2,438 research outputs found

    Thinking justice outside the docket: a critical assessment of the reform of the EU's court system

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    The 2015 reform of the EU’s court system will go down in history as the most radical transformation of the EU judicial architecture since the establishment of the General Court in 1989. It doubles the number of General Court judges but also dissolves the Civil Service Tribunal. This article offers a critical assessment of these two major, structural changes, addressing both the process by which they were adopted and their overall merits. After providing a detailed examination of the reform’s tortuous legislative history and highlighting its unique underlying procedural feature – with the Court itself initiating the process – this article identifies and systematizes its major shortcomings. It criticizes the underlying diagnosis and the cure administered. It concludes by presenting this reform process as a missed opportunity to address, in a more holistic manner, the pressing non-docket related challenges facing the EU judicial system, in particular, to reform a governance structure which is no longer fit for purpose considering the massive transformation of the EU judicial branch since 1951

    Molecular and Genetic Regulation of Sensory Quality of Climacteric Fruit

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    The sensory quality of fruit has become a major criterion in making the purchasing decision by consumers. Breeding programs have mainly been directed, from the post-harvest stand point, towards improving shelf-life. Chance seedlings or mutants with improved agronomic traits and/or extended shelf-life have been used for introgressing the long shelf-life character and eventually improved sensory quality traits in commercial genotypes of apple, melon or tomato. Because the plant hormone ethylene plays a central role in both storability and ripening of climacteric fruit, the generation by biotechnology of ethylene-inhibited fruit has offered a powerful tool to better understand, at the molecular and genetic level, the interrelations between storability and sensory quality. In the melon, inhibition of ethylene synthesis results is a strong inhibition of the synthesis of aroma volatiles while the accumulation of sugars is not affected or is even improved. The softening of the flesh is strongly affected but not abolished. Mid or long shelf-life melons generated by classical breeding present the same behavior. The generation of recombinant inbred lines by crossing a typical climacteric melon (Cantaloupe Charentais of the cantalupensis group) with a non climacteric melon (PI161375 of the agrestis chinensis group) allowed to demonstrate that the climacteric character is conferred by 2 duplicated loci only, which are of great importance for the regulation of storability and sensory quality. Due to the importance of aroma volatiles in sensory quality and to the strong negative correlation between aroma production and ethylene synthesis, we have developed a research program aimed at isolating genes involved in the synthesis of aroma volatiles. We will report on the recent advances in the field with special emphasis on the characterization of genes responsible for the synthesis of esters, a family of compounds crucial for the flavor of many fruit

    Effect of bi- and trimodal size distribution on the superficial hardness of Al/SiCp composites prepared by pressureless infiltration

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    The effect of particle size distribution on the superficial hardness of Al/SiCp composites prepared by pressureless infiltration, as well as on the microhardness and fracture toughness (KIC) of particulate silicon carbide (SiCp) was investigated. Preforms with 0.6 volume fraction of SiC powders (10, 68 and 140 μm) with monomodal, bimodal and trimodal distribution were infiltrated with the alloy Al–15.52 Mg–13.62 Si (wt.%) in argon followed by nitrogen at 1100 °C for 60 min. Results show that density behaves linearly with increase in particle-size-distribution whilst superficial hardness, microhardness and fracture toughness exhibit all a parabolic behavior. Superficial hardness behavior can be explained by the combined effect of work-hardening in the alloy matrix and particle-to-particle impingement. Due to the highly covalent nature of SiC, the parabolic response shown by microhardness and KIC cannot be attributed to a dislocation mechanism as in strain-hardening.The effect of particle size distribution on the superficial hardness of Al/SiCp composites prepared by pressureless infiltration, as well as on the microhardness and fracture toughness (KIC) of particulate silicon carbide (SiCp) was investigated. Preforms with 0.6 volume fraction of SiC powders (10, 68 and 140 μm) with monomodal, bimodal and trimodal distribution were infiltrated with the alloy Al–15.52 Mg–13.62 Si (wt.%) in argon followed by nitrogen at 1100 °C for 60 min. Results show that density behaves linearly with increase in particle-size-distribution whilst superficial hardness, microhardness and fracture toughness exhibit all a parabolic behavior. Superficial hardness behavior can be explained by the combined effect of work-hardening in the alloy matrix and particle-to-particle impingement. Due to the highly covalent nature of SiC, the parabolic response shown by microhardness and KIC cannot be attributed to a dislocation mechanism as in strain-hardening

