1,248 research outputs found

    Morphological variation of carotid artery bifurcation level in digital angiography

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    Knowing of the level of carotid artery bifurcation (CB) is important for vascular surgery in the neck, radical neck dissections, carotid sinus baroreceptor stimulation, catheterisations, and aneurysms. The aim of this study was to determine the CB level in relation with the cervical vertebral levels, compare them on the right and the left sides, and investigate the relation of CB level with the length of neck. In this study, 100 conventional carotid angiographies were performed. The CB level was determined in relation with 10 different levels which were the levels of the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral disks, and the relation of CB level with the length of neck was investigated. The right and left CB levels of the patients were also determined, and compared. The highest level of CB was at the level of C2 vertebra, and the lowest level of CB was at the level of C6–C7 intervertebral disk in both male and female. When all patients were taken into consideration, CB level was most frequently seen at the level of C4–C5 (29%) on the right side, and at the level of C4 (26%) on the left side. The CB levels were not symmetrical in 10 female and 23 male. Knowing of the anatomical variations of CB level is important in surgical procedures. The anatomical differences must be taken into consideration since the neighbouring structures of CB change in case of variations. We believe that the results of this study will shed light to planning of all interventional methods concerning common carotid artery and its branches as well as surgery in the neck, and will help to minimise the complications

    Functional and Structural Biological Methods for Palytoxin Detection

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    Palytoxin (PLTX) and its analogues are marine polyethers identified in Palythoa and Zoanthus corals, Ostreopsis dinoflagellates, and Trichodesmium cyanobacteria. Humans can be exposed to these toxins by different routes with a series of adverse effects but the most severe risk is associated with poisonings by the consumption of edible marine organisms accumulating these toxins, as occurs in (sub)-tropical areas. In temperate areas, adverse effects ascribed to PLTXs have been recorded after inhalation of marine aerosols and/or cutaneous contact with seawater during Ostreopsis blooms, as well as during cleaning procedures of Palythoa-containing home aquaria. Besides instrumental analytical methods, in the last years a series of alternative or complementary methods based on biological/biochemical tools have been developed for the rapid and specific PLTX detection required for risk assessment. These methods are usually sensitive, cost- and time-effective, and do not require highly specialized operators. Among them, structural immunoassays and functional cellbased assays are reviewed. The availability of specific anti-PLTX antibodies allowed the development of different sensitive structural assays, suitable for its detection also in complex matrices, such as mussels. In addition, knowing the mechanism of PLTX action, a series of functional identification methods has been developed. Despite some of them being limited by matrix effects and specificity issues, biological methods for PLTX detection represent a feasible tool, suitable for rapid screening

    Utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalaĆŸiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom skladiĆĄtenja

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    Effects of freezing and packaging methods on organic acid content of goat cheese during 12 weeks of storage were determined. Goat cheese milk curds were divided into two batches; one of the batches was directly processed in to goat cheese while the other was frozen at -18 °C and stored for six months and processed into cheese after being thawed. Cheese samples were packed in three parts and stored at 4 °C refrigerated control sample and at -18 °C for six months frozen experimental samples. Cheese samples were packed in three different packaging methods: aerobic, vacuum or modified atmosphere. Citric, malic, fumaric, acetic, lactic, pyruvic and propionic acids were analyzed using HPLC method after 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th week of storage period. Lactic acid was the main organic acids while pyruvic acid had the lowest content in all cheese samples. Citric and fumaric acid levels of frozen samples increased during storage whereas malic, acetic, pyruvic and propionic acid amounts were decreased compared to the beginning of storage. Packaging methods and freezing process also effected lactic acid levels statistically (p<0.05). Fumaric, acetic and lactic acid concentration of refrigerated samples were increased but citric, malic and propionic acids decreased during storage. Pyruvic acid level did not change significantly. It was determined that organic acid concentrations were effected by freezing process, storage time and packaging methods significantly (p<0.05).U istraĆŸivanju je utvrđen utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalaĆŸiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom 12 tjedana skladiĆĄtenja. GruĆĄ sira od kozjeg mlijeka bio je podijeljen u dva dijela - kao kontrolni uzorak pohranjen u hladnjaku na 4 °C i kao zamrznuti eksperimentalni uzorak na -18 °C tijekom ĆĄest mjeseci. Nakon toga, sirevi su pakirani trima različitim metodama pakiranja: aerobnom, vakuum ili modificiranom atmosferom. Citronska, jabučna, mravlja, octena, mliječna, pirogroĆŸÄ‘ana i propionska kiselina analizirane su HPLC metodom nakon 1., 3., 6., 9. i 12. tjedna razdoblja čuvanja. Mliječna kiselina bila je najvaĆŸnija organska kiselina, dok je pirogroĆŸÄ‘ana imala najniĆŸi udjel u svim uzorcima sira. Tijekom skladiĆĄtenja doĆĄlo je do povećanja udjela citronske i mravlje kiseline smrznutih uzoraka, dok su udjeli jabučne, octene, pirogroĆŸÄ‘ane i propionske kiseline opadali u odnosu na početak pohrane. Metode pakiranja i proces zamrzavanja također su statistički utjecali na udjel mliječne kiseline (p<0,05). Koncentracije mravlje, octene i mliječne kiseline ohlađenih uzoraka bile su povećane, dok su citronske, jabučne i propionske kiseline opadale tijekom skladiĆĄtenja. Razina pirogroĆŸÄ‘ane kiseline nije se značajno promijenila. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj procesa zamrzavanja, vremena pohrane i metoda pakiranja na koncentracije organskih kiselina (p <0,05)

