104 research outputs found

    Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Psikologis Peserta Didik Sd/mi Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik-terpadu

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    One of thebiggest education problematika in Indonesia is lowering of quality of education of base in elementary school which is very determine to next education continuation. Real government havestrived various policy to overcome the mentioned, proven but not yet yielded repair which is significant. Seen from perception in field, the problem of low quality of this education seems more because factorquality of study process which a long way off from psychological requirement of student. But, specified of Curriculum 2013 commending to every teacher in elementary school to be using approach of integrated learning is smart breakthrough because in harmony with characteristic think student which still operational of concrete and holistik

    Inklusifisme dalam Buku Ajar Agama sebagai Media Deradikalisasi Siswa Madrasah di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    Fenomena kekerasan di Indonesia atas nama agama dari hari ke hari menjadi semakin meresahkan. Hal yang sama terjadi pula di kalangan pelajar, sebagai generasi yang akan melanjutkan: masa depan bangsa ini. Kekerasan berbau SARA seperti menjadi kebiasaan untuk mereka. Namun, itu tidak terjadi di kalangan siswa madrasah di Yogyakarta, sebuah kota yang sering dijuluki kota toleransi. Dalam hal ini, toleransi dan kerukunan tidak dapat dipisahkan karena nilai-nilai inklusifisme yang telah tertanam dalam diri mereka. Dan, salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi dan berkontribusi besar terhadap sikap inklusif tersebut adalah buku agama yang mereka gunakan, yang mengandung nilai-nilai inklusifisme. Di mana nilai-nilai inklusifisme tersebut selanjutnya diajarkan melalui model pembelajaran substantif dan model pembelajaran reflektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di madrasah

    Pengaruh Waktu Latihan Terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fibrinolisis Pada Latihan Aerobik Intensitas Sedang

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    The incremental of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) level during aerobic exercise is affected by time of the day. Previous studies showed that high intensity of aerobic exercise in the afternoon increased t-PA level higher than exercise in the morning. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of time of the day on t-PA level during moderate intensity of aerobic exercise. Subjects were 16 sedentary, aged 25-35 years, healthy untrained male, performed two sessions of static ergocycling at 65-70% heart rate maximal (220-age), both in the morning (06.30-08.30) and in the afternoon (15.00-17.00) at least on two days interval. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed t-PA level increased significantly after exercise in the morning (P=0.00) and in the afternoon (P=0.00), but showed no significant difference in the magnitude of t-PA incremental (triangle t-PA) between post-exercise in the morning and in the afternoon (P=0.14). It was concluded that time of the day did not affect the magnitude of the tPA incremental in moderate intensity of aerobic exercise

    Pengaruh fraksi volume pada komposit serat kulit jagung dengan matriks polyester terhadap kekuatan tarik sebagai bahan baku industri papan

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    Corn is one of the important crops in Indonesia, the amount of corn production is directly proportional to the waste produced while its utilization is still not optimal. The Latest innovation introduces a composite which is a mixture of two different materials consisting of a reinforcement and an adhesive. The lates innovation composite materials use natural fibers as reinforcement because the are abundant, light, economical and environmentally friendly. About 38% corn husk containing cellulose can be used as a composite reinforcement. Composite materials are widely developed in the board industry, especially to meet household needs such as tables, cupboard,and other furniture interior. Most household appliances use wood as raw materials, while the amount is still not sufficient for the increasing needs of the community. This study aims to find the best tensile strength in corn husk fiber composites and polyester matrix with volume fractions of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%. The research method used is a pure experiment starting from the corn husk soaking process, adding 5% NaOH, printing specimens, to testing the tensile strength with the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) HT-2402. The results showed that the highest tensile strength data was in the composition of the 4% volume fraction of 26.85 MPa, due to the matrix being able to bind the fiber as a whole so that it could provide maximum loading. All the results of the tensile strength test can be used as an alternative raw material to replace wood for the board industry because it is in accordance with the JISA5905-2003 industrial standard.Corn is one of the important crops in Indonesia. Corn crop yields produce waste that is underutilized by the community, one of which is corn husks. Innovation in the field of engineering introduces composite materials consisting of reinforcement and fasteners. Corn husk fibre contains 38% cellulose, which serves as a reinforcement for composite materials. The use of composite materials continues to be developed to meet the community’s need for wood raw materials which is decreasing every year. This study aims to obtain the maximum tensile strength of corn husk and polyester matrix composite materials with volume fractions of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%. The method in this study is an experiment, starting from the corn husk soaking process, adding 5% NaOH, printing specimens to testing the tensile strength with Universal Testing Machine (UTM) HT-2402. All tensile strength test results are following the JISA5905-2003 board industry standard with the highest tensile test at a 4% volume fraction of 26.84 MPa

