520 research outputs found

    On Distance Magic Harary Graphs

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    This paper establishes two techniques to construct larger distance magic and (a, d)-distance antimagic graphs using Harary graphs and provides a solution to the existence of distance magicness of legicographic product and direct product of G with C4, for every non-regular distance magic graph G with maximum degree |V(G)|-1.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Biosystematics studies on medicinal plant Urginea indica Kunth. liliaceae - A review

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    Indian squill, Urginea spp. is a very important and rare medicinal plant endemic to India, Africa and Meditteranian Regions. It has magical potential to heal many human diseases with cardiatonic, anticarcinomic, anti jaundice, anti dropsy, anti asthmatic, anti epileptic, dermatological and diuretic properties. Besides it has abortifacient effects and affects on menstrual cycle. It also finds its use as pesticides against fungus, insects and rats. Wide genetic and chromosomal variations were also still being researched to differentiate the different populations of Urginea. The biodiversity and germplasm collection is also a major area of emphasis to protect the rare genus. The basic taxonomic work to higher molecular developmental studies are still being explored in this genus. It is also a great source for many organic compounds yet to be characterized and discovered for its extensive possibility as potential bioactive molecule. The genetic variability and genomic studies are still being a hot topic in research

    Crystal structure of 2-methylamino-3-nitro-4-p-tolylpyrano[3,2-c]chromen-5(4H)-one

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    The authors thank Dr Babu Varghese, SAIF, IIT, Chennai, India, for the data collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Interaction In the English Language Classroom: A Review of Teacher Questions

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    Teachers' questions in the English language classroom are an essential way of teaching English. Teachers must be aware of the types of questions that can help students learn the target language. Students, on the other hand, did not actively participate in learning, especially when responding to questions from teachers. To address this issue, teachers must modify their questions using various techniques in order to elicit responses from students. This study examines twenty studies selected from the Google scholar on the role of teacher questioning pattern in motivating students' participation in English language classrooms, as well as the classification of modification questions used by teachers when teaching English. We examine current teachers' questioning patterns before reviewing previous research on the most common question type activity in the English classroom. According to the findings, display questions are frequently used by English language teachers as a better approach than referential and other questioning types. Other knowledge-based analyses were discovered to be carried out in order to extract useful features that reduce the risk of better activity, demonstrating that students continue to struggle with high-dimensional and important subjects when answering referential questions. Finally, we highlight some outstanding issues for future research in this area that researchers should consider

    Salt stress mitigation by calcium chloride in Phyllanthus amarus

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    A pot culture experiment was carried out in Phyllanthus amarus plants in order to study the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2) as an agent ameliorating sodium chloride (NaCl) stress. The plants were raised in pots and salinity stress was imposed by 80 mM of NaCl. The ameliorating effect of CaCl2 was studied by giving 5mMCaCl2 to the stressed plants. NaCl-stressed plants showed decreased proteins, total sugars, polyphenol oxidase and catalase activity with increased free amino acids, proline and peroxidase activities. When CaCl2 was combined with NaCl, the CaCl2 altered overall plant metabolism and paved the way for partial amelioration of the oxidative stress caused by salinity

    A Novel Disulfide-Rich Protein Motif from Avian Eggshell Membranes

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    Under the shell of a chicken egg are two opposed proteinaceous disulfide-rich membranes. They are fabricated in the avian oviduct using fibers formed from proteins that are extensively coupled by irreversible lysine-derived crosslinks. The intractability of these eggshell membranes (ESM) has slowed their characterization and their protein composition remains uncertain. In this work, reductive alkylation of ESM followed by proteolytic digestion led to the identification of a cysteine rich ESM protein (abbreviated CREMP) that was similar to spore coat protein SP75 from cellular slime molds. Analysis of the cysteine repeats in partial sequences of CREMP reveals runs of remarkably repetitive patterns. Module a contains a C-X4-C-X5-C-X8-C-X6 pattern (where X represents intervening non-cysteine residues). These inter-cysteine amino acid residues are also strikingly conserved. The evolutionarily-related module b has the same cysteine spacing as a, but has 11 amino acid residues at its C-terminus. Different stretches of CREMP sequences in chicken genomic DNA fragments show diverse repeat patterns: e.g. all a modules; an alternation of a-b modules; or an a-b-b arrangement. Comparable CREMP proteins are found in contigs of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and in the oviparous green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). In all these cases the long runs of highly conserved modular repeats have evidently led to difficulties in the assembly of full length DNA sequences. Hence the number, and the amino acid lengths, of CREMP proteins are currently unknown. A 118 amino acid fragment (representing an a-b-a-b pattern) from a chicken oviduct EST library expressed in Escherichia coli is a well folded, highly anisotropic, protein with a large chemical shift dispersion in 2D solution NMR spectra. Structure is completely lost on reduction of the 8 disulfide bonds of this protein fragment. Finally, solid state NMR spectra suggest a surprising degree of order in intact ESM fibers

    Utišani gga-miR-142-3p u pilećem embriju: ekspresija profila XPO1.

