107 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a Pendulum of Variable Length and Similar Problems

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    Geometric phase around exceptional points

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    A wave function picks up, in addition to the dynamic phase, the geometric (Berry) phase when traversing adiabatically a closed cycle in parameter space. We develop a general multidimensional theory of the geometric phase for (double) cycles around exceptional degeneracies in non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We show that the geometric phase is exactly π\pi for symmetric complex Hamiltonians of arbitrary dimension and for nonsymmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of dimension 2. For nonsymmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of higher dimension, the geometric phase tends to π\pi for small cycles and changes as the cycle size and shape are varied. We find explicitly the leading asymptotic term of this dependence, and describe it in terms of interaction of different energy levels.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, with revisions in the introduction and conclusio

    Breakdown of adiabatic transfer of light in waveguides in the presence of absorption

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    In atomic physics, adiabatic evolution is often used to achieve a robust and efficient population transfer. Many adiabatic schemes have also been implemented in optical waveguide structures. Recently there has been increasing interests in the influence of decay and absorption, and their engineering applications. Here it is shown that even a small decay can significantly influence the dynamical behaviour of a system, above and beyond a mere change of the overall norm. In particular, a small decay can lead to a breakdown of adiabatic transfer schemes, even when both the spectrum and the eigenfunctions are only sightly modified. This is demonstrated for the generalization of a STIRAP scheme that has recently been implemented in optical waveguide structures. Here the question how an additional absorption in either the initial or the target waveguide influences the transfer property of the scheme is addressed. It is found that the scheme breaks down for small values of the absorption at a relatively sharp threshold, which can be estimated by simple analytical arguments.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, revised and extende

    Exactly solvable PT-symmetric Hamiltonian having no Hermitian counterpart

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    In a recent paper Bender and Mannheim showed that the unequal-frequency fourth-order derivative Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator model has a realization in which the energy eigenvalues are real and bounded below, the Hilbert-space inner product is positive definite, and time evolution is unitary. Central to that analysis was the recognition that the Hamiltonian HPUH_{\rm PU} of the model is PT symmetric. This Hamiltonian was mapped to a conventional Dirac-Hermitian Hamiltonian via a similarity transformation whose form was found exactly. The present paper explores the equal-frequency limit of the same model. It is shown that in this limit the similarity transform that was used for the unequal-frequency case becomes singular and that HPUH_{\rm PU} becomes a Jordan-block operator, which is nondiagonalizable and has fewer energy eigenstates than eigenvalues. Such a Hamiltonian has no Hermitian counterpart. Thus, the equal-frequency PT theory emerges as a distinct realization of quantum mechanics. The quantum mechanics associated with this Jordan-block Hamiltonian can be treated exactly. It is shown that the Hilbert space is complete with a set of nonstationary solutions to the Schr\"odinger equation replacing the missing stationary ones. These nonstationary states are needed to establish that the Jordan-block Hamiltonian of the equal-frequency Pais-Uhlenbeck model generates unitary time evolution.Comment: 39 pages, 0 figure

    Unfolding of eigenvalue surfaces near a diabolic point due to a complex perturbation

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    The paper presents a new theory of unfolding of eigenvalue surfaces of real symmetric and Hermitian matrices due to an arbitrary complex perturbation near a diabolic point. General asymptotic formulae describing deformations of a conical surface for different kinds of perturbing matrices are derived. As a physical application, singularities of the surfaces of refractive indices in crystal optics are studied.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Self-dual Spectral Singularities and Coherent Perfect Absorbing Lasers without PT-symmetry

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    A PT-symmetric optically active medium that lases at the threshold gain also acts as a complete perfect absorber at the laser wavelength. This is because spectral singularities of PT-symmetric complex potentials are always accompanied by their time-reversal dual. We investigate the significance of PT-symmetry for the appearance of these self-dual spectral singularities. In particular, using a realistic optical system we show that self-dual spectral singularities can emerge also for non-PT-symmetric configurations. This signifies the existence of non-PT-symmetric CPA-lasers.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Detecting level crossings without looking at the spectrum

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    In many physical systems it is important to be aware of the crossings and avoided crossings which occur when eigenvalues of a physical observable are varied using an external parameter. We have discovered a powerful algebraic method of finding such crossings via a mapping to the problem of locating the roots of a polynomial in that parameter. We demonstrate our method on atoms and molecules in a magnetic field, where it has implications in the search for Feshbach resonances. In the atomic case our method allows us to point out a new class of invariants of the Breit-Rabi Hamiltonian of magnetic resonance. In the case of molecules, it enables us to find curve crossings with practically no knowledge of the corresponding Born-Oppenheimer potentials.Comment: 4 pages, new title, no figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Perturbation theory of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians

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    In the framework of perturbation theory the reality of the perturbed eigenvalues of a class of \PTsymmetric Hamiltonians is proved using stability techniques. We apply this method to \PTsymmetric unperturbed Hamiltonians perturbed by \PTsymmetric additional interactions

    Biorthogonal quantum mechanics

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    The Hermiticity condition in quantum mechanics required for the characterization of (a) physical observables and (b) generators of unitary motions can be relaxed into a wider class of operators whose eigenvalues are real and whose eigenstates are complete. In this case, the orthogonality of eigenstates is replaced by the notion of biorthogonality that defines the relation between the Hilbert space of states and its dual space. The resulting quantum theory, which might appropriately be called 'biorthogonal quantum mechanics', is developed here in some detail in the case for which the Hilbert-space dimensionality is finite. Specifically, characterizations of probability assignment rules, observable properties, pure and mixed states, spin particles, measurements, combined systems and entanglements, perturbations, and dynamical aspects of the theory are developed. The paper concludes with a brief discussion on infinite-dimensional systems. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd