229 research outputs found

    Mid-IR type-II InAs/GaSb nanoscale superlattice sensors

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    The detection of mid-wavelength infrared radiation (MWIR) is very important for many military, industrial and biomedical applications. Present-day commercially available uncooled IR sensors operating in MWIR region (2-5μm) use microbolometric detectors which are inherently slow. Available photon detectors (mercury cadmium telluride (MCT), bulk InSb and quantum well infrared detectors (QWIPs))overcome this limitation. However, there are some fundamental issues decreasing their performance and ability for high temperature operation, including fast Auger recombination rates and high thermal generation rate. These detectors operate at low temperatures (77K-200K) in order to obtain high signal to noise ratio. The requirement of cooling limits the lifetime, increases the weight and the total cost, as well as the power budget, of the whole infrared system. In recent years, InAs/GaSb superlattice based detectors have appeared as an interesting alternative to the present-day IR detector systems. These heterostructures have a type-II band alignment such that the conduction band of InAs layer is lower than the valence band of GaSb layer. The effective bandgap of these structures can be adjusted from 0.4 eV to values below 0.1 eV by varying the thickness of constituent layers leading to an enormous range of detector cutoff wavelengths (3-30μm). The InAs/GaSb SLs have a higher degree of uniformity than the MCT alloys, making them attractive for large area focal plane arrays. They provide a smaller leakage current due to larger effective electron mass, which suppresses tunneling. This material system is also characterized by high operating temperatures and long Auger recombination rates. This suggests the potential for using the SLs technology for realizing high operating temperature devices. This work is focused on the development of mid-IR InAs/GaSb SLs sensors with high-operating temperature. Contributions of this thesis include 1) development of growth and processing procedure for the n-on-p and p-on-n design of SL detectors leading to improved detector performance, 2) careful evaluation of characteristics of SL detectors, 3) methods of reduction of surface component of dark current passivation techniques)

    Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a ubiquitous tool for data analysis. An important variant is the sparse NMF problem which arises when we explicitly require the learnt features to be sparse. A natural measure of sparsity is the L0_0 norm, however its optimization is NP-hard. Mixed norms, such as L1_1/L2_2 measure, have been shown to model sparsity robustly, based on intuitive attributes that such measures need to satisfy. This is in contrast to computationally cheaper alternatives such as the plain L1_1 norm. However, present algorithms designed for optimizing the mixed norm L1_1/L2_2 are slow and other formulations for sparse NMF have been proposed such as those based on L1_1 and L0_0 norms. Our proposed algorithm allows us to solve the mixed norm sparsity constraints while not sacrificing computation time. We present experimental evidence on real-world datasets that shows our new algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster compared to the current state-of-the-art solvers optimizing the mixed norm and is suitable for large-scale datasets

    Highly Quantum-Confined InAs Nanoscale Membranes

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    Nanoscale size-effects drastically alter the fundamental properties of semiconductors. Here, we investigate the dominant role of quantum confinement in the field-effect device properties of free-standing InAs nanomembranes with varied thicknesses of 5-50 nm. First, optical absorption studies are performed by transferring InAs "quantum membranes" (QMs) onto transparent substrates, from which the quantized sub-bands are directly visualized. These sub-bands determine the contact resistance of the system with the experimental values consistent with the expected number of quantum transport modes available for a given thickness. Finally, the effective electron mobility of InAs QMs is shown to exhibit anomalous field- and thickness-dependences that are in distinct contrast to the conventional MOSFET models, arising from the strong quantum confinement of carriers. The results provide an important advance towards establishing the fundamental device physics of 2-D semiconductors

    Sequential Sparse NMF

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    Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a standard tool for data analysis. An important variant is the Sparse NMF problem. A natural measure of sparsity is the L₀ norm, however its optimization is NP-hard. Here, we consider a sparsity measure linear in the ratio of the L₁ and L₂ norms, and propose an efficient algorithm to handle the norm constraints which arise when optimizing this measure. Although algorithms for solving these are available, they are typically inefficient. We present experimental evidence that our new algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster compared to the previous state-of-the-art

    Sequential Sparse NMF

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    Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a standard tool for data analysis. An important variant is the Sparse NMF problem. A natural measure of sparsity is the L₀ norm, however its optimization is NP-hard. Here, we consider a sparsity measure linear in the ratio of the L₁ and L₂ norms, and propose an efficient algorithm to handle the norm constraints which arise when optimizing this measure. Although algorithms for solving these are available, they are typically inefficient. We present experimental evidence that our new algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster compared to the previous state-of-the-art

    Space Plasma Interactions with Spacecraft Materials

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    Spacecraft materials on orbit are subjected to the harsh weather of space. In particular, high-energy electrons alter the chemical structure of polymers and cause charge accumulation. Understanding the mechanisms of damage and charge dissipation is critical to spacecraft construction and operational anomaly resolution. Energetic particles in space plasma break molecular bonds in polymers and create radicals that can act as space charge traps. These electron-induced chemical changes also result in changes to the spectral absorption profile of polymers on orbit. Radicals react over time, either recreating identical bonds to those in the pristine material, leading to material recovery, or creating new bonds, resulting in a new material with new physical properties. Lack of knowledge about this dynamic aging is a major impediment to accurate modeling of spacecraft behavior over its mission life. This chapter first presents an investigation of the chemical and physical properties of polyimide films (PI, Kapton-H®) during and after irradiation with high-energy (90 keV) electrons. Second, the deleterious effects of space plasma on a spacecraft component level are presented. The results of this physical/chemical collaboration demonstrate the correlation of chemical changes in PI with the dynamic nature of spacecraft material aging