    Analisa Pengaruh Water Hammer Terhadap Nilai Strees Pipa Pada Sistem Loading-Offloading PT.DABN

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    Jalur pipa (pipeline) merupakan media yang digunakan sebagai alat transportasi fluida (cair atau gas), mixed of liquid, solid dan fluid-solid mixture. Ada beberapa tahap penting dalam siklus suatu jalur perpipaan yang digunakan sebagai alat transportasi minyak atau gas: desain, konstruksi, operasional dan pemeliharaan, dan terakhir perbaikan. Operasional merupakn proses kemungkinan terbesar terjadinya kegagalan pada suatu jalur perpipaan. Salah satu kegagalan yang mungkin terjadi adalah fenomena water hammaer. Water hammer adalah sebuah fenomena terjadinhya kenaiakan tekanan yang disebabkan oleh terhenti atau dihentikannya aliran di dalam pipa secara mendadak. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh operasional penutupan katup yang dilakukan secara tiba-tiba. Pada paper ini akan dijelaskan kajian mengenai pengaruh kenaikan tekanan yang terjadi karena adanya fenomena water hammer terhadap nilai tegangan jalur perpipaan di sisi discharge. Dari hasil perhitungan diketahui bahwa kenaikan tekanan akibat fenomena water hammer sangat mempengaruhi naiknya nilai tegangan pada pipa. Hasil analisa menunjukan bahwa tegangan yang terjadi ketika fenomena water hammer masih dapat diterima, tetapi kenaikan tekanan ketika terjadi fenomena water hammer melebihi dari batas yang diizinkan sehingga perlu dilakukan prosedur penutupan katup yang sesuai untuk menjaga agar pada saat dioperasionalkan pipa dalam kondisi aman

    Rebranding Ekalokasari Plaza “Pattern of Communication in Rebrandring Process Ekalokasari Plaza"

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    Perkembangan pusat perbelanjaan yang semakin meningkat di Kota Bogormendorong Ekalokasari Plaza (sekarang menjadi LIPPO Plaza Bogor) untukmelakukan Perubahan agar dapat bersaing dengan berbagai pusat perbelanjaanmodern lainnya, khususnya yang berada di Kota Bogor.Ekalokasari Plaza yang sekarang sudah berubah menjadi LIPPO Plaza Bogormerupakan salah satu pusat perbelanjaan tertua di Kota Bogor, bahkan lebih tuadibandingkan Botani Square yang menjadi pesaing utama pusat perbelanjaan moderndi Kota Bogor. Berdasarkan sebuah situs blog yang bernama “Hello Bogor” terdapatinformasi tiga besar pusat perbelanjaan modern terbesar di Kota Bogor pada tahun2012, yaitu Botani Square, Ekalokasari Plaza (LIPPO Plaza Bogor), dan CibinongCity Mall

    Pengaruh Waktu Latihan terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fibrinolisis pada Latihan Aerobik Intensitas Sedang

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    The incremental of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) level during aerobic exercise is affected by time of the day. Previous studies showed that high intensity of aerobic exercise in the afternoon increased t-PA level higher than exercise in the morning. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of time of the day on t-PA level during moderate intensity of aerobic exercise. Subjects were 16 sedentary, aged 25-35 years, healthy untrained male, performed two sessions of static ergocycling at 65-70% heart rate maximal (220-age), both in the morning (06.30-08.30) and in the afternoon (15.00-17.00) at least on two days interval. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed t-PA level increased significantly after exercise in the morning (P=0.00) and in the afternoon (P=0.00), but showed no significant difference in the magnitude of t-PA incremental (triangle t-PA) between post-exercise in the morning and in the afternoon (P=0.14). It was concluded that time of the day did not affect the magnitude of the tPA incremental in moderate intensity of aerobic exercise

    Kajian Teknis Sistem Konversi Pneumatis Energi Gelombang Laut Menggunakan Tanki Bertekanan Dan OWC (Oscillating Water Column)

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    Semakin tahun populasi penduduk di Indonesia selalu meningkat sehingga kebutuhan konsumsi energi listrik begitu tinggi. Di Indonesia, pembangkit listrik banyak menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bakar utama, padahal potensi energi alternatif dan ramah lingkungan di Indonesia dapat dimaksimalkan, misalnya energi gelombang laut. Pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada evaluasi kinerja sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga gelombang laut menggunakan tanki bertekanan dan multiple OWC (Oscillating Water Column). Pada percobaan yang telah dilakukan, dengan tekanan 4.5 bar pada tanki bertekanan dengan volume 0.5 m3, putaran yang dihasilkan generator adalah 1876 rpm dan daya luaran generator yang dihasilkan adalah 168 watt. Waktu pengisian tanki bertekanan lebih efektif jika menggunakan multiple OWC (Oscillating Water Column
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