52 research outputs found

    Is there any advantage of using stand-alone cages? A numerical approach

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    Background: Segment fusion using interbody cages supplemented with pedicle screw fixation is the most common surgery for the treatment of low back pain. However, there is still much controversy regarding the use of cages in a stand-alone fashion. The goal of this work is to numerically compare the influence that each surgery has on lumbar biomechanics. Methods: A non-linear FE model of the whole lumbar spine was developed to compare between two types of cages (OLYS and NEOLIF) with and without supplementary fixation. The motion of the whole spine was analysed and the biomechanical environment of the adjacent segments to the operated one was studied. Moreover, the risk of subsidence of the cages was qualitatively evaluated. Results: A great ROM reduction occurred when supplementary fixation was used. This stiffening increased the stresses at the adjacent levels. It might be hypothesised that the overloading of these segments could be related with the clinically observed adjacent disc degeneration. Meanwhile, the stand-alone cages allowed for a wider movement, and therefore, the influence of the surgery on adjacent discs was much lower. Regarding the risk of subsidence, the contact pressure magnitude was similar for both intervertebral cage designs and near the value of the maximum tolerable pressure of the endplates. Conclusions: A minimally invasive posterior insertion of an intervertebral cage (OLYS or NEOLIF) was compared using a stand-alone design or adding supplementary fixation. The outcomes of these two techniques were compared, and although stand-alone cage may diminish the risk of disease progression to the adjacent discs, the spinal movement in this case could compromise the vertebral fusion and might present a higher risk of cage subsidence

    Comparison of Machine Learning Methods Using Spectralis OCT for Diagnosis and Disability Progression Prognosis in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Machine learning approaches in diagnosis and prognosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) were analysed using retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT). A cross-sectional study (72 MS patients and 30 healthy controls) was used for diagnosis. These 72 MS patients were involved in a 10-year longitudinal follow-up study for prognostic purposes. Structural measurements of RNFL thickness were performed using different Spectralis OCT protocols: fast macular thickness protocol to measure macular RNFL, and fast RNFL thickness protocol and fast RNFL-N thickness protocol to measure peripapillary RNFL. Binary classifiers such as multiple linear regression (MLR), support vector machines (SVM), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbours (k-NN), Naïve Bayes (NB), ensemble classifier (EC) and long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network were tested. For MS diagnosis, the best acquisition protocol was fast macular thickness protocol using k-NN (accuracy: 95.8%; sensitivity: 94.4%; specificity: 97.2%; precision: 97.1%; AUC: 0.958). For MS prognosis, our model with a 3-year follow up to predict disability progression 8 years later was the best predictive model. DT performed best for fast macular thickness protocol (accuracy: 91.3%; sensitivity: 90.0%; specificity: 92.5%; precision: 92.3%; AUC: 0.913) and SVM for fast RNFL-N thickness protocol (accuracy: 91.3%; sensitivity: 87.5%; specificity: 95.0%; precision: 94.6%; AUC: 0.913). This work concludes that measurements of RNFL thickness obtained with Spectralis OCT have a good ability to diagnose MS and to predict disability progression in MS patients. This machine learning approach would help clinicians to have valuable information. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Stand-alone lumbar cage subsidence: A biomechanical sensitivity study of cage design and placement.

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    Background and objective: Spinal degeneration and instability are commonly treated with interbody fusion cages either alone or supplemented with posterior instrumentation with the aim to immobilise the segment and restore intervertebral height. The purpose of this work is to establish a tool which may help to understand the effects of intervertebral cage design and placement on the biomechanical response of a patient-specific model to help reducing post-surgical complications such as subsidence and segment instability. Methods: A 3D lumbar functional spinal unit (FSU) finite element model was created and a parametric model of an interbody cage was designed and introduced in the FSU. A Drucker–Prager Cap plasticity formulation was used to predict plastic strains and bone failure in the vertebrae. The effect of varying cage size, cross-sectional area, apparent stiffness and positioning was evaluated under 500 N preload followed by 7.5 Nm multidirectional rotation and the results were compared with the intact model. Results: The most influential cage parameters on the FSU were size, curvature congruence with the endplates and cage placement. Segmental stiffness was higher when increasing the cross-sectional cage area in all loading directions and when the cage was anteriorly placed in all directions but extension. In general, the facet joint forces were reduced by increasing segmental stiffness. However, these forces were higher than in the intact model in most of the cases due to the displacement of the instantaneous centre of rotation. The highest plastic deformations took place at the caudal vertebra under flexion and increased for cages with greater stiffness. Thus, wider cages and a more anteriorly placement would increase the volume of failed bone and, therefore, the risk of subsidence. Conclusions: Cage geometry plays a crucial role in the success of lumbar surgery. General considerations such as larger cages may be applied as a guideline, but parameters such as curvature or cage placement should be determined for each specific patient. This model provides a proof-of-concept of a tool for the preoperative evaluation of lumbar surgical outcomes

