279 research outputs found

    Elements of computability, decidability, and complexity (Third edition)

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    These lecture notes are intended to introduce the reader to the basic notions of computability theory, decidability, and complexity. More information on these subjects can be found in classical books such as [Cut80,Dav58,Her69,HoU79,Rog67]. The results reported in these notes are taken from those books and in various parts we closely follow their style of presentation. The reader is encouraged to look at those books for improving his/her knowledge on these topics. Some parts of the chapter on complexity are taken from the lecture notes of a beautiful course given by Prof. Leslie Valiant at Edinburgh University, Scotland, in 1979. It was, indeed, a very stimulating and enjoyable course. For the notions of Predicate Calculus we have used in this book the reader may refer to [Men87]. I would like to thank Dr. Maurizio Proietti at IASI-CNR (Roma, Italy), my colleagues, and my students at the University of Roma Tor Vergata and, in particular, Michele Martone. They have been for me a source of continuous inspiration and enthusiasm. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Gioacchino Onorati and Lorenzo Costantini of the Aracne Publishing Company for their helpful cooperation

    Transforming Normal Programs by Replacement

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    The replacement transformation operation, already defined in [28], is studied wrt normal programs. We give applicability conditions able to ensure the correctness of the operation wrt Fitting's and Kunen's semantics. We show how replacement can mimic other transformation operations such as thinning, fattening and folding, thus producing applicability conditions for them too. Furthermore we characterize a transformation sequence for which the preservation of Fitting's and Kunen's semantics is ensured

    Totally correct logic program transformations via well-founded annotations

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    We address the problem of proving the total correctness of transformations of definite logic programs. We consider a general transformation rule, called clause replacement, which consists in transforming a program P into a new program Q by replacing a set Γ1 of clauses occurring in P by a new set Γ2 of clauses, provided that Γ1 and Γ2 are equivalent in the least Herbrand model M(P) of the program P. We propose a general method for proving that transformations based on clause replacement are totally correct, that is, M(P) = M(Q). Our method consists in showing that the transformation of P into Q can be performed by: (i) adding extra arguments to predicates, thereby deriving from the given program P an annotated program P, (ii) applying a variant of the clause replacement rule and transforming the annotated program P into a terminating annotated program Q, and (iii) erasing the annotations from Q, thereby getting Q. Our method does not require that either P or Q are terminating and it is parametric with respect to the annotations. By providing different annotations we can easily prove the total correctness of program transformations based on various versions of the popular unfolding, folding, and goal replacement rules, which can all be viewed as particular cases of our clause replacement rule

    Transformations of Logic Programs on Infinite Lists

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    We consider an extension of logic programs, called \omega-programs, that can be used to define predicates over infinite lists. \omega-programs allow us to specify properties of the infinite behavior of reactive systems and, in general, properties of infinite sequences of events. The semantics of \omega-programs is an extension of the perfect model semantics. We present variants of the familiar unfold/fold rules which can be used for transforming \omega-programs. We show that these new rules are correct, that is, their application preserves the perfect model semantics. Then we outline a general methodology based on program transformation for verifying properties of \omega-programs. We demonstrate the power of our transformation-based verification methodology by proving some properties of Buechi automata and \omega-regular languages.Comment: 37 pages, including the appendix with proofs. This is an extended version of a paper published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, see belo

    Techniques for searching, parsing, and matching (fourth edition)

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    These lecture notes present some basic techniques for: (i) exploring search spaces, (ii) parsing context-free languages, and (iii) matching patterns in strings. These techniques are taught in a course on Automata, Languages, and Translators at the University of Roma "Tor Vergata''. We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic notions of Automata Theory and Formal Languages. These notions can be found in many books such as [Har78,HoU79,Pet13a]. Some of the algorithms we have presented in these notes are written in Java 1.5 and some others in Prolog. For the Java language the reader may refer to the Java Tutorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/} . (Recall that this Java version allows the use of parameterized types, also called generics.) All Java programs have been compiled using the Java compiler 1.5.0-13 running under Mac OS X 10.4.11 Darwin 8.11.1. For the Prolog language the reader may refer to [ClM84]. The Prolog language incorporates a backtracking mechanism which is useful for exploring search spaces and solving parsing and matching problems

    Combining Syntactic and Semantic Bidirectionalization

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    Matsuda et al. [2007, ICFP] and Voigtlander [2009, POPL] introduced two techniques that given a source-to-view function provide an update propagation function mapping an original source and an updated view back to an updated source, subject to standard consistency conditions. Being fundamentally different in approach, both techniques have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Here we develop a synthesis of the two techniques to good effect. On the intersection of their applicability domains we achieve more than what a simple union of applying the techniques side by side deliver

    On Uniquely Closable and Uniquely Typable Skeletons of Lambda Terms

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    Uniquely closable skeletons of lambda terms are Motzkin-trees that predetermine the unique closed lambda term that can be obtained by labeling their leaves with de Bruijn indices. Likewise, uniquely typable skeletons of closed lambda terms predetermine the unique simply-typed lambda term that can be obtained by labeling their leaves with de Bruijn indices. We derive, through a sequence of logic program transformations, efficient code for their combinatorial generation and study their statistical properties. As a result, we obtain context-free grammars describing closable and uniquely closable skeletons of lambda terms, opening the door for their in-depth study with tools from analytic combinatorics. Our empirical study of the more difficult case of (uniquely) typable terms reveals some interesting open problems about their density and asymptotic behavior. As a connection between the two classes of terms, we also show that uniquely typable closed lambda term skeletons of size 3n+13n+1 are in a bijection with binary trees of size nn.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854

    Improving Prolog Programs: Refactoring for Prolog

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    Refactoring is an established technique from the OO-community to restructure code: it aims at improving software readability, maintainability and extensibility. Although refactoring is not tied to the OO-paradigm in particular, its ideas have not been applied to Logic Programming until now. This paper applies the ideas of refactoring to Prolog programs. A catalogue is presented listing refactorings classified according to scope. Some of the refactorings have been adapted from the OO-paradigm, while others have been specifically designed for Prolog. Also the discrepancy between intended and operational semantics in Prolog is addressed by some of the refactorings. In addition, ViPReSS, a semi-automatic refactoring browser, is discussed and the experience with applying \vipress to a large Prolog legacy system is reported. Our main conclusion is that refactoring is not only a viable technique in Prolog but also a rather desirable one.Comment: To appear in ICLP 200

    On completeness of logic programs

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    Program correctness (in imperative and functional programming) splits in logic programming into correctness and completeness. Completeness means that a program produces all the answers required by its specification. Little work has been devoted to reasoning about completeness. This paper presents a few sufficient conditions for completeness of definite programs. We also study preserving completeness under some cases of pruning of SLD-trees (e.g. due to using the cut). We treat logic programming as a declarative paradigm, abstracting from any operational semantics as far as possible. We argue that the proposed methods are simple enough to be applied, possibly at an informal level, in practical Prolog programming. We point out importance of approximate specifications.Comment: 20 page
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