    SERS of cells: What can we learn from cell lysates?

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    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a promising and emerging technique to analyze the cellular environment. We developed an alternative, rapid and label-free SERS-based method to get information about the cellular environment by analyzing cells lysates, thus avoiding the need to incorporate nanoparticles into cells. Upon sonicating and filtrating cells, we obtained lysates which, mixed with Au or Ag nanoparticles, yield stable and repeatable SERS spectra, whose overall profile depends on the metal used as substrate, but not on the buffer used for the lysis process. Bands appearing in these spectra were shown to arise mostly from the cytosol and were assigned to adenine, guanine, adenosine and reduced glutathione (GSH). Spectral differences among various cell types also demonstrated that this approach is suitable for cell type identification

    A growing disconnection from nature is evident in cultural products

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    Human connection with nature is widely believed to be in decline, even though empirical evidence on the magnitude and temporal pattern of the change is scarce. Studying works of popular culture in English throughout the 20th century and later, we document a cultural shift away from nature, beginning in the 1950s. Since then, references to nature have been decreasing steadily in fiction, song lyrics, and film storylines. No parallel decline is observed in references to the human-made environment. These findings are cause for concern, not only because they imply foregone benefits from engagement with nature, but also because cultural products are agents of socialization that can evoke curiosity, respect, and concern for the natural world

    Toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) after acute oral exposure of azaspiracid 1,-2 and-3 in mice

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    Azaspiracids (AZAs) are marine algal toxins that can be accumulated by edible shellfish to cause a foodborne gastrointestinal poisoning in humans. In the European Union, only AZA1, -2 and -3 are currently regulated and their concentration in shellfish is determined through their toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) derived from the intraperitoneal lethal potency in mice. Nevertheless, considering the potential human exposure by oral route, AZAs TEFs should be calculated by comparative oral toxicity data. Thus, the acute oral toxicity of AZA1, -2 and -3 was investigated in female CD-1 mice treated with different doses (AZA1: 135-1100 mu g/kg; AZA2 and AZA3: 300-1100 mu g/kg) and sacrificed after 24 h or 14 days. TEFs derived from the median lethal doses (LD50) were 1.0, 0.7 and 0.5, respectively for AZA1, -2 and -3. In fact, after 24 h from gavage administration, LD(50)s were 443 mu g/kg (AZA1; 95% CL: 350-561 mu g/kg), 626 mu g/kg (AZA2; 95% CL: 430-911 mu g/kg) and 875 mu g/kg (AZA3; 95% CL: 757-1010 mu g/kg). Mice dead more than 5 h after the treatment or those sacrificed after 24 h (doses: = 175 mu g AZA1/kg, >= 500 mu g AZA2/kg and >= 600 mu g AZA3/kg) showed enlarged pale liver, while increased serum markers of liver alteration were recorded even at the lowest doses. Blood chemistry revealed significantly increased serum levels of K+ ions (>= 500 mg/kg), whereas light microscopy showed tissue changes in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. No lethality, macroscopic, tissue or haematological changes were recorded two weeks post exposure, indicating reversible toxic effects. LC-MS/MS analysis of the main organs showed a dose-dependency in gastrointestinal absorption of these toxins: at 24 h, the highest levels were detected in the stomach and, in descending order, in the intestinal content, liver, small intestine, kidneys, lungs, large intestine, heart as well as detectable traces in the brain. After 14 days, AZA1 and AZA2 were still detectable in almost all the organs and intestinal content