    Analysis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in paediatric patients with unilateral crossbite using automatically generated finite element models

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    The evaluation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction using finite element models is a time consuming process that requires extensive technical knowledge. We combined a statistical active appearance model with automated modelling algorithms to biomechanically study the relationship between TMJ malformations and dysfunction in radiographs from 20 paediatric patients with unilateral crossbite. A fitting algorithm (fitting error < 4%) recognised the TMJ shape and adjusted the dimensions of each patient-specific 2D FE model, which was then used to compute 2 different joint movements. Significant functional differences were observed between the crossbite and non-cross bite sides, and the shape-function relation was verified

    Towards an in-plane methodology to track breast lesions using mammograms and patient-specific finite-element simulations

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    In breast cancer screening or diagnosis, it is usual to combine different images in order to locate a lesion as accurately as possible. These images are generated using a single or several imaging techniques. As x-ray-based mammography is widely used, a breast lesion is located in the same plane of the image (mammogram), but tracking it across mammograms corresponding to different views is a challenging task for medical physicians. Accordingly, simulation tools and methodologies that use patient-specific numerical models can facilitate the task of fusing information from different images. Additionally, these tools need to be as straightforward as possible to facilitate their translation to the clinical area. This paper presents a patient-specific, finite-element-based and semi-automated simulation methodology to track breast lesions across mammograms. A realistic three-dimensional computer model of a patient''s breast was generated from magnetic resonance imaging to simulate mammographic compressions in cranio-caudal (CC, head-to-toe) and medio-lateral oblique (MLO, shoulder-to-opposite hip) directions. For each compression being simulated, a virtual mammogram was obtained and posteriorly superimposed to the corresponding real mammogram, by sharing the nipple as a common feature. Two-dimensional rigid-body transformations were applied, and the error distance measured between the centroids of the tumors previously located on each image was 3.84 mm and 2.41 mm for CC and MLO compression, respectively. Considering that the scope of this work is to conceive a methodology translatable to clinical practice, the results indicate that it could be helpful in supporting the tracking of breast lesions

    Numerical simulations of bone remodelling and formation following nucleotomy

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    Nucleotomy is the gold standard treatment for disc herniation and has proven ability to restore stability by creating a bony bridge without any additional fixation. However, the evolution of mineral density in the extant and new bone after nucleotomy and fixation techniques has to date not been investigated in detail. The main goal of this study is to determine possible mechanisms that may trigger the bone remodelling and formation processes. With that purpose, a finite element model of the L4–L5 spinal segment was used. Bone mineral density (BMD), new tissue composition, and endplate deflection were determined as indicators of lumbar fusion. A bone-remodelling algorithm and a tissue-healing algorithm, both mechanically driven, were implemented to predict vertebral bone alterations and fusion patterns after nucleotomy, internal fixation, and anterior plate placement. When considering an intact disc height, neither nucleotomy nor internal fixation were able to provide the necessary stability to promote bony fusion. However, when 75% of the disc height was considered, bone fusion was predicted for both techniques. By contrast, an anterior plate allowed bone fusion at all disc heights. A 50% disc-height reduction led to osteophyte formation in all cases. Changes in the intervertebral disc tissue caused BMD alterations in the endplates. From this observations it can be drawn that fusion may be self-induced by controlling the mechanical stabilisation without the need of additional fixation. The amount of tissue to be removed to achieve this stabilisation remains to be determined

    Simulación por elementos finitos de la articulación temporomandibular

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    En los últimos años, las patologías asociadas a la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) han cobrado una gran importancia en odontología y patología. Las disfunciones de esta articulación están relacionadas con la inestabilidad mecánica y el movimiento irregular de los componentes biomecánicos que la componen. Dentro de los diferentes elementos que forman esta articulación, es el disco articular la pieza clave dentro de la misma, ya que absorbe las tensiones durante el funcionamiento de la mandíbula, proporciona un adecuado contacto entre las superficies óseas y proporciona estabilidad a la articulación. En este trabajo se desarrollaron dos modelos de elemento finitos bidimensionales de la ATM, uno para una articulación sana y otro para una patológica afectada de un desplazamiento anterior del disco. En ambos modelos de elementos finitos se introdujeron diferentes modelos de comportamiento para simular de manera real el comportamiento del disco articular. Las simulaciones realizadas resultaron ser fieles al comportamiento biomecánico de la ATM real tanto sana como patológica, obteniéndose resultados cualitativos contrastados con la experiencia clínica. Por otro lado, se demostró la necesidad de introducir modelos de comportamiento complejos para simular de manera real el funcionamiento de esta articulación.Peer Reviewe