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    Differential expression of gga-miR-142-3p microRNA of haemopoeitic origin during immune organ development and functional stages in chicken embryos creates new opportunities for understanding its pivotal role during embryonic developmental stages. To decipher the role of gga-miR-142-3p in-ovo knockdown was carried out with LNA modified anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p via intravenous route at developmental and functional stages of the immune organs and other organs. Bioinformatic analysis of the genes targeted by gga-miRNA-142-3p revealed that the predicted gene XPO1 conserved binding sites at 3’UTR. The target gene XPO1 was evaluated as the validated target of gga-miR-142-3p by employing qPCR SYBR green based technology, which was evidenced by its increased expression in the tissues of gga-miR-142-3p knockdown chicken embryos. Histopathological alterations in the immune organs and visceral organs indicated that the systemic knockdown of gga-miR-124-3p led to over expression of the XPO1 gene during the embryonic stages, and changed the environment of the immune organs related to structural integrity, immune response, signal transduction and migration of B and T cells during the embryonic developmental stage in the chicken embryos. The results clearly indicated that these changes could alter the postnatal development and functions of these immune organs, and may lead to development of immuno-compromised chickens.Različita ekspresija gga-miR-142-3p mikroRNA hemopoetskog podrijetla daje nove mogućnosti razumijevanja njezine ključne uloge u embrionalnom razvoju limfnih organa i funkcionalnih zbivanja u pilećem zametku. Za otkrivanje uloge gga-miR-142-3p in ovo provedeno je utišavanje zaključanom nukleinskom kiselinom što preko anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p preinačuje razvojne i funkcionalne sposobnosti limfnih i drugih organa. Bioinformatička analiza ciljnih gena za gga-miRNA-142-3p otkriva da gen XPO1 ima konzervirana mjesta vezanja na 3’UTR. Gen XPO1 bio je potvrđen kao cilj za gga-miR-142-3p uporabom tehnologije temeljene na qPCR SYBR zelenilu, što je bilo dokazano njegovom povećanom ekspresijom u tkivima pilećih zametaka s utišanim gga-miR-142-3p. Patohistološke promjene u imunosnim i unutarnjim organima pokazuju da sustavno utišavanje gga-miR-124-3p vodi do prevelike ekspresije gena XPO1 tijekom embrionalnog razvoja. To mijenja zadaću imunosnih organa s obzirom na strukturni integritet, imunosni odgovor, prijenos poruka te migraciju B i T limfocita tijekom razvoja pilećih zametaka. Rezultati jasno naznačuju da te promjene mogu preinačiti postnatalni razvoj i funkcije imunosnih organa te mogu dovesti do razvoja imunološki oslabljenih pilića


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    This paper intends the evaluation measures for obtaining the Ancillary ServicesRequirement (ASR) indices stand on Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in a deregulated power system.Ancillary services are vital to support the transmission of electric power from vendor to user with the responsibility of control areas and transmitting utilities within those control areas to maintain steadfast operations of the interconnected power system under deregulated environment. In this swot, Proportional Integral Derivative with derivative Filter (PIDF) is projected for the AGC loop of a two-area thermal power system with reheat bicycle mix condensation turbine. The control constraints of the PIDF controller are optimized using the Big Bang Big Crunch (BBBC) algorithm.ASR keys are computed stranded on the dynamic response of the control input deviations and the mechanical power generation deviations of each area for dissimilar nature of possible transactions. These indices designate the ancillary service requirements and are required to improve the competence of the physical operation of the power system with the augmented transmission capacity in the network. An advanced application of Hydrogen Energy Storage (HES), when coordinated with the Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) for the development of AGC loop of a two-area thermal power system is also painstaking. Simulation reveals that the proposed PIDF controller tuned with BBBC algorithm perk up the dynamic output response of the test system. Moreover, it can also be pragmatic that the ASR Indices are computed for a two-area thermal power system with HES and IPFC units indicates that the new advanced control for a better restoration of the power system output responses and ensure enhanced ASR indices in order to afford the superior margin of steadiness