21 research outputs found

    Properties of air and combustion products of fuel with air

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    Thermodynamic and transport properties have been calculated for air, the combustion products of natural gas and air, and combustion products of ASTM-A-1 jet fuel and air. Properties calculated include: ratio of specific heats, molecular weight, viscosity, specific heat, thermal conductivity, Prandtl number, and enthalpy

    The art of engagement

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    Zukünfte der qualitativen Sozialforschung

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    "Der vorliegende Beitrag bilanziert zunächst vergangene Ausblicke auf die Zukünfte der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Diese Ausblicke sind allesamt bipolar um die Erzählung eines problematischen Istzustandes und um Soll-Forderungen an die weitere Entwicklung organisiert. Im Anschluss daran werden vier strukturelle Mechanismen erläutert, die gegenwärtig zu Schwierigkeiten in der Vermittlung qualitativer und interpretativer Ansätze führen. Auf solche Probleme gibt die Position der post-qualitativen Forschung mit ihrem Votum für einen starken Theorismus eine spezifische, gleichwohl ihrerseits problematische Antwort. Abschließend wird deswegen diskutiert, welche alternativen Möglichkeiten bestehen, qualitatives und interpretatives Forschen durch post-positivistische Gewässer zu navigieren." (Autorenreferat)"In this contribution I begin by reviewing past views on the future of qualitative social research. In different ways, all of these views give the same account of a problematic present state which must be overcome by following their own particular 'mandatory directives' for future developments. I then discuss four structural mechanisms from which current problems in the transmission of qualitative and interpretative designs or approaches originate. Recently, supporters of 'post-qualitative research' have addressed such problems by arguing for a form of strong theorism in qualitative social research. However, this type of response can lead back to an outdated dominance of theory over research and empirical substance. In conclusion, some alternative options for navigating qualitative and interpretative research through post-positivist waters are discussed." (author's abstract