    A Constitutive Model for the Annulus of Human Intervertebral Disc: Implications for Developing a Degeneration Model and Its Influence on Lumbar Spine Functioning

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    The study of the mechanical properties of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs is significant to the study on the diseases of lumbar intervertebral discs in terms of both theoretical modelling and clinical application value. The annulus fibrosus tissue of the human intervertebral disc (IVD) has a very distinctive structure and behaviour. It consists of a solid porous matrix, saturated with water, which mainly contains proteoglycan and collagen fibres network. In this work a mathematical model for a fibred reinforced material including the osmotic pressure contribution was developed. This behaviour was implemented in a finite element (FE) model and numerical characterization and validation, based on experimental results, were carried out for the normal annulus tissue. The characterization of the model for a degenerated annulus was performed, and this was capable of reproducing the increase of stiffness and the reduction of its nonlinear material response and of its hydrophilic nature. Finally, this model was used to reproduce the degeneration of the L4L5 disc in a complete finite element lumbar spine model proving that a single level degeneration modifies the motion patterns and the loading of the segments above and below the degenerated disc

    Jaw biodynamic data for 24 patients with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder

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    This study assessed 24 adult patients, suffering from severe chronic unilateral pain diagnosed as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD). The full dentate patients had normal occlusion and had never received an occlusal therapy, i.e., were with natural dental evolution/maturation. The following functional and dynamic factors were assessed: (1) chewing function; (2) TMJ remodeling or the condylar path (CP); and (3) lateral jaw motion or lateral guidance (LG). CPs were assessed using conventional axiography, and LG was assessed by K7 jaw tracking. Seventeen (71%) of the 24 (100%) patients consistently showed a habitual chewing side. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) of the CP angles was 47.90 (9.24) degrees. The mean (SD) of the LG angles was 42.95 (11.78) degrees. Data collection emerged from the conception of a new TMD paradigm where the affected side could be the habitual chewing side, the side with flatter lateral jaw motion or the side with an increased CP angle. These data may lead to improved diagnosis, therapy plans and evolution in TMD patients

    Calculo de volúmenes en modelos remallados de elementos finitos

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    [EN] Computer-assisted Finite Element Method is a widespread tool in the field of engineering. In certain applications, it is necessary to modify the mesh of the model during the analysis, which is known as ’remeshing’. In these situations, it is usually needed to perform some measurements, p.e., to calculate the volume of a region. Commercial packages can cover these needed, but they reveal to be limited in some situations. In this work, an application developed in MatlabQc is presented to approximately calculate the volume of a spatial region comprised between to meshes. The first is a quadrilateral finite element mesh, and the second mesh is topologically equivalent to the first and obtained through a remeshing process.[ES] El Método de los Elementos Finitos asistido por ordenador es una herramienta muy extendida en ingeniería. En ciertas aplicaciones, se precisa modificar la malla del modelo a lo largo del proceso de simulación, lo que se conoce como remallado. En estos casos, además, suele ser necesario realizar mediciones en el modelo de elementos finitos, como por ejemplo calcular el volumen de ciertas regiones del mismo. Los paquetes comerciales disponibles en la actualidad permiten satisfacer algunas de estas necesidades, aunque adolecen de ciertas limitaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación desarrollada en el código propio de MatlabQc, que permite el cálculo aproximado del volumen de una región del espacio comprendida entre una malla de elementos finitos cuadriláteros lineales y otra malla topológicamente equivalente a la anterior, esta última obtenida a través de un proceso de remallado.Lapuebla-Ferri, A.; Giménez, F.; Jiménez, A.; Monsoriu, JA.; Pérez Del Palomar, A. (2011). Calculo de volúmenes en modelos remallados de elementos finitos. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 4:289-297. doi:10.4995/msel.2011.3092SWORD2892974Zienkiewicz, O. C. y Taylor, R. L. The Finite Element Method. McGraw-Hill, Berkshire, UK, 1994. The Mathworks, INC. MatlabQc Natik, MA, USA. (R2007a) User's Guide. The Mathworks, INC., MA, USA.Hughes, T. J. R., The Finite Element Method, Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1987. Burden, R. L. y Faires, J. D., Análisis numérico. International Thomson, México, 2002