    SUE: A Special Purpose Computer for Spin Glass Models

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    The use of last generation Programmable Electronic Components makes possible the construction of very powerful and competitive special purpose computers. We have designed, constructed and tested a three-dimensional Spin Glass model dedicated machine, which consists of 12 identical boards. Each single board can simulate 8 different systems, updating all the systems at every clock cycle. The update speed of the whole machine is 217ps/spin with 48 MHz clock frequency. A device devoted to fast random number generation has been developed and included in every board. The on-board reprogrammability permits us to change easily the lattice size, or even the update algorithm or the action. We present here a detailed description of the machine and the first runs using the Heat Bath algorithm.Comment: Submitted to Computer Physics Communications, 19 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Effect of SiCp multimodal distribution on pitting behavior of Al/SiCp composites prepared by reactive infiltration

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    The effect of coated-SiCp multimodal-size-distribution on the pitting behavior of Al/SiCp composites was inves- tigated. α-SiC powders (10, 54, 86, and 146 μm) were properly mixed and coated with silica to produce porous preforms with 0.6 volume fraction of the reinforcement with monomodal, bimodal, trimodal, and cuatrimodal size distribution. The preforms were infiltrated with the alloy Al–13 Mg–1.8Si (wt.%) in argon followed by nitrogen at 1100 oC for 60 min. The composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after cyclic polarization measurements in 0.1 M NaCl de-aerated solu- tions. Results show that whereas corrosion and passivation potentials are not influenced with increase in SiCp particle size distribution, favorably, the susceptibility to pitting corrosion decreases. This beneficial effect is ascribed to the smaller area of the alloy matrix exposed to the chloride solution with augment in particle size distribution, substantially when going from monomodal to bimodal SiCp particle size distribution

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al/Sicp Composites with Multimodal Size Distribution of Reinforcements

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    Abstract. The effect of particle size distribution and particle size ratio of SiCp in SiCp/SiO2 preforms on the microstructure, microhardness of SiCp reinforcements, modulus of rupture, and superficial hardness of Al/SiCp composites produced by pressureless infiltration has been investigated. SiCp/SiO2 preforms in the form of plates (4cm x 3cm x 0.5cm) have been pressureless infiltrated by the alloy Al-15.52 Mg-13.62 Si (wt. %) at 1100 oC for 60 min under inert atmosphere. SiC powders with average particle size of 10, 68 and 140 μm are mixed with SiO2 powders and preforms of 40 % porosity with unimodal, bimodal and trimodal size distributions are prepared by uniaxial compaction. The bimodal (small: large) and trimodal (small: medium: large) preforms are prepared with different particle size ratios in the following levels: 1:1, 3:1, 1:3, 2:2:2, 3:2:1, 3:1:2. Results from characterization by XRD, SEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry show that the typical microstructure of the composites contains the MgAl2O4 (spinel), AlN and MgO phases formed during processing as well as partially reacted silica, SiC, Si and Al. It is found that the density, reinforcement microhardness, modulus of rupture and superficial hardness of the composites increase all with wider particle size distribution. However, whilst the modulus of rupture is mainly affected on going from unimodal and bimodal to trimodal distribution, superficial hardness and microhardness are mostly influenced on going from unimodal to bimodal and trimodal distribution

    Effect of Mg Alloying Addition on Dissolution Behavior of Oxide Films in Al-Si-Mg Alloys

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    Cyclic polarization measurements were carried out for Al-10%Si- X%Mg (X: 3%, 6% and 9.5%) alloys in borate solutions with and without additions of 50 mM NaCl. The voltammetric response exhibited some features of oxide film growth consistent with the high field conduction model. However, higher currents and distortions in the voltammetric wave shape compared to those for pure Al were ascribed to a possible incorporation of alloying elements in the oxide film, rendering it more defective, and to the strong electrochemical activity of Mg2Si particles.Cyclic polarization measurements were carried out for Al-10%Si- X%Mg (X: 3%, 6% and 9.5%) alloys in borate solutions with and without additions of 50 mM NaCl. The voltammetric response exhibited some features of oxide film growth consistent with the high field conduction model. However, higher currents and distortions in the voltammetric wave shape compared to those for pure Al were ascribed to a possible incorporation of alloying elements in the oxide film, rendering it more defective, and to the strong electrochemical activity of Mg2Si particles

    Appellation of Origin Status and Economic Development: A Case Study of the Mezcal Industry

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    Mezcal is an alcoholic beverage produced only in selected regions of Mexico under appellation of origin status from the Word Intellectual Property Organization. While it has been produced in Mexico for many centuries, mezcal’s appellation of origin was only granted in 1995. Therefore efforts to produce and market it as a premium product have a relatively short history. This case study examines developments in the production and marketing of this unique product, and the activities of the marketing cooperative El Tecuán in Guerrero State in this process.mezcal, Mexico, appellation, marketing, cooperative, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Marketing,
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