476 research outputs found

    Mutual information between reflected and transmitted speckle images

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    We study theoretically the mutual information between reflected and transmitted speckle patterns produced by wave scattering from disordered media. The mutual information between the two speckle images recorded on an array of N detection points (pixels) takes the form of long-range intensity correlation loops, that we evaluate explicitly as a function of the disorder strength and the Thouless number g. Our analysis, supported by extensive numerical simulations, reveals a competing effect of cross-sample and surface spatial correlations. An optimal distance between pixels is proven to exist, that enhances the mutual information by a factor Ng compared to the single-pixel scenario.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, + S

    Near-field interactions and non-universality in speckle patterns produced by a point source in a disordered medium

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    A point source in a disordered scattering medium generates a speckle pattern with non-universal features, giving rise to the so-called C_0 correlation. We analyze theoretically the relationship between the C_0 correlation and the statistical fluctuations of the local density of states, based on simple arguments of energy conservation. This derivation leads to a clear physical interpretation of the C_0 correlation. Using exact numerical simulations, we show that C_0 is essentially a correlation resulting from near-field interactions. These interactions are responsible for the non-universality of C_0, that confers to this correlation a huge potential for sensing and imaging at the subwavelength scale in complex media

    Correlations between reflected and transmitted intensity patterns emerging from opaque disordered media

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    The propagation of monochromatic light through a scattering medium produces speckle patterns in reflection and transmission, and the apparent randomness of these patterns prevents direct imaging through thick turbid media. Yet, since elastic multiple scattering is fundamentally a linear and deterministic process, information is not lost but distributed among many degrees of freedom that can be resolved and manipulated. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the reflected and transmitted speckle patterns are correlated, even for opaque media with thickness much larger than the transport mean free path, proving that information survives the multiple scattering process and can be recovered. The existence of mutual information between the two sides of a scattering medium opens up new possibilities for the control of transmitted light without any feedback from the target side, but using only information gathered from the reflected speckle.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic force spectroscopy on multiple bonds: experiments and model

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    We probe the dynamic strength of multiple biotin-streptavidin adhesion bonds under linear loading using the biomembrane force probe setup for dynamic force spectroscopy. Measured rupture force histograms are compared to results from a master equation model for the stochastic dynamics of bond rupture under load. This allows us to extract the distribution of the number of initially closed bonds. We also extract the molecular parameters of the adhesion bonds, in good agreement with earlier results from single bond experiments. Our analysis shows that the peaks in the measured histograms are not simple multiples of the single bond values, but follow from a superposition procedure which generates different peak positions.Comment: to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Radiative and non-radiative local density of states on disordered plasmonic films

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    We present numerical calculations of the Local Density of Optical States (LDOS) in the near field of disordered plasmonic films. The calculations are based on an integral volume method, that takes into account polarization and retardation effects, and allows us to discriminate radiative and non-radiative contributions to the LDOS. At short distance, the LDOS is dominated by non-radiative channels, showing that changes in the spontaneous dynamics of dipole emitters are driven by non-radiative coupling to plasmon modes. Maps of radiative and non-radiative LDOS exhibit strong fluctuations, but with substantially different spatial distributions

    Characterization of ejecta in shock experiments with multiple light scattering

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    Upon impact, the free surface of a solid metal may eject a cloud of fast and fine particles. Photon Doppler Velocimetry (PDV) is one of the optical diagnostics used to characterize these ejecta. Although the technique provides a direct way to estimate the particle velocities in the single scattering regime, it has been shown that multiple scattering cannot be neglected in real ejecta. Here we derive a model for PDV measurements starting from first principles of wave scattering. We establish rigorously the relationship between the specific intensity and the measured signal, as well as the radiative transport equation (RTE) that describes the evolution of the specific intensity upon scattering and absorption in a dynamic ejecta, including the effects of inelastic scattering and inhomogenities in the optical properties. We also establish rigorously the connection between the Monte-Carlo scheme used for numerical simulations and the solution to the RTE. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the crucial role of multiple scattering and inhomogeneities in the particle density and size-velocity distribution. These results could substantially impact the analysis of ejecta by PDV

    Spatial coherence in complex photonic and plasmonic systems

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    The concept of cross density of states characterizes the intrinsic spatial coherence of complex photonic or plasmonic systems, independently on the illumination conditions. Using this tool and the associated intrinsic coherence length, we demonstrate unambiguously the spatial squeezing of eigenmodes on disordered fractal metallic films, thus clarifying a basic issue in plasmonics
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