1,879 research outputs found

    Molecular Hydrogen in a Damped Lyman-alpha System at z_abs=4.224

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    We present the direct detection of molecular hydrogen at the highest redshift known today (z_abs=4.224) in a Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) system toward the quasar PSS J1443+2724. This absorber is remarkable for having one of the highest metallicities amongst DLA systems at z_abs>3, with a measured iron abundance relative to Solar of -1.12+/-0.10. We provide for the first time in this system accurate measurements of NI, MgII, SII and ArI column densities. The sulfur and nitrogen abundances relative to Solar, -0.63+/-0.10 and -1.38+/-0.10 respectively, correspond exactly to the primary nitrogen production plateau. H2 absorption lines are detected in four different rotational levels (J=0, 1, 2 and 3) of the vibrational ground-state in three velocity components with total column densities of log N(H2)=17.67, 17.97, 17.48 and 17.26 respectively. The J=4 level is tentatively detected in the strongest component with log N(H2)~14. The mean molecular fraction is log f=-2.38+/-0.13, with f=2N(H2)/(2N(H2)+N(HI)). We also measure log N(HD)/N(H2)<-4.2. The excitation temperatures T_{01} for the two main components of the system are 96 and 136 K respectively. We argue that the absorbing galaxy, whose star-formation activity must have started at least 2-5x10^8 yrs before z=4.224, is in a quiescent state at the time of observation. The density of the gas is small, n_H<=50 cm^{-3}, and the temperature is of the order of T~90-180 K. The high excitation of neutral carbon in one of the components can be explained if the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation has the value expected at the absorber redshift, T=14.2 K.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Does the proton-to-electron mass ratio vary in the course of cosmological evolution?

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    The possible cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio was estimated by measuring the H_2 wavelengths in the high-resolution spectrum of the quasar Q~0347-382. Our analysis yielded an estimate for the possible deviation of \mu value in the past, 10 Gyr ago: for the unweighted value Δμ/μ=(3.0±2.4)×105\Delta \mu / \mu = (3.0\pm2.4)\times10^{-5}; for the weighted value Δμ/μ=(5.02±1.82)×105 \Delta \mu / \mu = (5.02\pm1.82)\times10^{-5} Since the significance of the both results does not exceed 3σ\sigma, further observations are needed to increase the statistical significance. In any case, this result may be considered as the most stringent estimate on an upper limit of a possible variation of \mu (95% C.L.): Δμ/μ<8×105 |\Delta \mu / \mu| < 8\times 10^{-5} This value serves as an effective tool for selection of models determining a relation between possible cosmological deviations of the fine-structure constant \alpha and the elementary particle masses (mp_p, me_e, etc.).Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Talk presented at the JENAM 2002 Workshop on Varying Fundamental Constants, Porto, 4th September 2002. To be published in the Conference Proceeding

    Large-Scale Correlations in the Lyman-alpha Forest at z = 3-4

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    We present a study of the spatial coherence of the intergalactic medium toward two pairs of high-redshift quasars with moderate angular separations observed with Keck/ESI, Q1422+2309A/Q1424+2255 (z_em = 3.63, theta = 39") and Q1439-0034A/B (z_em = 4.25, theta = 33"). The crosscorrelation of transmitted flux in the Lyman-alpha forest shows a 5-7 sigma peak at zero velocity lag for both pairs. This strongly suggests that at least some of the absorbing structures span the 230-300/h_70 proper kpc transverse separation between sightlines. We also statistically examine the similarity between paired spectra as a function of transmitted flux, a measure which may be useful for comparison with numerical simulations. In investigating the dependence of the correlation functions on spectral characteristics, we find that photon noise has little impact for S/N >~ 10 per resolution element. However, the agreement between the autocorrelation along the line sight and the crosscorrelation between sightlines, a potential test of cosmological geometry, depends significantly on instrumental resolution. Finally, we present an inventory of metal lines. These include a a pair of strong C IV systems at z ~ 3.4 appearing only toward Q1439B, and a Mg II + Fe II system present toward Q1439 A and B at z = 1.68.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Nature of Associated Absorption and the UV-X-ray Connection in 3C 288.1

