99 research outputs found

    A novel use of high density SNP assays to optimize choice of different crossbred dairy cattle genotypes in smallholder systems in East Africa

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    We present use of SNP technologies to obtain for the first time, rapid, large-scale, in situ estimates of performance of crossbred cows in smallholder herds. Compared to historical approaches, our approach allowed optimum crossbreed choices to be determined more rapidly and without question about the relevance of the environment. High-density SNP assays were used to estimate breed composition for a monitored population comprising 1292 cows from 610 smallholder farms in Kenya. The achieved milk yields are much lower than generally assumed and lactation curves are very flat out to 400 days. In poor production environments, lower grade crosses (containing <60% exotic dairy alleles) had the same yield as high grade crosses. Allowing for the larger size and maintenance requirements of high grade exotics, lower grade exotics will be the most economically productive animals in these environments

    Use of high density SNP genotypes to determine the breed composition of cross bred dairy cattle in smallholder farms: Assessment of reproductive and health performance

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    Reproductive performance and disease data were recorded for 2 years on 1,824 dairy cows in smallholder farms using participatory approaches and onfarm recording. Most animals experienced one service to conception. Calving intervals were long, ranging between 261 and 761 days, with an average of 451±101days. Herd level of production (HeL) had significant effect on calving interval. However, there was no difference between crossbreds with different levels of exotic breed percentage or in different HeL classes in disease incidence. Most animals had less than 2 treatment events, despite the high disease burden in the study areas. Mortality rates were low, ranging from 2.13% to 2.65%. Even though the crossbred animals had higher performance compared to indigenous animals, the gains obtained were below what would be possible with better management. These results suggest that crosses with low exotic proportions would be the most optimal for the production systems studied

    Use of body linear measurements to estimate liveweight of crossbred dairy cattle in smallholder farms in Kenya

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    Body linear measurements, and specifically heart girth (HG), have been shown to be useful predictors of cattle liveweight. To test the accuracy of body linear measurements for predicting liveweight, crossbred dairy cattle of different genotypes were measured and weighed. A total of 352 mature cows and 100 heifers were weighed using an electronic weighing scale and measurements of HG, body length, height at withers were taken using an ordinary measuring tape and body condition scored (BCS) using a five-point scale. The animals were grouped according to genotype and age. Genotype classification was undertaken from farmer recall and by visual appraisal as 40–60, 61–80 or 81–100 % exotic (non-indigenous). Age classification was simply as mature cows or heifers. Liveweight of the animals ranged from 102 to 433 kg. Liveweight was strongly correlated with HG (r = 0.84) and body condition scores (r = 0.70) and moderately correlated with body length (r = 0.64) and height at withers (0.61). Regressing LW on HG measurements gave statistically significant (P 2 ranging from of 0.53 to 0.78 and residual standard deviation ranging from 18.11 to 40.50 kg. The overall model developed (adjusted R2 = 0.71) had a prediction error of 26 kg (or 11 % of the mean) and predicted LW of over 95 % of crossbred dairy cattle in the range of 100–450 kg, regardless of age and breed group. Including BCS in the model slightly improved the model fit but not the prediction error. It was concluded that the model can be useful in making general management decisions in smallholder farms

    Optimal design of low density marker panels for genotype imputation

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    Cost-effective genotyping of livestock species can be done through a process which involves genotyping part of the population using a high density (HD) panel and the remainder with a lower density panel and then use imputation to infer the missing genotypes that are not included on the low density panel. Therefore, it is desirable to have a method of selecting markers for an assay that maximises imputation accuracy. Here we present a marker selection method that relies on the pairwise (co)variances between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the minor allele frequency (MAF) of SNPs. The performance of the developed method was tested in a 5 fold cross-validation process using genotypes of crossbred dairy cattle in East Africa, a population in which it is unclear whether existing low density SNP assays designed for purebred populations will maintain high imputation accuracies. Various densities of SNPs were selected using the (co)variance method and alternative SNP selection methods and then imputed up to the HD panel. The (co)variance method provided the highest imputation accuracies at all marker densities, with accuracies being up to 19% higher than the random selection of SNPs. The presented method is straightforward in its application and can ensure high accuracies in genotype imputation of crossbred dairy population in East Africa

    Genetic and phenotypic characterization of African goat populations to prioritize conservation and production efforts for small-holder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Food production systems in Africa depend heavily on the use of locally adapted animals. Goats are critical to small-holder farmers being easier to acquire, maintain, and act as scavengers in sparse pasture. Indigenous goats have undergone generations of adaptation and genetic isolation that have led to great phenotypic variation. These indigenous goats serve as a genetic reservoir for the identification of genes important to environmental adaptation, disease resistance, and improved productivity under local conditions. The immediate goal is to characterize African goat populations to prioritize conservation and production efforts and to develop genomic tools for use in selective breeding programs. We have established a standardized phenotypic scoring system to characterize goats including geographical information data, body measurements, photo characterization, and DNA. To date, 2,443 goats from 12 countries, representing 46 breeds have been sampled. Using the 50K goat beadchip, we report parameters of population structure of 620 African goats

    A review of equity issues in quantitative studies on health inequalities: the case of asthma in adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The term 'inequities' refers to avoidable differences rooted in injustice. This review examined whether or not, and how, quantitative studies identifying inequalities in risk factors and health service utilization for asthma explicitly addressed underlying inequities. Asthma was chosen because recent decades have seen strong increases in asthma prevalence in many international settings, and inequalities in risk factors and related outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A review was conducted of studies that identified social inequalities in asthma-related outcomes or health service use in adult populations. Data were extracted on use of equity terms (objective evidence), and discussion of equity issues without using the exact terms (subjective evidence).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 219 unique articles retrieved, 21 were eligible for inclusion. None used the terms equity/inequity. While all but one article traced at least partial pathways to inequity, only 52% proposed any intervention and 55% of these interventions focused exclusively on the more proximal, clinical level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Without more in-depth and systematic examination of inequities underlying asthma prevalence, quantitative studies may fail to provide the evidence required to inform equity-oriented interventions to address underlying circumstances restricting opportunities for health.</p
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