistically according to the analysis of variance procedure using the General Linear Model (GLM). Least squares analysis revealed that dam’s parity, birth type, and sex of kid were significant sources of variation for birth and weaning weight and pre weaning growth in Kacang kids. The average birth weight, weaning weight and pre weaning growth of males (2.07±0.02 kg;  10.457±0.1 kg; 69.35±0.73 g/d) were found to be higher than females (1.95±0.02 kg; 9.15±0.09 kg; 60.73±0.71 g/d). Kid production traits increased with parity, with the largest values at the fourth parity and then slightly decreased thereafter.  The average male and female birth weight (2.18+0.03 kg; 2.02+0.03 kg), weaning weight (10.72+0.11 and  9.39+0.13 kg) and pre weaning growth (71.63+0.79 and  62.21+0.96 g/d ) of single kids were heavier than twins, and triplets indicating the influence of the mothering ability of doe. It was recommended, the farmers should consider maternal ability for improvement of weaning weight and growth rate of Kacang kids. (Animal Production 12(2): 111-116 (2010)Key Words: Kacang goat, kid production, birth weight, weaning weight, growth rat

    The Effect of BaCO3 Compound Changes on the Formation of Magnetic Material BaFe12O19

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    BaFe12O19 is a permanent magnetic material which has superior properties to be excellent until the late of twentieth century. Some of the obstacles in the synthesis of the material using a stoichiometric composition is a difficulty to obtain a single phase and the second phase is always found. This research attempted to make modifications on the initial non-stoichiometric composition by varying the fraction of Ba/Fe through BaCO3 and Fe2O3 compound through solid state reaction mechanism. This solid state reaction was initiated by mixing various fractions of BaCO3 and Fe2O3 powder composition and compacted to produce a homogeneous mixture using a planetary milling. After drying and molding, it was obtained a homogeneous mixture like a cylinder with a diameter of 2:54 cm and a thickness of 0.5 cm. The BaFe12O19 phase was obtained by heating the sample at a temperature of 1200 ° C for 4 hours. To determine changes in the fraction of Ba/Fe before and after sintering, the samples were tested by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), while the structure and crystallinity were tested by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed that during the heating process, the reduction of barium fractions exceeded 5% from of their initial weight, while changes in the fraction of Fe was not significant. The results of structure and crystallinity measurement showed that the addition a substantial amount of barium carbonate can lead to the decrease of crystallinity from 35.271 nm to 11.265 nm
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