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    We discuss new Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the radio-loud quasar, 3C 288.1. The data cover ~590 A to ~1610 A in the quasar rest frame. They reveal a wealth of associated absorption lines (AALs) with no accompanying Lyman-limit absorption. The metallic AALs range in ionization from C III and N III to Ne VIII and Mg X. We use these data and photoionization models to derive the following properties of the AAL gas: 1) There are multiple ionization zones within the AAL region, spanning a factor of at least ~50 in ionization parameter. 2) The overall ionization is consistent with the ``warm'' X-ray continuum absorbers measured in Seyfert 1 nuclei and other QSOs. However, 3) the column densities implied by the AALs in 3C 288.1 are too low to produce significant bound-free absorption at any UV-X-ray wavelengths. Substantial X-ray absorption would require yet another zone, having a much higher ionization or a much lower velocity dispersion than the main AAL region. 4) The total hydrogen column density in the AAL gas is log N_H (cm-2)= 20.2. 5) The metallicity is roughly half solar. 6) The AALs have deconvolved widths of ~900 km/s and their centroids are consistent with no shift from the quasar systemic velocity (conservatively within +/-1000 km/s). 7) There are no direct indicators of the absorber's location in our data, but the high ionization and high metallicity both suggest a close physical relationship to the quasar/host galaxy environment. Finally, the UV continuum shape gives no indication of a ``blue bump'' at higher energies. There is a distinct break of unknown origin at ~1030 A, and the decline toward higher energies (with spectral index alpha = -1.73, for f_nu ~ nu^alpha) is even steeper than a single power-law interpolation from 1030 A to soft X-rays.Comment: 27 pages with figures and tables, in press with Ap

    The origin of dispersion in DLA metallicities

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    Recent chemical abundance measurements of damped Ly-alpha absorbers (DLAs) revealed an intrinsic scatter in their metallicity of ~0.5 dex out to z~5. In order to explore the origin of this scatter, we build a semi-analytic model which traces the chemical evolution of the interstellar matter in small regions of the Universe with different mean density, from over- to underdense regions. We show that the different histories of structure formation in these regions, namely halo abundance, mass and stellar content, is reflected in the chemical properties of the protogalaxies, and in particular of DLAs. We calculate mean metallicity-redshift relations and show that the metallicity dispersion arising from this environmental effect amounts to ~0.25 dex and is an important contributor to the observed overall intrinsic scatter.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    High-Resolution Spectroscopy from 3050 to 10000 A of the HDF-S QSO J2233-606 with UVES at the ESO VLT

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    We report on high-resolution observations (45000\Re \simeq 45000) of the Hubble Deep Field South QSO J2233-606 obtained with the VLT UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES). We present spectral data for the wavelength region 3050<λ<100003050 < \lambda < 10000 \AA. The S/NS/N ratio of the final spectrum is about 50 per resolution element at 4000 \AA, 90 at 5000 \AA, 80 at 6000 \AA, 40 at 8000 \AA. Redshifts, column densities and Doppler widths of the absorption features have been determined with Voigt-profile fitting. A total of 621 lines have been measured. In particular 270 Ly-alpha lines, 41 Ly-beta and 24 systems containing metal lines have been identified. Together with other data in the literature, the present spectrum confirms that the evolution of the number density of Ly-alpha lines with logN(\log N(\huno)>14) > 14 has an upturn at z1.41.6z \sim 1.4-1.6.Comment: 34 pages Latex, with 3 PostScript figures. Astronomical Journal, in press. A few revised upper limit

    Evolution of dispersion in the cosmic deuterium abundance

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    Deuterium is created during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and, in contrast to the other light stable nuclei, can only be destroyed thereafter by fusion in stellar interiors. In this paper we study the cosmic evolution of the deuterium abundance in the interstellar medium and its dispersion using realistic galaxy evolution models. We find that models that reproduce the observed metal abundance are compatible with observations of the deuterium abundance in the local ISM and z ~ 3 absorption line systems. In particular, we reproduce the low astration factor which we attribute to a low global star formation efficiency. We calculate the dispersion in deuterium abundance arising from different structure formation histories in different parts of the Universe. Our model also predicts an extremely tight correlation between deuterium and metal abundances which could be used to measure the primordial deuterium abundance.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Figures rearranged to match published versio

    Semiclassical approach to the ac-conductance of chaotic cavities

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    We address frequency-dependent quantum transport through mesoscopic conductors in the semiclassical limit. By generalizing the trajectory-based semiclassical theory of dc quantum transport to the ac case, we derive the average screened conductance as well as ac weak-localization corrections for chaotic conductors. Thereby we confirm respective random matrix results and generalize them by accounting for Ehrenfest time effects. We consider the case of a cavity connected through many leads to a macroscopic circuit which contains ac-sources. In addition to the reservoir the cavity itself is capacitively coupled to a gate. By incorporating tunnel barriers between cavity and leads we obtain results for arbitrary tunnel rates. Finally, based on our findings we investigate the effect of dephasing on the charge relaxation resistance of a mesoscopic capacitor in the linear low-frequency regime